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Today’s News: October 18, 2022


Blackouts In Ukraine After Russia Destroyed 30% Power Stations: Zelensky

Many settlements in Zhytomyr region, west of Kyiv, and parts of Dnipro city in central Ukraine were without electricity, while power was restored to the southern city of Mykolaiv after strikes overnight.

Great Reset: Dutch Children Fed Mealworms at School as Meat Alternative

Dutch schoolchildren have been fed mealworms as part of a project aimed at encouraging people to consume alternatives to meat.

Aimed at encouraging the consumption of meat alternatives, the “Smaakmissie Avontuurlijke eiwitten”, or “Flavor Mission Adventure Proteins” project in the Netherlands has seen school children as young as ten fed mealworms.

EU to Train 15,000 Ukrainian Troops, Send Another €500 Million in Aid

The European Union will establish a mission to train around 15,000 Ukrainian troops and donate another 500 million euros ($485 million) in aid to support Kyiv against Moscow.

The supranational bloc has announced it will send another €500 million, of which €490 million is earmarked for the purchase of military equipment, under its so-called European Peace Facility (EPF) fund — bringing total donations to Ukraine via this route to €3.1 billion.


Radioactive material found at Missouri elementary school more than 22 times expected amount

An elementary school outside St. Louis was found to have “unacceptable” levels of radioactive contamination stemming from waste dating back to the creation of the first atomic bomb in the 1940s, and residents fear it may be linked to various cases of illness, disease, and deaths in the area.

According to an independent report from the Boston Chemical Data Corporation, “unacceptable” radioactive levels were found throughout the Jana School in Florissant, Missouri.

“The Jana School, like many homes, institutions and businesses in the area, borders Coldwater Creek. This waterway has been contaminated by leaking radioactive wastes from disposal that began shortly after World War II and is not yet cleaned up,” said Marco Kaltofen, the author of the study.

Special Counsel Durham Takes Aim at FBI in Closing Arguments in Danchenko Trial

FBI agents investigating the anti-Donald Trump dossier authored by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele should have done a better job investigating the truthfulness of its source, special counsel John Durham said in closing arguments for the source’s trial on Oct. 17.

Durham said FBI agents should have performed a “detailed review” of Igor Danchenko, the source, and his statements, including a behavioral assessment, an examination of Danchenko’s finances, and a polygraph test, at least some of which were recommended by FBI experts.

With the evidence presented during the trial, jurors could conclude that the FBI “mishandled the investigation,” according to Durham.

“The government is not here to defend the FBI’s performance in these matters,” he said.

The important thing is how the probe started, Durham noted.

Whistleblowers Reveal FBI Has ‘Voluminous Evidence’ of Possible Hunter Biden Criminal Conduct: Senator

FBI whistleblowers have revealed that the bureau has “voluminous evidence” of possible criminal conduct by President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, according to a top senator.

“Based on recent protected disclosures to my office, the FBI has within its possession significant, impactful and voluminous evidence with respect to potential criminal conduct by Hunter Biden and James Biden,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told FBI Director Christopher Wray and other officials in a letter dated Oct. 13.

James Biden is the president’s brother.

Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has been approached by a number of whistleblowers in recent months about how the bureau has handled its investigation of Hunter Biden, who carried out business in China and other countries while his father was vice president.

The evidence of possible criminal activity includes a summary of an interview FBI agents had conducted with Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden’s onetime business partner, shortly before the 2020 presidential election.

“In that interview, Mr. Bobulinski stated that the arrangement Hunter Biden and James Biden created with foreign nationals connected to the communist Chinese government included assisting them with potential business deals and investments while Joe Biden was Vice President; however, that work remained intentionally uncompensated while Joe Biden was Vice President. After Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency, the summary makes clear that Hunter Biden and James Biden worked with CEFC and affiliated individuals to compensate them for that past work and the benefits they procured for CEFC,” Grassley wrote.

CEFC China Energy, now defunct, was a large energy firm in China.

According to the summary, Grassley said, Hunter Biden, James Biden, and their associates created a venture that would enable them to be compensated.

Leak: Hunter Biden Attained $40M Real Estate Deal with Russian Billionaire While Joe Biden Was VP

Hunter Biden reached a $40 million real estate deal in 2012 with Russian billionaire and wife of the former mayor of Moscow, Yelena Baturina, while President Joe Biden was vice president.

