July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 30, 2022


G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport

The G20, a group of 19 nations — including the U.S. — plus the European Union, recently held their annual business meeting (B20) in Bali, Indonesia, where they declared that a digital vaccine passport, standardized by the World Health Organization, will be part of international pandemic prevention and response moving forward

The rule for standardized international vaccine passports will be introduced as a revision to the international health regulations during the next World Health Assembly in Geneva

The G20 recommendations also include the creation of guidelines for a globally coordinated response to crises, “enhanced by a technology-enabled ‘always-on’ global health infrastructure,” and a mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccines made by G20 members

President Biden signed the declaration despite the promises made by his White House COVID-19 Response Team leader, Jeff Zients, who in April 2021 stated, “Let me be clear that the government is not now, nor will we be supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a [vaccination] credential”

The fact that the COVID shots do not prevent spread of infection has now been established many times over. This alone proves that vaccine passports are not for the purpose of containing epidemics. An international vaccine passport is the gateway to complete totalitarian control, because the entire control grid around a person gets tied together by it

Canadian Food Bank Complains of Lack of ‘Culturally Appropriate’ Donations

A food bank in the Canadian city of Surrey, British Columbia, has complained over a lack of “culturally appropriate” food, noting that around 80 per cent of those who use the food bank are Muslim.

The Surrey Food Bank claims that it needs more food, specifically Halal slaughtered meats, due to increasing demand from local Muslim families who make up around 80 per cent of the 13,000 people who use the food bank.

‘Great Reset in Full Force’ — Dutch Govt Plans to Shut Down Up To 3,000 Farms to Meet EU Green Goals

The Dutch government’s plans to buy out, and seize if necessary, thousands of farms to shut them down to comply with a European Union green agenda directive has been branded as the “Great Reset in full force”.

Last week, the globalist government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte finally spelt out its plans to cut nitrogen emissions to fall in line with the EU’s Natura 2000 programme, which seeks to stamp out agriculture near supposedly at-risk wildlife regions across the bloc. In the plans laid out by Rutte’s cabinet, the government will seek to buy out between two and three thousand farms with a one-off payment, starting by as soon as April of next year.

U.K.: Transgender ‘Woman’ Jailed for Impregnating 14-Year-Old

A transgender man living as a woman in the United Kingdom has been sentenced to nine-and-a-half years in jail for impregnating a 14-year-old girl.

The jury found transgender David Orton, who identifies by the name Danielle Rose Gemini, guilty on two counts of “penetrative sexual activity with a child” but found him not guilty on two counts of rape.

EU wants to cash in Russia’s frozen assets

EU lawmakers are looking for legal ways to confiscate Russian assets that have been frozen as part of Western sanctions and to use these to help Ukraine.

The issue of a legal seizure of Russian state and private assets held abroad has been debated for months by EU officials. However, the bloc’s desired mechanism is not easy to apply, as in most EU nations seizing frozen assets is only legally possible when there is a criminal conviction.

“In the short term, we could create, with our partners, a structure to manage these funds and invest them. We would then use the proceeds for Ukraine,” EU president Ursula von der Leyen said in a statement on Wednesday.

She added that so far the EU and its allies have blocked €300 billion (over $310 billion) of Russian Central Bank reserves and have frozen €19 billion in assets of Russian individuals.

Moscow has called the seizures illegal, and has said that, effectively, they constitute theft.

US Officials Pushing for Military Intervention in Haiti

 Some top Biden administration officials are pushing for an international military intervention in Haiti over concerns of a migration crisis, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

The government of acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry has been under pressure over growing gang violence in the country and from demonstrators that are demanding Henry resign. Henry requested foreign military intervention last month to break a blockade of a key fuel terminal in Port-au-Prince, but the Haitian national police have since broken the blockade.

The US proposed a UN resolution calling for foreign military force to enter Haiti after Henry’s request but has struggled to find a country willing to lead the intervention. The Times report said that while the Biden administration officials want to see military intervention in the country, they don’t want it to involve US troops.

US officials said that the deployment of 2,500 troops and police officers could be enough to secure key areas in Haiti. But countries the US has looked to lead the intervention are hesitant, including Canada and Brazil.

