June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 26, 2021

WATCH Animal Rebellion activists scale government building in London demanding UK ‘defund meat’

RT – Four eco-protesters scaled the facade of Britain’s Defra offices, claiming they’d remain in mid-air until Prime Minister Boris Johnson ended subsidies on meat and dairy agriculture and supported a plant-based transition instead.

The four campaigners, wearing hard hats and high-visibility vests, secured themselves to the outside of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) early on Tuesday, using ropes and harnesses. They have even brought food supplies, because they say they are planning to stay there “indefinitely”. Another group of activists is stationed on the ground.

Indigenous Australians Sue Government over Climate Change

Breitbart –  Indigenous residents of low-lying islands off northern Australia filed a landmark lawsuit Tuesday aimed at forcing the government to protect them from climate change through deeper cuts to carbon emissions.

The Torres Strait Islanders say rising sea levels represent an existential threat to their homelands and culture, putting them “on the frontline of the climate crisis”.

Austria Threatens New Lockdown For The Unvaccinated

Truth Unmuted – Austria is threatening to impose a new lockdown on its citizens, but this time around it will only apply to the unvaccinated.

Despite around 65.4% of the total population having received one dose of the vaccine, and 62.2% being fully vaccinated, the country is experiencing another COVID spike.

“In the past week, Austria has reported 20,408 new cases of the virus, according to health authorities, bringing the seven-day average to 228.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. A week earlier, that figure was at 152.5 per 100,000 inhabitants,” reports the Associated Press.

The government has put a limit on the amount of intensive care units that are occupied by COVID patients it will allow before imposing restrictions on the unvaccinated.

With the current total of ICU COVID-19 patients at 220, if it reaches 500, vaccine passports will be re-introduced, meaning the unvaccinated will be barred from entering venues such as restaurants and hotels.

If the number reaches 600, or one-third of total ICU capacity, the government will force the unvaccinated to self-isolate at home indefinitely, allowing them to leave only for essential reasons.

Major Australian supermarket chains adopt “no jab, no job” policy impacting hundreds of thousands of workers

NaturalNews – Three major Australian supermarket chains are adopting a COVID-19 vaccine mandate that will see 300,000 workers across the country get vaccinated or lose their job.

According to the Australian financial journal The Financial Review, the movement is being led by Woolworths, with rivals Aldi and Coles joining the fray.

The Woolworths mandate will be imposed on all staff members across its 1,200 retail outlets and Big W discount department stores; workers at its warehouses, distribution centers and offices will also be required to get the jab. Most Woolworths stores serve around 20,000 in-store customers every week.

The deadline for full vaccination in some areas of the country is January 31, while others will have until March 31 to get both shots. The company has said it will consider practical and individual issues staff members might have in complying with the mandate, with a final policy expected to be announced in November that will include provisions for legitimate religious and medical exemptions.

Coles, meanwhile, will require vaccination in most Australian states; their workforce totals 120,000 people across 837 supermarkets. Those in the affected areas must have received at least one dose by November 5 and a second one by December 17.

Meanwhile, German-owned discount grocery chain Aldi will be introducing similar rules that are expected to be announced following a consultation period that may last several weeks. The chief executive of the company, which has 12,000 staff working across its 570 stores there, said: “Our view is that requiring all employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in the future is the best measure to ensure the health and safety of our teams and our customers.”

Other grocery chains, however, are taking a different approach. For example, Wesfarmers, owner of Target, Kmart and the Bunnings hardware chain in Australia, have said that only new employees will have to be vaccinated. Existing employees will not be subjected to a mandate given the high take-up rate among them that managing director Rob Scott attributes to informational sessions and vaccine leave arrangements.

Sweden halts Moderna shot indefinitely after vaccinated patient develops crippling heart condition

NaturalNews – Another life has been ruined by a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine,” prompting government officials in Sweden to impose an indefinite ban on all further administration of that particular brand to anyone under the age of 31.

None other than Moderna’s jab, which had previously been suspended in most of the Nordic countries for causing a litany of health problems, caused yet another recipient to develop a crippling heart condition. In response, Swedish health officials halted all use of the mRNA drug in young people.

The data increasingly shows that young men who take the Moderna shot have an increased risk of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, or inflammation of the sac around the heart.

“Rate of Myocarditis / pericarditis for young males in #Ontario after 2nd shot stands out above the rest,” tweeted Global News anchor Antony Robart. “1 in 5770 – after 2nd shot in Males 18 to 24. Factoring in 12-17 age group: 1 in 6817 – in males 12-24 after 2nd.” Robart cited data straight from Public Health Ontario for these numbers.