The massive deal is connected to a previously reported $3.5 million fee Baturina paid Hunter’s real estate entity to access the American business market, the Daily Mail reported Monday from documents obtained by an anti-corruption group, the Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery.

DOJ Asks Federal Judge to Sentence Steve Bannon to 6 Months in Jail, Hefty Fine

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has proposed that former Trump adviser Steve Bannon serve six months in jail and pay $200,000 for defying a subpoena by the House Jan. 6 committee.

A jury in July found Bannon guilty on two misdemeanor counts of contempt of Congress for refusing to testify and provide documents to the Jan. 6 committee. His sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 21.

In a court filing on Oct. 17, the DOJ wrote that Bannon engaged in “bad-faith contempt of Congress” after the subpoenas were issued.

“The defendant should be sentenced to six months’ imprisonment—the top end of the Sentencing Guidelines’ range—and fined $200,000—based on his insistence on paying the maximum fine rather than cooperate with the Probation Office’s routine pre-sentencing financial investigation,” the DOJ wrote in court papers submitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Prosecutors also made reference to Bannon’s public statements about the House Jan. 6 committee to support its sentencing recommendations. They said that he has used his podcast and other public interviews to criticize the panel.

“Through his public platforms, the Defendant has used hyperbolic and sometimes violent rhetoric to disparage the Committee’s investigation, personally attack the Committee’s members, and ridicule the criminal justice system,” DOJ prosecutors J.P. Cooney and Amanda Vaughn wrote in their memo. “The Defendant’s statements prove that his contempt was not aimed at protecting executive privilege or the Constitution, rather it was aimed at undermining the Committee’s efforts to investigate an historic attack on government.”

There Was No Insurrection in DC By Lex Greene|October 18th, 2022

Socialist governments all over the world are facing angry citizens rising up to depose them in true “insurrections.” But not in the USA, yet…

Governments are notorious for constantly lying to “the people,” usually because they think “the people” don’t have a need to know, a right to know, or any interest in knowing. The simple truth is, politicians seldom tell the truth, and our current government controlled news and social media outlets, seldom tell the truth either.

In this case, U.S. government officials and their media have continued a trail of outright lies concerning the events of January 6, 2021, Washington D.C. – If you think J6 was an “insurrection,” you have just proven that you have no clue what an insurrection is!

For going on two years now, a small cabal of anti-American far left extremists in congress have spent millions in taxpayer funds to allegedly “investigate” the so-called “insurrection” via the very carefully selected “Select Committee.” The nine member committee is made up of seven far left democrats and two RINO republicans, both of whom recently lost their bids to remain in congress. (a 78% to 22% democrat controlled committee, and the two RINOs are the 22%)

New Subpoena Targeting Trump Is Suspiciously Timed Just Ahead of Midterm Elections: Expert

News Analysis

The Oct. 13 vote by the House Jan. 6 committee to subpoena former President Donald Trump is a political ploy intended to help foster the general impression that Trump has too much “baggage” to run for office again, according to a political analyst who says the move also seeks to convey that the party associated with Trump, and the midterm election candidates he’s endorsed, aren’t the right choice for the country.

The timing of the announcement can’t fail to arouse suspicion, given how tight a number of the races in key states have become, notably the Senate contests in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio, and Arizona, experts told The Epoch Times.

In the Pennsylvania race between Trump-endorsed Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz and Democrat John Fetterman, intensive media scrutiny has focused on the rapid closing of Fetterman’s once-comfortable lead. According to a Trafalgar Group poll conducted Oct. 8–11, the race is now a toss-up with Fetterman at 47.2 percent and Oz at 44.8 percent, with the difference well within the margin of error.

The closely watched Senate races in Ohio, Georgia, and Arizona are similarly competitive, according to the most recent polling.

But the prime target of the House Jan. 6 committee and its activities may be Trump’s 2024 ambitions, one expert believes.

“The purpose of the committee is clearly political—it is designed to block Mr. Trump from running for president in 2024,” Charles Steele, chair of the department of economics, business, and accounting at Hillsdale College in Michigan, told The Epoch Times.