While Haitians are facing violence and food shortage, most people in the country are against the intervention due to the country’s dark history with foreign military occupations. The most recent UN peacekeeping deployment that ended in 2017 involved extensive human rights abuses, including the sexual assault of underage girls, and a Cholera outbreak.

A report from NPR earlier in November found that most Haitians oppose foreign military intervention. “All they brought was kidnappings and rape and cholera,” a protest organizer told NPR of the UN peacekeeping deployment. “If the UN sends troops to Haiti, the fighting will get even more intense.”

Henry has little popular support as he was never elected. He was made the country’s acting leader following the 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, whose killing was never solved.


Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

The U.S. Senate passed the Respect for Marriage Act on Tuesday in a bipartisan vote of 61 to 36, which will require the federal government to recognize all marriages, including same-sex marriages, that are legal in the state where they took place.

The measure will now move to the House, where it is expected to pass in the final days of a Democratic-controlled chamber before making its way to the White House for President Joe Biden’s signature.

A handful of GOP senators, including Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, Joni Ernst, Cynthia Lummis, Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney, Dan Sullivan, Thom Tillis and Todd Young, earlier this month helped the bill clear a first procedural hurdle. The same 12 Republicans propelled the legislation across the finish line Tuesday.

Kari Lake Doesn’t Concede After Maricopa County Certifies Results

Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake did not concede on Monday after Maricopa County certified its election results in favor of Democrat Katie Hobbs and said she is “firmly in this fight.”

“I want you to know that I am firmly in this fight with you,” Lake said in a video released on Twitter shortly after the election results were certified in Arizona’s most populous county. “Maricopa County just couldn’t wait to certify their botched election,” she said.

Citing issues reported by Maricopa County officials and voters on Nov. 8, Lake then said that “Election Day voting centers were inoperable” and said that “Arizonans were expected to wait in line two, three, four, even five hours” to cast a ballot.

Lake, a former television news anchor backed by former President Donald Trump, said that she is currently working with lawyers on a legal case to challenge the election in Maricopa County. It came after her team filed a lawsuit last week against officials there.

“State statute requires certification before our case can move forward,” Lake asserted. “You know how hard I worked on the campaign trail leading our movement to bring common sense solutions to our problems. I am taking that same work ethic and using it behind the scenes right now, building a strong legal case.”

In the Twitter video, Lake did not elaborate on the nature of her next lawsuit. The one her team filed last week (pdf) demanded the release of Maricopa’s election records, which Lake later said would be the basis of a larger legal challenge.

Pennsylvania Republicans Form State Freedom Caucus, Eighth Nationwide

Standing for Americans who feel government has left them behind

Some 23 Republican members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives have formed a state freedom caucus, aiming to be the conservative voice in an increasingly Democrat-leaning state. The caucus was announced Monday in Harrisburg with an introduction by Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) who chairs the U.S. congressional House Freedom Caucus.

“We stand for the millions of Americans who feel that government [has] left them behind and they don’t have a voice. We’re bringing that voice,” Perry said in front of a small gathering of representatives who will be members of the Pennsylvania caucus.

“People don’t vote for Republicans to come to their state capitol and work out deals in the back room with leftist Democrats,” Perry added. “People say, ‘Well, these are a bunch of radical extremists.’ That’s what the press likes to say: ‘radical extremists.’ I will remind everybody here … the Republican party isn’t the one that [has] offered socialists up to run for office and hold office and promote their policies. These are folks that believe in the Constitution, take an oath for a reason, and want to abide by it, want to stand by the principles that they go out and talk to people about.”

Feds want a manager to oversee the troubled water system in Jackson, Mississippi

The city and the state Health Department have signed the proposal, which needs the approval of a federal judge.

The federal government filed a proposal Tuesday to appoint a manager for the troubled water system in Mississippi’s capital city, which nearly collapsed in late summer and continues to struggle.

The Justice Department said in a news release that the proposal is meant to be an interim measure while the federal government, the city of Jackson and the Mississippi State Department of Health try to negotiate a judicially enforceable consent decree. The goal is to achieve long-term sustainability of the system and the city’s compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and other laws.

The city and the state health department have signed the proposal, which needs approval of a federal judge.

