July 20, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 13, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

And now you’ll find out who the real RINOs are! 

1.McCarthy Launches Impeachment Inquiry of President Joe Biden

Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced on Sept. 12 that the House will open an impeachment inquiry to investigate the possible involvement of President Joe Biden in the business dealings of his son Hunter Biden.

“House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct. Taken together these allegations paint a picture of a culture of corruption,” Mr. McCarthy said.

“Today I am directing our house committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. This logical next step will give our committees, the full power to gather all the facts and answers for the American public,” Mr. McCarthy said.

Now there’s the “pot calling the kettle black” … 

2.RFK Jr. Campaign Accuses DNC of Being Undemocratic

The presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. alleged that the Democratic National Committee is trying to prevent it from challenging President Joe Biden and will allow the incumbent to handily win the 2024 nomination.

In a news release issued this week, former Ohio congressman and Democrat presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich stated that he believes the Democratic National Committee (DNC) “has created a class of pledged delegates, called Party Leaders and Elected Officials, who are essentially the same as superdelegates, due to the amount of control the party exercises over elected officials.”

“This puts the DNC, once again, in the position of overturning the will of voters across the United States. It is unclear how overturning the nation’s majority vote could be interpreted as trusting the people,” Mr. Kucinich, who is serving as Mr. Kennedy’s campaign manager, added in the release. “The DNC consults closely with Julie Chávez-Rodríguez, Manager of Joe Biden’s campaign. Given that, and the DNC’s commitment to neutrality in the primary process, we anticipate that Mr. Harrison will agree to the meeting,” he also said.

The “Mark” will follow … 

3.G20 Announces Plan to Impose Digital Currencies and IDs Worldwide

The Group of 20 leaders have agreed to a plan to eventually impose digital currencies and digital IDs on their respective populations, despite fears that governments will use them to monitor their peoples’ spending and crush dissent.

The G20, which is currently under India’s presidency, adopted a final declaration on the subject over the weekend in New Delhi.

The meeting, which included the world’s leading economies, announced last week that they had agreed to build the necessary infrastructure to implement digital currencies and IDs.

The group said that discussions were already underway to create international regulations for cryptocurrencies, but claimed that there was “no talk of banning cryptocurrency” at the summit.

Many critics are concerned that governments and central banks will eventually regulate cryptocurrencies and then immediately replace them with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which lack similar privacy and security.

It’s all part of the “economic cycle”; the Big Banks are part of the “bad news” …

4.Americans Are Making ‘Huge Mistake’ to Believe Certain ‘Booming’ Economy Narratives: Jamie Dimon

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon told a financial conference in New York on Monday that people who assume that the U.S. economy will continue to boom for years on the back of consumer strength are making “a huge mistake.”

Mr. Dimon made the remarks at the Barclays Global Financial Services Conference on Sept. 11, at which he warned of a number of risks to the economy, including the Ukraine war, monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve, and increasing reliance on government spending.

“To say the consumer is strong today, meaning you are going to have a booming environment for years, is a huge mistake,” he said.

When suspicion works both ways in politics … you get Ukraine! 

5.Ukraine Plays Key Role in Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Just as It Did With Trump

The impeachment inquiry announced by House Republicans against President Joe Biden centers on his involvement with Ukraine, just as the Eastern European country figured prominently in the first impeachment of President Donald Trump. In fact, both impeachments touch upon the same incident, but from opposite sides.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced the impeachment inquiry on Sept. 12, summarizing the results of the investigations to date, including nearly $20 million in alleged payments from foreign sources to the Biden family and associates, the president’s past communications with his son Hunter Biden about his overseas business dealings, as well as whistleblower allegations that the Department of Justice extended special treatment to the Biden family.

“These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption and they warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,” Mr. McCarthy said.


Kim Jong Un vows support for Putin during Russia trip

orth Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived at a cosmodrome in Russia’s Far East on Wednesday for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that underscores how the two leaders’ interests are aligning in the face of their separate, intensifying confrontations with the United States. Putin welcomed Kim at the entrance to a launch vehicle assembly building. The two men shook hands and Putin said he was “very glad to see” Kim. Kim’s translator thanked Putin for the warm welcome, “despite being busy.”

Over 5,200 people feared dead, another 10,000 missing after flooding in Libya, officials say

More than 5,200 people are believed to have died in devastating floods across eastern Libya, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior said Tuesday.

Another 10,000 people are believed to be missing, according to Tamer Ramadan, Libya envoy for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

“The death toll is huge,” Ramadan said during a press briefing on Tuesday.