Republicans Sue Pennsylvania Officials Who Said They’ll Accept Mail-In Ballots Without Dates

Republicans are suing Pennsylvania officials after the state’s top election official said mail-in ballots without dates will be accepted, in contravention of state law.

A group of Pennsylvania voters, the Republican National Committee, and the Pennsylvania Republican Party filed the lawsuit (pdf) with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, asking justices to quickly declare illegal the guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of State regarding ballots that don’t have dates.

Acting Pennsylvania Secretary of State Leigh Chapman said on Oct. 11 that “every county is expected to include undated ballots in their official returns for the Nov. 8 election, consistent with the Department of State’s guidance.” The guidance (pdf), last updated in September, states that “any ballot-return envelope that is undated or dated with an incorrect date but that has been timely received by the county shall be included” in the vote count.

State law states that any voter who uses an absentee or mail-in ballot must “fill out, date, and sign the declaration” that’s printed on the envelope used to submit such a ballot, Republicans noted in their suit.

“Petitioners ask the Court to issue a declaration that the date requirement is valid and mandatory, and that the Acting Secretary’s contrary guidance is invalid. Moreover, to preserve the rights of all voters and candidates, the Court should immediately issue an order directing county boards of elections to segregate any undated or incorrectly dated ballots received for the 2022 general election,” the suit reads.

Some counties have said that they intend to segregate undated ballots but many haven’t, the Republicans said, underlining the need to act quickly with the midterm election taking place in November.

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) also joined in the lawsuit.

‘Abuse of Power’: Biden DOJ Targets Another Pro-Lifer With FACE Act Charges

The Justice Department has charged yet another pro-life activist with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act—this time, an activist from the same pro-life group that discovered preemie-sized aborted babies’ remains outside a Washington, D.C., abortion clinic.

A D.C. federal grand jury’s two-count superseding indictment charged 25-year-old Herb Geraghty with conspiracy against rights and FACE Act offenses for blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic in October 2020, the Justice Department said in a release. The pro-life activists had blockaded the entrance to the abortion clinic, the D.C.-based Washington Surgi-Clinic, to “prevent women from entering the clinic to murder their children.”

“This is a clear abuse of power and a sign that the Biden administration is using the Department of Justice to attack political targets—particularly those of us who believe in the right to life for all human beings,” Geraghty, a member of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, told The Daily Signal.

Geraghty has “not yet” been arrested, the activist said, adding: “I am hoping they let me self-surrender, but no confirmation either way yet.”

A federal grand jury had returned an indictment on March 24 alleging that Lauren Handy, Jonathan Darnel, Jay Smith, Paulette Harlow, Jean Marshall, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, William Goodman, and Joan Bell were “engaged in a conspiracy to create a blockade” at Washington Surgi-Clinic.

Inflation Causes Halloween Candy Prices to Soar 13.1 Percent

Handing out Halloween treats is going to be trickier this year.

The cost of candy and chewing gum soared 13.1 percent compared with a year earlier in September, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — the highest increase ever recorded.

The surge in candy prices is being driven by rising costs of ingredients, such as sugar and flour. Sugar is 17 percent higher than last year, and flour increased even more, to 24 percent higher. Cakes, cupcakes, and cookies are also up by 16 percent.

Jewelry Store Owner Opens Fire, Kills Two Robbers

A jewelry store owner shot and killed two of four armed robbery suspects inside his store in Orlando, Florida’s, Magic Mall just before noon on Friday.

ClickOnOrlando reports that police indicated four people, “at least one with a weapon,” entered the store. The store owner opened fire when he ascertained an alleged armed robbery being attempted.

One of the four suspects was killed at the scene and the other three fled. However, one of the three who fled had also been shot and was pronounced dead upon arriving at a hospital.

Applications Open for Biden’s Billion-Dollar Student Loan Forgiveness Program Despite Mounting Lawsuits 

Tens of millions of Americans across the country are now eligible to apply for student loan cancellation under President Joe Biden’s loan forgiveness program despite a number of lawsuits opposing the scheme.

Biden announced the launch of the official application site at StudentAid.gov on Monday after a “beta” test version of the site was rolled out over the weekend.