The Justice Department on Tuesday also filed a complaint on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency against Jackson, alleging that the city has failed to provide drinking water that is reliably compliant with the Safe Drinking Water Act. According to the agreement, that litigation will be put on hold for six months while all parties try to improve the water system.

Kansas Judge Blocks State Ban On Prescribing Abortion Drugs Via Telemedicine

A Kansas judge on Wednesday blocked a 2011 state law that barred doctors from prescribing abortion pills via telemedicine.

Judge Teresa L. Watson reinstated a temporary injunction to prohibit enforcement of the law, which is at the center of a lawsuit brought in 2019 by the Center for Reproductive Rights on behalf of a Wichita abortion clinic. The law required abortion-inducing drugs to be given to patients in the same room as the doctor who prescribed the medication, effectively banning telemedicine abortion services.

“This decision will further open up abortion care in Kansas at a time it’s urgently needed. In this post-Roe world, telemedicine can make the difference in being able to receive abortion care or not.” Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, said in a statement on Wednesday following the release of the court injunction.

For now, physicians physically present at clinics can provide care for patients located anywhere within Kansas, but not beyond its borders. A patient from another state may still see a doctor at a Kansas clinic if they go to the clinic in person.

Two Oath Keepers, Including Founder Stewart Rhodes, Found Guilty of Jan. 6 Seditious Conspiracy

Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers militia group, was found guilty by a jury on Nov. 29 of seditious conspiracy connected to the events on Jan 6, 2021.

One co-defendant, Kelly Meggs, was also found guilty of seditious conspiracy on Tuesday, while three others—Kenneth Harrelson, Jessica Watkins, and Thomas Caldwell—were acquitted of that charge.

In total, Rhodes was found guilty on three out of five counts: seditious conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, and tampering with documents or proceedings.

Meggs was found guilty on five counts out of six: seditious conspiracy, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to prevent an officer from discharging any duties, and tampering with documents.

California Releases Thousands of Convicted Pedophiles Within a Year of Conviction

California has released thousands of convicted pedophiles after spending only a few months in prison.

Such pedophiles have been convicted of “a range of horrific acts, including raping kids under 14,” according to the study investigation conducted by the U.K. Daily Mail.

More than 7,000 persons convicted of “lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age” have been released in the same year they were convicted. Convicts who committed even more heinous crimes, such as sodomy and rape of children, also served short sentences.

“Thousands of child victims are being denied justice and George Gascón and his group of radical prosecutors can [sic] care less,” Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami, who serves in the Complex Child Abuse Unit and whose outspokenness about DA Gascón contributed to a recall effort, told the Daily Mail.

5 officers charged after Connecticut man paralyzed in police van incident

The five New Haven, Connecticut police officers involved in the incident that left Richard “Randy” Cox paralyzed in June have been arrested.

On June 19, Cox, 36, was arrested for unlawfully possessing a firearm. He was handcuffed and placed inside a police van that had no seatbelts. When the van stopped abruptly, video released by authorities shows Cox being launched headfirst toward the front of the van’s holding area and smashing his head into the wall. Cox pleaded for help and said he couldn’t move but did not immediately receive medical attention.

Some of the officers instead mocked him and accused him of being drunk and faking his injuries. Then, the officers dragged him by his feet from the van and placed him in a holding cell prior to his eventual transfer to a hospital.

The incident left Cox paralyzed from the chest down.


Bank of America CEO: Fed Has to Tighten to Fix Too Much Stimulus, We’ll Have Recession in 2023 and Housing Market Downturn for 2 Years

On Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan stated that there was too much COVID stimulus, and “Now, we have to adjust to that decision. And that’s why you’re seeing the Fed tighten quick.” Moynihan also said 2023 will see a “mild” recession and the housing market will “take almost two years” to adjust.

Moynihan predicted a “mild recession” but not the massive downturn predicted by others like Jamie Dimon.

As Ross Ulbricht Rots in a Cage for a Website, FTX Founder Celebrated by Elite for Stealing Billions

“How did this dude steal billions of dollars and is now speaking at a summit as a free man? Make it make sense.” — the internet.

This is the question that millions of people are asking after weeks have now passed since Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX scandal unfolded. Bankman-Fried is accused of treating FTX as a ‘personal fiefdom’ as he squandered billions in cash and digital assets of his former clients.

