July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 07, 2021

Estonia plans digital wallet, Netherlands urged to upgrade digital ID infrastructure

FIntech News – From Estonia’s long-time running national identity scheme to the Netherlands’s foundational ID, Europe will soon be conducting much of its digital identity authentication and vaccination verification via an EU-wide shared app.

Estonia’s national digital identity system has been established for many years, and now that the European Commission plans to bring in a European Digital Identity in the form of a mobile app, the country is well ahead and planning further.

Under the new framework, proposed in June, national digital identities will be linked with digital wallets for ID authentication and personal attributes; for example, if Facebook wants age verification, the digital wallet should be enough to prove it. Part of this plan for the European Digital Decade is to reach 100 percent online provision of key public services and 80 percent uptake of digital ID solutions. Each EU country will develop a separate digital wallet app for citizens, according to the Commission.

Estonians have had state-issued digital identities since 2002, and the country launched electronic vaccination passports in April, accelerated by COVID-19. According to Andres Sutt, the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology, however, Europe is in need of more ambitious digitization projects to meet the expectations of European citizens and the needs of companies.

UK prime minister breaks election pledge to hike National Insurance, blaming Covid

RT – Boris Johnson has broken an election pledge to not increase taxes, announcing that National Insurance contributions will rise by 1.25% from April 2022 to fund a reform of the country’s ailing social care sector.

To provide the necessary funding, the government is to increase National Insurance contributions to ensure that, from October 2023, no one will pay more than £86,000 ($118,650) for social care and those with assets less than £20,000 ($27,590) will have all their care costs covered.

Vietnam: Man gets five years in jail for spreading Covid

BBC – A Vietnamese man has been sentenced to jail for five years for flouting Covid-19 rules and spreading the virus.

A court found Le Van Tri guilty of “transmitting dangerous infectious diseases” to eight people, one of whom eventually died.

In early July, Tri, 28, had reportedly travelled by motorcycle from Ho Chi Minh City to his home province Ca Mau in the south of the country.

At Ca Mau, Tri was found to have lied on a health declaration form which asked about his recent travel history, and also failed to comply with isolation rules.

Local authorities at the time had made it mandatory that anyone travelling from other provinces into Ca Mau had to immediately isolate themselves for 21 days.

Tri later tested positive for Covid, and was found to have transmitted the virus to members of his family as well as staff at a welfare centre which he visited.

Tri was sentenced to jail at the end of a one-day trial, and was also fined the equivalent of $880 (£630).

Taliban announces formation of new government, including some ministers WANTED by US

RT – The Taliban has begun to fill government positions following its successful conquest of Afghanistan. Some of the names however, are wanted by US authorities, with multi-million dollar bounties on their heads.

Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund, a co-founder and head of the Taliban’s leadership council, was named acting Prime Minister of Afghanistan on Tuesday, with other senior Taliban leaders approving his nomination. Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, considered the militant group’s de-facto leader, was named Deputy Prime Minister, according to a Taliban spokesman.

Impeachment calls grow as Biden vacations while U.S. citizens are still stuck in Afghanistan

WND – Tennessee Republican Rep. Diana Harshbarger called for President Joe Biden’s impeachment on Monday during a “Fox & Friends First” interview as she blasted the president for vacationing in Delaware while Americans remain trapped in Afghanistan.

“He’s prioritizing his vacation over the lives of American citizens,” Harshbarger said.

“He kept his promises to the Taliban and he’s breaking his promises to Americans to get them out, and God only knows what will happen if they can’t get out.”

Seattle could lose over 200 cops due to COVID vaccine mandate, report says 

Fox – Over 200 Seattle police officers could lose their jobs over the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate because they’ve either not received the jab or would refuse to hand over their private medical data, according to a report Monday. 

The Jason Rantz Show on the city’s KTTH said the number represents about 20% of the department’s deployable staff. The department and Mayor Jenny A. Durkan’s office did not immediately respond to after-hour emails from Fox News.