“Today, I’m announcing millions of people, working and middle-class folks, can apply to get this relief. And it’s simple and it’s easy, it’s fast,” Biden said in remarks delivered from the South Court Auditorium of the White House. “You’ll be able to fill out your name, Social Security number, date of birth, and contact information. No forms to upload. No special log-in to remember. It’s available in English and in Spanish, on desktop and mobile.”


‘An Empty World Is a Sad World:’ Internal Facebook Documents Show the Metaverse Is Failing to Take Off

Facebook’s “Horizon Worlds” metaverse, which allows users to interact in virtual worlds with an avatar, is falling far short of performance expectations according to internal documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal. Data shows most users of the metaverse don’t return after the first month, and the userbase has been in continuous decline since the spring.

Facebook (now known as Meta) initially set a goal of reaching 500,000 monthly active users for Horizon Worlds by the end of 2022, but revised that figure to 280,000 in recent weeks, according to company documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Says He Missed a Massive Shift in Social Networking

Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Meta failed to anticipate major changes in social media use that contributed to the success of its rival TikTok, which he called a “very effective competitor.”

In an interview with Stratechery on Oct. 12, Zuckerberg said that he “sort of missed” the way that people currently “interact with discovered content” through social media.

The founder of Facebook said that social media users are increasingly using their social media “feeds” to find useful content, rather than for just sharing content with friends and family.

Although people are still interacting with posted content through social networking services, fewer are spending time doing so.

Social media trends “by and large shifted to you use your feed to discover content, you find things that are interesting, you send them to your friends in messages and you interact there,” Zuckerberg said.

“So in that world, it is actually somewhat less important who produces the content that you’re finding, you just want the best content.”


Aluminum in Vaccines Linked to Persistent Asthma

Children who received all or most of the recommended childhood vaccines that contain aluminum had, at least, a 36% higher risk of developing persistent asthma than children who received fewer vaccines

There was a 1.26- and 1.19-times higher risk of persistent asthma for each additional milligram of vaccine-related aluminum exposure, respectively, for children with and without eczema

The featured study was funded by the CDC and conducted by current and former CDC staff members

A 2005 study found parents who refuse vaccinations reported less asthma and allergies in their unvaccinated children

Aluminum, a demonstrated neurotoxin, is added to certain vaccines to increase the immune response


New England Is Facing Blackouts This Winter: Grid Operator

A major New England grid operator stated that it’s preparing for a possible strain on the power grid amid a surge in demand for natural gas that threatens to reduce supplies.

ISO New England, the power grid operator in the northeastern United States, stated that an especially cold winter could spark blackouts due to it not having enough natural gas that’s designed for power generation, officials told The Wall Street Journal on Oct. 17.

“The most challenging aspect of this winter is what’s happening around the world and the extreme volatility in the markets,” Vamsi Chadalavada, ISO New England’s chief operating officer, told the paper in an interview.

Chemtrails: White House Openly Exploring Ways To Cool Earth By Reflecting Back Sunlight

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is coordinating a five-year research plan to study ways of modifying the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth in order to temporarily temper the effects of global warming.

There are several kinds of sunlight-reflection technology being considered, including stratospheric aerosol injection, marine cloud brightening and cirrus cloud thinning.

Stratospheric aerosol injection involves spraying an aerosol like sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, and because it has the potential to affect the entire globe, often gets the most attention.

While arguments of moral hazard have handicapped research efforts, the idea is getting more urgent attention in the worsening climate crisis.


Risk On: The Dramatic Rise Of Genetically Modified Food

Gene editing has long been primarily used for research, treatment, and disease prevention. Currently, this technology is increasingly being applied to modify agricultural products to create more “perfect” species. More and more genetically edited foods are appearing on the market, including high-nutrient tomatoes and zero-trans-fat soybean oil.

Some argue that gene-edited foods are safer than genetically modified (GM) foods (pdf). The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) specified in 2018 that most genetically edited foods do not need to be regulated. However, are these foods, which will increasingly appear on the table, really risk-free?

Season a Cast Iron Pan in 4 Easy Steps (Video)

Cranberry farmers fight climate change to protect Thanksgiving staple

American farmers growing cranberries, a quintessential component of Thanksgiving feasts, have had to adapt their traditional methods to fight the effects of climate change.