According to a Bloomberg News report, customer funds were seemingly used to buy real estate while Bankman-Fried himself took a $1 billion loan out from Alameda Research, a trading firm founded by Sam Bankman-Fried. The firm was trading billions of dollars from FTX accounts and leveraging the exchange’s native token as collateral, according to reports.

Essentially, Bankman-Fried was taking assets from his customers, without their permission, and squandering them on risky trades. According to U.S. securities law, mixing customer funds with counterparties and trading them without explicit consent is against the law.

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz is one of the folks throwing his hands up and demanding to know why Bankman-Fried has not been arrested or even charged.

“If you read your contract when you deposit your crypto or your dollars on his exchange, they’re your coins and you have title to them, and lending them to his family office was not part of the deal. So, you know, nobody who participated in that exchange signed a contract that Sam could take your coins and run a hedge fund with them. That’s fraud,” Novogratz said in an interview with CNBC recently.


Stanford Professor Declares: “Academic Freedom Is Dead”

A Stanford Professor who challenged the orthodoxy of lockdowns has warned that “academic freedom is dead,” and that all those who have stood up to the regime narrative now face “a deeply hostile work environment.”

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, an author of the Great Barrington Declaration in which thousands of scientists called for a policy of herd immunity over lockdowns, warned that “When you take a position that is at odds with the scientific clerisy, your life becomes a living hell.”

Speaking at the Academic Freedom Conference at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business recently, Bhattacharya, who previously described lockdowns as the most catastrophically harmful policy in “all of history,” and “the single worst public health mistake in the last 100 years,” noted “we have a high clerisy that declares from on high what is true and what is not true.”

Watch: Climate Science and Biomedical Sciences with Lomborg, Bhattacharya, Ioannidis, and Diffenbaugh


Rutherford Institute Opposes Proposal to Allow Police to Expand Their Power to Kill Through the Use of Armed Robots

The Rutherford Institute has voiced its opposition to a proposal that would give police the power to kill using armed robots. In a letter to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Rutherford Institute attorneys are urging Supervisors to reject a portion of a proposed policy on police use of military equipment which would allow police to employ deadly force through remotely-controlled, armed robots.

“Police in America are already dressed in the trappings of war, drilled in the deadly art of combat, and trained to look upon every individual they interact with as an armed threat and every situation as a deadly force encounter in the making,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “At a time when it doesn’t take much to provoke a cop into opening fire on an unarmed person guilty of doing nothing more than standing a certain way, or moving a certain way, or holding something—anything—that police could misinterpret to be a weapon, the last thing this country needs are police agencies armed with killer robots.”


How to Consolidate Your Memory During Sleep

Official recommendations on the number of hours one should sleep (based on age) do exist, but only about 35 percent of American adults meet the number.Lack of sleep not only affects one’s health, but also dramatically affects memory capability.

So how many hours do we need to acquire everyday for a better quality of life and clear mind?  Can we find methods to accomplish the function of sleep, but use minimum hours of our precious time everyday?

Early Surge of Illnesses Causing Shortages of Antibiotics, Antivirals

An early surge in cold and flu cases has created shortages in key antiviral and antibiotic drugs needed for the annual “sick season,” pharmacists report.

The antiviral flu drug Tamiflu is in short supply for both adults and children, in both its brand name formulation as well as the generic version, said Michael Ganio, senior director of pharmacy practice and quality with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

In addition, shortages are occurring in the pediatric versions of amoxicillin and Augmentin, two antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections that often follow flu, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) or COVID in children, said Brigid Groves, senior director of practice and professional affairs with the American Pharmacists Association.

→ Stock up on natural antivirals like our Silver Liquid & Oregano Oil (safe for children & pets!)

Top 4 Healing Properties Of Pomegranate

Why not add pomegranate to your healthy habits to gain benefits from protecting your brain to increasing your immunity and lowering inflammation in your body?