U.S. senator drops bomb, says military members who refuse to get vaccinated risk dishonorable discharge and will lose right to vote, own guns

NaturalNews – A U.S. senator from Kansas is warning that military members who refuse to follow the Pentagon’s order to take a COVID-19 vaccine run the risk of being kicked out of the service with a dishonorable discharge, which will endanger their rights including voting and owning firearms.

“The White House wants to give servicemembers a dishonorable discharge if they’re separated because of refusing the vaccine. [Americans must] understand the significance of a dishonorable discharge,” Sen. Roger Marshall, a Republican, warned in an interview with Breitbart Radio.

“Those folks will be treated as felons. They’ll never be able to get a job, again. They lose their Second Amendment. In some states, they won’t be able to vote, again. They lose their VA benefits, access to the VA hospitals, retirement plans,” he added.

“This is a policy out of a White House that says, ‘One size has to fit all. There’s no exception.’ It just doesn’t make sense. We’ve never asked people — military folks, especially — to get a vaccine for something they’re already immune to and something that doesn’t affect them, for the most part,” he continued.

“I encourage people to get their vaccines, but it’s an individual choice and certainly it’s not right for everybody,” Marshall added.

The Kansas Republican joined Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), James Lankford (R-OK), and Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) in legislation that would bar the Pentagon from issuing a dishonorable discharge to military personnel who refused to take the vaccine.

Chicago poised to create one of the nation’s largest ‘guaranteed basic income’ programs

Washington Post – The Chicago City Council is poised to vote this week on what would be one of the nation’s largest basic income programs, giving 5,000 low-income households $500 per month each using federal funding from the pandemic stimulus package enacted this year.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) has proposed the more than $31 million program as part of her 2022 budget, which the city council is scheduled to consider on Wednesday. The one-year pilot program, funded by the nearly $2 billion Chicago received from the Biden administration’s American Rescue Plan, is supported by most of city’s 50 aldermen. But it has received pushback from the 20-member Black Caucus, which has urged Lightfoot to redirect the money to violence prevention programs.

FNC’s Carlson: Biden ‘Actively and Intentionally Breaking Federal Law’ — ‘Presidents Have Been Impeached for Less’

Breitbart – Monday, FNC host Tucker Carlson opened his program questioning the Biden administration’s willingness to ignore federal immigration law, as it seemingly turns a blind eye to illegal immigrants streaming across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Carlson accused President Joe Biden of breaking federal law, which under previous circumstances would have been an impeachable offense.

In Major Move, First Major US City Bans Cops from Enforcing Victimless Traffic Laws

Free Thought Project – In what’s being touted as a first for a major US city to do so, lawmakers in Philadelphia have passed legislation banning cops from making minor traffic stops. The law is expected to go into effect within the next 120 days after Mayor Jim Kenney signs it this week.

By a 14-2 majority vote, the city council approved the Driving Equality measure which they say will deter and reduce disparate, unequal police practices in how minority motorists are stopped by police for minor offenses like broken tail lights and expired inspection stickers.

According to the Councilmember Isaiah Thomas, who worked with the Defenders Association, and the city Law Department to draft the bill, it is designed to “significantly reduce car stops by police for minor infractions that advocates believe discriminate disproportionately against Black and Brown motorists.”

YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat Execs Face Senators on Kids’ Safety

Newsmax – Bearing down on hugely popular social media platforms and their impact on children, the leaders of a Senate panel have called executives from YouTube, TikTok and Snapchat to face questions on what their companies are doing to ensure young users’ safety.

The Senate Commerce subcommittee on consumer protection is fresh off a highly charged hearing with a former Facebook data scientist, who laid out internal company research showing that the company’s Instagram photo-sharing service appears to seriously harm some teens.

The panel is widening its focus to examine other tech platforms, with millions or billions of users, that also compete for young people’s attention and loyalty.

Biden Admin Discussing Having the National Guard Takeover the Ports and Trucking

Off Grid Survival – “The White House has looked into deploying the National Guard as a potential solution to the supply-chain crisis”, according to reports from The Washington Post and CNN.

As the manufactured crisis stretches into the 18th month, the “new normal” seems to mean continuing shortages, the destruction of our country, the loss of our freedoms, and the militarization of our economy and industries via the National Guard.

For 18 months, the National Guard has been slowly consolidating power for the federal government, replacing hard-working Americans in the healthcare industry and manning vaccination and testing sites throughout the country. In New York, they are set to replace unvaccinated healthcare workers, healthcare workers who were on the frontlines of the so-called pandemic, that will now lose their jobs so the healthcare industry can be militarized under federal control.

When asked whether the government would consider sending the National Guard to help unload cargo ships in Southern California or help ease a national shortage of truck drivers, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Tuesday that the Administration has not taken “options off the table.” Similarly, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told NBC that the National Guard has not been ruled out as a potential solution.”

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