Economic Suicide: Germany Passes Green Heating Law Mandating 65% Renewable Energy

After six months of fierce debate, Germany’s left-wing government has passed the country’s controversial green heating law, the Building Energy Act (GEG), with high estimates indicating the law will cost Germany’s economy over €1 trillion over the next 20 years.

While politicians belonging to Germany’s three-way politician applauded the heating law coming into force on Friday last week, the political fallout has likely yet to be fully realized.

Many Germans — already struggling with inflation and a slowing economy — balked at the mandate to install new expensive heating systems, with the law being rejected by the majority of the populace, according to polling. The government is also being accused of a hasty legislative process and a lack of parliamentary hearings, calling into question the democratic basis for the law in its entirety.

Humanitarian purposes my foot! 

Iranian President: We’ll Spend Money from Prisoner Swap How We Want

During an interview aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of “NBC Nightly News,” Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi stated that the money that will be unfrozen under Iran’s prisoner swap with the United States “belongs to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and naturally, we will decide, the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide to spend it wherever we need it.”

Host Lester Holt asked, “You believe this money was wrongfully taken from Iran, but what is your expectation of its use? We’re told that it’s for humanitarian purposes, food and medicine. Do you believe you have the right to use that money in any way that you see fit?”

Speaking through an Iranian government-provided translator, Raisi responded, “This money belongs to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and naturally, we will decide, the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide to spend it wherever we need it.”


Yes! They can even jail a journalist! 

InfoWars Host Owen Shroyer Sentenced to 60 Days Prison over Capitol Riot 

InfoWars host Owen Shroyer was sentence to 60 days in federal prison on Tuesday over the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, despite not stepping foot inside the Capitol building itself. 

“I was not a part of any larger plan for illegal activity or violence that day,” Shroyer said at his sentencing hearing Tuesday morning. Still, U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly sentenced Shroyer to 60 days in prison.

Escaped Pennsylvania murderer Danelo Cavalcante shot at by homeowner while stealing rifle

A convicted murderer who broke out of a Pennsylvania prison two weeks ago snatched a rifle from the garage of a homeowner, who then opened fire on him as he fled, authorities said on Tuesday, as police searched the nearby wooded hills for the fugitive.

Hundreds of state and local police along with federal agents have joined a manhunt for Danelo Cavalcante that began Aug. 31, when the 34-year-old Brazilian broke out of the Chester County Prison, about 30 miles (50 km) west of Philadelphia.

Trump Challenges Biden, Murdoch to Mental Competency Tests

Donald Trump issued a challenge to President Joe Biden and the Murdoch family to undergo mental competency tests, after a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) poll found that many registered voters questioned the former president’s mental fitness for office.

“I hereby challenge Rupert Murdoch & Sons, Biden, WSJ heads, to acuity tests!” President Trump wrote in a Truth Social post on Sept. 10.

In a separate post, the former president added: “I will name the place and the test, and it will be a tough one. Nobody will come even close to me! We can also throw some physical activity into it.”

Bombshell Federal Probe: Joe Biden’s DHS Losing Track of Almost 20% of Border Crossers Freed into U.S.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is losing track of nearly two in ten border crossers released into the United States, a report from federal investigators suggests.

DHS Inspector General (IG) Joseph Cuffari issued his office’s audit of the agency’s massive Catch and Release network, through which officials are supposed to keep contact with the tens of thousands of border crossers they release into American communities every month.

According to the IG report, from March 2021 through August 2022, Biden’s DHS lost track of more than 177,000 border crossers released into the U.S. interior of the roughly 981,000 that were reviewed for the audit.

The report states:

U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) cannot always obtain and does not always record migrant addresses, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) does not always validate migrant addresses prior to migrant release into the United States. [Emphasis added]

Based on our review of 981,671 migrant records documented by USBP from March 2021 through August 2022, addresses for more than 177,000 migrant records were either missing, invalid for delivery, or not legitimate residential locations. [Emphasis added]

In addition to migrants not providing U.S. release addresses, DHS faced several challenges hindering its ability to record and validate migrant addresses as required. USBP did not accurately and effectively capture valid addresses, in part due to the large number of migrants apprehended, as well as its limited coordination with ICE and its limited authority to administer compliance with address requirements. ICE also did not have adequate resources to validate and analyze migrants’ post-release addresses. [Emphasis added]

Nearly 150 Illegal Immigrants on Terror Watchlist Apprehended at US Border in Past Year

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) encountered unprecedented numbers of immigrants whose names appeared on the federal “Terrorist Watch List” and tried to cross the U.S.–Mexico border illegally in the past fiscal year (FY).