Pomegranate is considered a superfood and the best way to benefit from this low in calories, but packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals, nutrition is to cut the pomegranate in half and eat the fresh pink seeds — known as arils — inside the whole fruit.[i] Researchers have found pomegranate to have neuroprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial healing properties that are highly beneficial to your health.[ii]

  1. Neuroprotective
  2. Antioxidant
  3. Anti-inflammatory
  4. Antibacterial

Healing Aspects of Pomegranate

Pomegranate has been called a “miracle fruit” for its seeds being consumed as food, juice and as a functional food.[xxxiv] Significant scientific and clinical evidence in GreenMedInfo.com’s database highlights pomegranate‘s beneficial neuroprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.


Dem Rep. Peltola: Dems Should Push Drilling in Lame-Duck, ‘We Have an Opportunity to Provide a Lot More Petroleum’ with Drilling in Alaska

On Tuesday’s edition of NBC’s “MTP Now,” Rep. Mary Peltola (D-AK) called for Democrats to focus on things that benefit Americans in the lame-duck session of Congress and one thing that could help Americans is taking advantage of the “opportunity to provide a lot more petroleum to America” by opening up drilling for oil in the Willow Project in Alaska and argued that tapping the oil there could help ease the diesel costs that are “a real driver” of inflation.

Peltola said, “I think we really should be focused on Americans. And one of the big things that I’m going to be pushing is for the Willow Project in Alaska. That is a project on the North Slope and because of directional drilling being available now up to seven miles, we have an opportunity to provide a lot more petroleum to America. And we certainly see the need for this with foreign wars going on and the exorbitant cost of petroleum right now. I think that the cost of diesel is a real driver in the inflation that we’re seeing. And getting more access to American petroleum, I think is a really critical thing.”


Is It Time to Start Growing Your Own Food?

The benefits of growing your own food include the enjoyment of fresh organic produce, getting exercise in the garden and reducing stress

Victory gardens were encouraged during WWI and WWII; some are again turning to gardening in response to COVID-19

Conventional farms are incentivized by profit: Many are growing crops to be used in processed foods. This potentially contaminates water and air and reduces biodiversity

The No. 1 rule for growing nutrient dense food is healthy soil; protect it by diversifying your plants, avoiding tilling and by covering the surface with cover crops or mulch

Quality seeds are essential. In small spaces you can grow your plants in pots indoors or on balconies and enjoy nutritious powerhouse sprouts all year long

—> Get your SEED KITS today from thepowermall.com


In August, 58% Of COVID Deaths Were “Vaccinated” With mRNA Shots

There’s a remarkable concession appearing in The Washington Post today:

“a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.”

The latest data shows that 58% of COVID-19 deaths in August 2022 were from people who were vaccinated or boosted. Based on past figures and the current trends, we can reasonably estimate that the number of vaccinated/boosted COVID-19 deaths will only rise. (In September 2021, the vaccinated accounted for 23% of COVID-19 deaths; in January/February 2022, the vaccinated were 42%.)

This is what happens when you rush ineffective and dangerous vaccines.

The FDA’s promises of efficacy – 91% for the Pfizer vaccine and 93% for the Moderna vaccine – were always based on hope, not data. So too were the promises of safety. At the time of the official approvals, both Pfizer and Moderna hadn’t submitted any type of long-term numbers on effectiveness. Their trials were polluted with the unblinding of participants and their safety studies are “ongoing.”

Now, we’re seeing efficacy numbers plummet within months of vaccination. The pandemic is of the vaccinated. The boosters? They’re to the benefit of the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical companies, as they mask the true problems with the two-shot vaccines.

Slew of Unusual Adverse Events Becoming More Common After COVID Vaccine Rollout

If we go to a doctor or clinic for a vaccination, be it an influenza shot or a COVID-19 vaccine, we go with the expectation that it is safe.

We usually dismiss mild symptoms, such as headaches, fever, pain, and redness at the injection site, since we are typically informed of them beforehand and expect them to be transient in duration. Thankfully, most of the time, people recover from them and proceed with their lives as before.

However, since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, a significant proportion of vaccinated people have experienced many unusual adverse events. Doctors are raising concerns. Public health officials and vaccine manufacturers are also addressing the high incidence of blood clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, and menstrual irregularities.

Yet, there are thousands more documented health conditions reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)—some appearing very frequently—that have not yet been given the same level of attention.

Since their rollout, COVID-19 vaccines have prompted more VAERS adverse event reports than all VAERS reports made in the previous 30 years, comprising over 55 percent of vaccine injury and death reports. These reports have thousands of different adverse event labels.