The tart red berries, boiled with a heaping dose of sugar to make classic cranberry sauce, thrive only in the right environment — but climate change threatens to make conditions more unpredictable and extreme.


This Virus May Be 6 Times More Prevalent Than HIV/AIDS

A retrovirus is a virus that contains RNA encoded genes rather than DNA. Using reverse transcriptase, the retrovirus is able to transform the single-stranded RNA into a double-stranded DNA

When the retrovirus infects a host, it integrates its DNA into the DNA of the host cell, which allows the retrovirus to replicate itself and spread through the host

One example of a transmissible retrovirus is the HIV virus, which can cascade into the clinical symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

A retrovirus family known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related viruses (XMRV) may play a causal role in chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic myalgic encephalopathy (ME) and other diseases, including autism

Some retroviruses, including XMRV (but not HIV as far as we know), infect your germ cells, which means they are transmitted to your offspring

V-Safe Database Confirms COVID Jab Hazards

V-Safe, a database managed and monitored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a voluntary “after vaccination health checker” deployed to collect data on those who got the COVID jab. For the past 15 months, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) have fought a legal battle to get the CDC to release the V-Safe data

The V-Safe data confirms suspicions that the COVID jabs are dangerous in the extreme

Of the 10 million people enrolled in V-Safe, 7.7% (770,000 people) required medical care after getting the shot and 25% (2.5 million people) missed work or school or suffered a serious side effect that affected their day-to-day life

The V-Safe data also shows a massive immune reaction signal. Four million people — 40% — reported joint pain. Two million, or 20%, reported “moderate” joint pain and 400,000, 4%, classified the pain as “severe”

The formula the CDC uses to trigger a safety signal is seriously flawed, as the more dangerous a vaccine is, the less likely it is that a safety signal will be triggered. Still, even using that flawed formula, “death” meets all three safety signal criteria and should have been flagged, yet the CDC has taken no action. Congress has a duty to investigate the CDC’s failure to monitor safety

Boston University Researchers Develop COVID Strain With 80 Percent Kill Rate in Mice

Researchers with Boston University have developed a strain of COVID-19 that killed 80 percent of mice infected with it, according to a preprint study released last week, prompting concern and condemnation.

The team of researchers extracted the Omicron variant’s spike protein, which they noted has “an unusually large number of mutations.” The researchers then attached Omicron’s spike protein, which is a structure that allows a virus to bind and invade human cells, to the original Wuhan COVID-19 variant that reportedly emerged in late 2019. They dubbed it “Omicron S.”

“In K18-hACE2 mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection,” they wrote (pdf), “the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80 percent. This indicates that while the vaccine escape of Omicron is defined by mutations in S, major determinants of viral pathogenicity reside outside of [Omicron] S.”

“We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 encoding the S gene of Omicron in the backbone of an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate and compared this virus with the naturally circulating Omicron variant,” the researchers wrote. “The Omicron S-bearing virus robustly escapes vaccine-induced humoral immunity, mainly due to mutations in the receptor binding motif (RBM), yet unlike naturally occurring Omicron, efficiently replicates in cell lines and primary-like distal lung cells.”

The Science Behind Florida’s Recent Recommendation Against mRNA COVID Vaccines for Men 18–39

Florida is the first state to recommend against mRNA COVID vaccination of children and men up to age 39, but it joins the UK, Sweden, and Denmark in some regards.

The Florida Department of Health conducted a self-controlled case series (SCCS) with a 25-week observation period, similar to an analysis done in the UK. The Florida study found an elevated risk of cardiac death among men ages 18 to 39 in the 28 days following mRNA COVID vaccination.

Medical literature shows myocarditis after COVID vaccination can be both immediate and severe, with rates as high as 1 in 1,862, for males ages 18–24.

There are several hypotheses about how the spike protein can cause this cardiac damage, particularly in young male populations. A worldwide registry of cases would help shed light on risk factors.

Worry about post-vaccination symptoms can create a negative feedback loop. Instead, try some of these management tips:

To manage anxiety, try taking a deep breath in (count to 4), hold for 4 counts, and slowly exhale for 8 counts. If you have a blood pressure cuff at home, try using biofeedback to watch your blood pressure come down using the same techniques. You will regain confidence in your body’s ability to regulate stress by asking the parasympathetic nervous system to turn off the alarms set off by the sympathetic nervous system.

