July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 02, 2021

Poll: Most nurses worry about COVID vaccine’s negative long-term effects

WND – In the midst of panic over the delta strain of COVID-19, some nurses losing their jobs over mandatory vaccines will aggravate the ongoing nursing shortage. But is that not predictable?

According to an American Nurses Association survey, most (88 percent) of nurses are going along with the program to be vaccinated, while 7 percent of some 4,900 nurses in the study are refusing to be vaccinated and 4 percent are undecided.

Supreme Court allows Texas abortion ban to stand

WND – The U.S. Supreme Court, in a decision that was delayed long enough to allow a new Texas abortion ban to take effect, has decided to allow the state requirements to stand pending further court review that is expected to happen in coming months.

The 5-4 majority in the decision included the three justices appointed by President Trump, and left members of the minority complaining about the violation of the U.S. Constitution because of their own perception of a “federal constitutional right” to abortion.

Australian Authorities Can Now Legally Change Citizens’ Social Media Posts

The Organic Prepper – If you currently live in Australia, you’re probably already aware that some pretty draconian measures have taken place in the name of public health.

But this next step has crossed the Rubicon into entirely new territory – one in which authorities can legally go into a citizen’s social media account and change what they posted and can make changes to their browsing histories.

The bills passing through the Australian Parliament of late have been mind-boggling but this one goes so far beyond the pale that it’s practically unbelievable.

…The other day, the Surveillance Legislation Amendment Bill of 2021 – otherwise known as the Identify and Disrupt Bill – was passed by both houses after having originated within the House of Representatives.

Even more alarming for Americans is the question that must be running through your head. “Is Australia the testing ground for a Brave New World coming to the USA soon?”

Consider this. You live in Australia and regularly read the fantastic website, The Daily Express. Occasionally, you’ll post a link to one of these articles on your social media along with a quick blurb such as “great read,” “something to consider,” or the like. 

That’s all you’ve done. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Thanks to the new law, that could be a problem. 

The Identify and Disrupt Bill gives both the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission the authority to “disrupt data by modifying, adding, copying, or deleting data to frustrate the commission of serious offences online.” It also allows the police to “take over a person’s online account for the purposes of gathering evidence to further a criminal investigation.” [source]

Here is the summary of the bill directly from the Parliament of Australia government website.

New York declares emergency as death toll from Ida storm rises

Al Jazeera – The governors of New York and New Jersey have declared states of emergency amid widespread rains, flooding and reported tornadoes as the remnants of Hurricane Ida cut a deadly path acress the northeast United States on Wednesday.

The storm had hit the southern US states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida on Sunday, flooding neighbourhoods, causing widespread power outages and killing at least six people. Reconnaissance flights on Wednesday revealed entire communities devastated by winds and floods in Southern Louisiana, as officials continued to assess the damage.

As extreme poverty returns, India sees surge in child slavery

Al Jazeera – Among many gains lost to the COVID-19 pandemic, child labour shows resurgence, worsened by inadequate rescue efforts.

McDonald’s hiring 14-year-olds in Oregon amid labour shortage

BBC – A branch of McDonald’s in Oregon, US, is calling on 14 and 15 year olds to apply for jobs at the restaurant amid a shortage of fast food workers.

The Biddle Road franchise in Medford put a banner outside its shop two weeks ago, urging younger workers to apply.

According to reports, it has seen a spike in applications since making the offer, which complies with labour laws.

It comes as fast food and other outlets across the US struggle to fill vacancies despite restrictions easing.

Axios: Joe Biden’s Deputies Lose Thousands of Migrant Youths

Breitbart – Thousands of younger working-age migrants have disappeared after federal officials invited them into the country via the “Unaccompanied Alien Children” [UAC] border loophole, according to Axios.

The UAC youths and children are expected to stay in contact with government officials after they are picked up by “sponsors” — who are usually illegal migrant parents — to ensure they are safe and in school.

“Roughly one-in-three [phone] calls made to [32,000] released migrant kids or their sponsors between January and May went unanswered, raising questions about the government’s ability to protect minors after they’re released to family members or others in the U.S.,” Axios reported September 1. “In 4,890 of those instances, [government] workers were unable to reach either the migrant or the sponsor.”

Axios noted:

Between the lines: The government is already investigating whether dozens of migrant children were released to labor traffickers, as Bloomberg Law recently reported. This happened in 2014 as well, when migrant teens were released to traffickers and forced to work on an egg farm.

Liz Cheney named vice chair of Jan. 6 select committee

CNN – Democratic Chairman of the January 6 Select Committee Bennie Thompson announced on Thursday that Republican Rep. Liz Cheney will become the panel’s vice chair, the latest sign that the Democrat-run committee is attempting to strike a bipartisan tone as it prepares to wade into politically contested waters.

Establishment Wages War on Joe Rogan After He Lists Meds that Made Him ‘Feel Great’ After 3 Days of Covid

RT – Influential podcaster and UFC commentator Joe Rogan has sparked outrage yet again by commenting on Covid-19, this time saying he contracted the virus, but only faced “one bad day” after taking a bunch of meds, such as ivermectin.

On Wednesday, Rogan announced the cancellation of an upcoming comedy show and explained in an Instagram video his recent experience with Covid-19.

After feeling “very weary,” Rogan said he isolated from his family and later got a Covid test, which came up positive.

“So we immediately threw the kitchen sink at it: all kinds of meds. Monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, Z-pack, prednisone – everything. I also got an NAD drip and a vitamin drip, and I did that three days in a row, and here we are on Wednesday, and I feel great,” Rogan said.

Rogan has stirred up controversy when touching on Covid-19 in the past, as he’s criticized vaccines being mandated and described inoculation as a private choice for individuals.

Rogan promoting medicine that is not specifically recommended to combat Covid-19 – including Ivermectin, which critics like to point out is a horse dewormer – has triggered social media outrage once again. Some claimed the “anti-vaxxer” star was feeding vaccine hesitation and perhaps promoting medical treatments that don’t actually work. Rogan’s promotion of Ivermectin became a specific point of focus for critics, and it curiously trended on Twitter above the comedian’s actual name.

Joe Rogan got Covid and decided to take Ivermectin Jfc Stop taking horse dewormer and get vaccinated pic.twitter.com/S4fkgnNf3R

— Zach Schwartz (@zachzachzach) September 1, 2021

Joe Rogan took a bunch of nonsense medicine alongside a bunch of real medicine for COVID and will be fine because he has infinite moneyBut his example will convince more dumb people to just take horse paste https://t.co/ZI34pVU6XO

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) September 1, 2021

Others were more supportive of Rogan being honest about his experience, regardless of potential criticism.

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