Although nearly 1.5 million COVID-19 vaccine injury and death reports have been made to VAERS, studies say the true number of adverse reactions is many times higher. The 2005–2009 HHS-funded Harvard Pilgrim study found that less than 1 percent of adverse events following 1.4 million vaccines administered were reported to VAERS; several independent analysts estimate that only 2.5 percent of COVID vaccine adverse reactions are reported to VAERS.

The system is also notorious for its redundancy: injection site swelling, vaccine site swelling, and swelling are recorded as separate events, and a person reporting to the system may select one or all three events.

Another study found that more serious adverse events are more likely to be reported.

This article examines several now-common adverse events following COVID vaccination. The figures are from the most recent update on Nov. 18, 2022

‘Negative Efficacy’ Should Have Stopped COVID Vaccine Recommendations in Their Tracks

Recently, various health agencies around the world have approved and are actively pushing for another COVID booster shot, meant to enhance the vaccine efficacy against a COVD-19 infection.

However, many studies have found that the boosters do not make a significant  difference in protection, especially in terms of protection against reinfection. In fact, the latest data shows vaccine efficacy against the coronavirus tends to even drop into the negatives after just a few months.

FDA Trying to Rewrite COVID History on Prohibiting Ivermectin, Dr. Atlas Says

Boyden Gray & Associates filed a lawsuit in June on behalf of three doctors who allege that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) illegally interfered with their doctor–patient relationships, resulting in harm. They also claim that the FDA broke the law when the agency issued statements prohibiting the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

In response to the lawsuit, lawyers for the FDA claimed that its guidance for people to “stop” taking ivermectin for COVID-19 was informal and just a recommendation; as such, they weren’t mandating against it.

However, in an interview that aired on NTD’s “Newsmakers” on Nov. 23, Dr. Scott Atlas, a senior fellow in health care policy at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, confirmed that the FDA did, indeed, take an “unprecedented” approach against ivermectin and said that their defense amounts to the FDA trying to rewrite COVID-19 history.


Elon Musk Says Exposé of Twitter’s ‘Free Speech Suppression’ Coming ‘Soon’

Elon Musk said Monday that Twitter’s internal files on the company’s “free speech suppression” will be revealed “soon,” raising expectations that light will be shed on the circumstances around Twitter’s censorship of the New York Post’s explosive story that exposed information on a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

“The Twitter Files on free speech suppression soon to be published on Twitter itself. The public deserves to know what really happened …” Musk said in a post late Monday.

Critics have long held that Twitter has used vague standards to censor or suspend accounts and that the ones targeted are predominantly those expressing conservative views.

Twitter has denied any bias in its actions, repeatedly insisting it is simply following its content moderation policies.

Weeks before the 2020 presidential election, the New York Post published an article that allegedly detailed meetings President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, had with a Ukrainian energy firm before then-Vice President Biden pressured Ukrainian government officials to fire a prosecutor probing the company.


Biden’s Secret Service Rental Vehicles Burst Into Flames After He Left Thanksgiving Vacation

Vehicles the U.S. Secret Service had rented for President Joe Biden and his family during their Thanksgiving holiday burst into flames on Monday at the Nantucket Airport, officials said Tuesday.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told NBC News that the vehicles that caught on fire were rented from Hertz and returned after the Secret Service was finished using them. The Secret Service was not involved and had no information on why it occurred, the spokesman said.

Biden and his family did not ride in any of the vehicles that caught fire on Monday, Guglielmi added to the outlet. Those cars were used to transport Secret Service agents and staff on the island.

The Nantucket Airport confirmed the fire late on Monday, posting a photo of the charred vehicles. It said that around 5:22 a.m. on Monday, airport staff observed an “active fire in the rental car overflow area” before the local fire department responded.

“Staff activated the Alert system and responded to the fire in Airport-3, where they were met by responding units from Nantucket Fire Department and Nantucket Police Department,” it said.

“Combined fire resources responded and contained the fire. Several vehicles were damaged. The Airport is currently coordinating with rental car agencies and agency partners to ensure scene safety, There is no longer an active fire at this time: the Airport is open, and aeronautical operations are not affected,” the statement added.

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