While the recent guidance from Florida is rather shocking to some in the United States, it is reassuring to see that critical thinking is alive and well. Medicine is not stagnant, nor one-size-fits-all.

80 Anti-Vaccine Bills Have Been Introduced In State Legislatures

Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, does not mince words when describing the scientific legacy of the Covid-19 vaccines: The mRNA shots, he said, are “the greatest scientific achievement in my lifetime.”

Yet as the weather starts to turn cold and as officials push for more people to get their new booster shot before an expected winter coronavirus surge, public health leaders are battling skepticism and apathy toward the vaccines. Worse, experts fear the politicized backlash to the Covid-19 vaccines is already fostering skepticism about routine vaccinations generally, from childhood immunizations to flu shots.

Across the country, Republican lawmakers have drafted a pile of anti-vaccine mandate bills this year, chipping away at a foundational health practice for the last half-century. More than 80 anti-vaccine bills have been introduced in state legislatures, according to academics tracking the phenomenon, dwarfing the number of countervailing pro-vaccine bills. Public health experts are preparing for an all-out war on school mandates and other vaccine measures in states like Texas.

Childhood vaccination rates fell during the 2020-21 school year, the equivalent of 35,000 kids not being up to date on their shots. Although that might be an effect of missed checkups during the worst of the pandemic, there are other signs that faith in vaccines might be falling: Fewer Americans said this year and last year that they will get the flu shot compared to the few years before, according to a new poll from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. The fear among experts is that these drops are not a pandemic-driven blip but an accelerating trend, following a decades-long drift in trust in childhood vaccines; we should get updated numbers early next year.


States Seek to Depose Fauci, Other Top Officials in Big Tech–Government Censorship Case

Plaintiffs in a high-profile case that’s uncovered evidence of collusion between Big Tech and government officials to censor users are seeking to depose 10 top officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri and other plaintiffs asked a U.S. court in a recent motion to allow them to depose Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser; FBI special agent Elvis Chan; former White House press secretary and current MSNBC pundit Jen Psaki; Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, a Biden appointee; and Rob Flaherty, deputy assistant to the president.

They also want to question five other officials, including Carol Crawford, chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Digital Media Branch.

While emails and other documents uncovered in discovery have revealed an “enormous and far-reaching” censorship enterprise, the discovery “makes very clear that federal officials have frequently engaged in their most telling and probative communications with social media companies orally, not in writing,” plaintiffs said in a joint statement with defendants.

“Perhaps not surprisingly, the more senior the federal official involved, the more likely they appear to have been to rely on oral, rather than written, communications to pressure social-media platforms to censor,” the statement also said.


Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin?

Thanksgiving means loads of opportunities for your dog to scavenge for food — from the beautiful feast on your table to all those scraps in the trash. If pumpkin-themed dishes are making an appearance on your holiday menu, you might be wondering if pumpkin is safe for dogs to eat. The short answer: Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin — both the pulp and the seeds — but only when prepared properly and served plain (sorry, no pumpkin pie for you, pup). Here’s how to serve it up.


Texas Woman Loves 1940s Clothing, Even Had War-Time Themed Wedding: ‘We Love It’

A Texas woman loves to dress in vintage clothing, flaunting her “historic wardrobe” worth over $10,000.

After years of dressing modern, Gwendolyn Erin Patterson, 25, from Dallas, now refuses to leave her house without sporting glamorous attire from the World War II era. With a wardrobe straight out of a 1940s fashion magazine, Gwendolyn now owns over 50 vintage hats, 60 bags, 75 dresses, and even a tailored suit designed by the original “Wizard of Oz” costume designer.


Kevin Spacey denies sex assault charge in US court

Disgraced movie star Kevin Spacey takes the stand at his New York trial, rejecting as “not true” accusations he sexually assaulted fellow actor Anthony Rapp when he was a minor.

Rapp, who stars in the series “Star Trek: Discovery,” is claiming damages of $40 million against the two-time Oscar-winner for “emotional anguish,” for what allegedly happened in 1986, when he was 14 and Spacey was 26.

Spacey said he had no recollection of attending a private party in a Manhattan apartment with Rapp, as the now 50-year-old claims.

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