‘I was furious’: Mom enraged after learning teacher taped a face mask to her child’s face

WND – A Las Vegas mom is furious after learning that a substitute fourth-grade teacher humiliated her 9-year-old son by taping a mask to his face in front of the classroom as other students laughed.

The shocking incident unfolded at Reedom Elementary School in Mountain’s Edge, Nevada, the mother told  KVVU-TV. It’s the latest example of the callous authoritarianism that’s festering at public schools under the guise of enforcing coronavirus restrictions.

The mom spoke on condition to anonymity to the outlet in order to protect her son’s identity and prevent him from further traumatization.

“He went to get a sip of water, forgot to put the mask on,” she said. “The teacher did not tell him to put it back on or send him to the office.

“She instead pulled him up in front of the classroom in front of all of the students. She then taped the mask across the top of his face.”

The mother said the substitute teacher added a second layer of tape from her son’s nose to his forehead. She wants the instructor fired for child abuse.

When her son recounted the incident, the mother was horrified to learn that taping masks to children’s faces has been happening in his classroom since the beginning of the school year.

Top Scientist Claims Anthony Fauci ‘Untruthful’ About Chinese Lab Research

Breitbart  – The U.S. government contributed funding to controversial gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, a report alleged Monday.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to Democrat President Joe Biden, has previously denied the National Institute of Health [NIH] has ever funded such research.

The Intercept reported 900 new pages of previously undisclosed information from the NIH, which The Intercept obtained through a a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, that the EcoHealth Alliance used federal grant money to fund dangerous bat coronavirus research in the Chinese labs. The Intercept reported:

The bat coronavirus grant provided the EcoHealth Alliance with a total of $3.1 million, including $599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans. Even before the pandemic, many scientists were concerned about the potential dangers associated with such experiments.

The grant proposal acknowledges some of those dangers: “Fieldwork involves the highest risk of exposure to SARS or other CoVs, while working in caves with high bat density overhead and the potential for fecal dust to be inhaled.”

Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, reviewed the material and told The Intercept the “viruses they constructed were tested for their ability to infect mice that were engineered to display human type receptors on their cell.”

Ebright concluded by accusing Fauci and NIH Director, Francis Collins, of being “untruthful” in their previous remarks on the matter.

“The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful,” he wrote.

Major U.S. Cities Are Becoming Fentanyl-Infested Cesspools As Millions Plunge Into Hopelessness And Despair

Economic Collapse – If you live near a major U.S. city, you don’t have to go to a movie theater to see a horror show.  Instead, just find out where fentanyl-laced heroin is being sold and go hang out with the drug addicts for a few hours.  If you survive the encounter, it will be an experience that you will never forget.  In city after city, hopelessly addicted men and women wander the streets of our core urban areas like zombies.  Unfortunately, many of them won’t last very long because it is exceptionally easy to die from a fentanyl overdose.  As you will see below, drug overdose deaths in the U.S. were up 30 percent last year, and fentanyl was the main reason.

Earlier today I came across a video of the streets of Philadelphia that really struck a chord with me emotionally.

Philadelphia played such a critical role in the American Revolution, and it was once such a beautiful city.

But as this video clearly shows, it has now become a complete and utter hellhole.

How can city officials just stand aside and do nothing as this goes on day after day?

Down on Kensington Avenue, you can buy a bag of fentanyl-laced heroin for as little as five dollars

The Kensington section of Philadelphia, where anyone can buy a lethal dose of fentanyl-laced heroin for $5 a bag, has been known locally as the ‘ground zero’ of America’s opioid epidemic, Philadelphia Magazine reported.

It is not uncommon for locals who pass by the area to notice men lying motionless on the sidewalk.

Authorities know that this is going on right out in the open, and they do nothing to stop it.

Needless to say, what is happening in Philadelphia is just a very small fraction of the overall crisis that we are facing in this country.

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