According to CBP figures, a total of 149 immigrants identified as known terrorists, suspected terrorists, or associates of both were arrested after trying to enter the United States illegally, with a record number of 146 at the southern border and three at the northern border.

This number is larger than the last six years combined. Since 2017, border agents apprehended a total of 128 individuals on the terrorist watchlist when they tried to cross either the southern or northern border illegally, the figures show.

… Meanwhile, back at the ranch … 

Biden Administration Can’t Locate Over 177,000 Illegal Immigrants: Inspector General

President Joe Biden’s administration doesn’t have information to locate more than 177,000 illegal immigrants it released into the interior of the United States, according to a new watchdog report.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released more than 1.3 million illegal immigrants under federal law into the United States from March 2021 through August 2022. The illegal aliens had crossed into the country from Mexico. DHS workers are required to identify an address prior to releasing each immigrant.

The addresses help in situations such as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers tracking down fugitive illegal immigrants.

Enrique Tarrio: Feds Tried to ‘Coerce Me’ into Implicating Donald Trump

Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio claimed federal prosecutors tried to “coerce” him into implicating former President Donald Trump in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

Last week, U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly sentenced Tarrio to a record-high 22 years in prison despite not being in Washington, DC, on January 6.


Sen. Joni Ernst: ATF’s Targeting of Firearms Dealers Is Unlawful

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) is asking the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to explain the surge in revoked Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs) and suggesting it has overstepped the boundaries of the law.

This is part of Ernst’s ongoing oversight of the ATF, and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is standing with her in this endeavor.

The two senators released a statement noting that they are “following up on their previous oversight of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and exposing its attempt to abuse the law to revoke FFLs from lawful gun sellers.” Further, they are demanding “answers on how the ATF is taking away FFLs in a way that clearly oversteps the intent of the law at the expense of the legal gun seller.”

And the backlash continues … 

New Mexico’s Governor Blames the Law-Abiding

Hollywood has long propagated the Old West storyline of the sheriff banning guns in parts of a town. Errol Flynn did it in Virginia City (1941). Kurt Russell did it when playing “Wyatt Earp” in Tombstone (1993). But a nonfictional governor is supposed to know better.

When New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) announced she was suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding Bernalillo County for at least 30 days, even local law-enforcement officials protested.

Gun-control proponents often invoke a fear of Old West shootouts when they talk about constitutional carry or concealed carry in general. Now we have a New Mexico governor trying to bring back the martial law we saw used in a few Hollywood westerns.

Social media went bonkers over this obvious unconstitutional attempt to blame law-abiding citizens who chose to carry for the actions of criminals.

Even Elon Musk got in on the rebuke. While citing a news story on the new order on X, formerly Twitter, Musk wrote: “At the risk of stating what should be obvious, deliberately violating the Constitution is next-level illegal. How soon can this person be removed from office?”

The NRA posted: “The New Mexico Bill of Rights guarantees the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, and all other lawful purposes. Under the New Mexico Civil Rights Act, signed into law by @GovMLG, a person whose rights under the Bill of Rights are violated may sue to recover for damages and obtain injunctive relief. Damages may be awarded up to $2 million per person whose rights were violated.”

New Mexico’s Democrat AG Will Not ‘Defend’ Governor’s Concealed Carry Ban

New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez (D) released a letter Tuesday making clear he will not “defend” Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s (D) ban on concealed and open carry.

When Torrez says he will not “defend” the ban, he specifically states that he will not argue in favor of the ban in the two lawsuits that have already been filed against it.


Forget the Second Home at the Lake, US Vacation Home Buyers Are Going to Mexico

With the average 30-year fixed mortgage interest rate now over 7 percent and a shockingly low inventory of homes available, Americans are looking for second or vacation residences out of the country more than ever. According to a report from Coldwell Banker, 92 percent of high-net-worth Americans actively looked at real estate overseas last year and two-thirds (67 percent) of those surveyed said they already own residential property outside the United States, according to Mansion Global. So, what country is experiencing the highest rate of American home buyers? Mexico.

“Buying a home is not as cheap in Mexico as it once was, but you get a lot for the money,” Certified International Property Specialist for Worth Clark Realty Daniel Seidel told The Epoch Times. A Mexican native, Mr. Seidel says there’s a lot to like about buying a second home in Mexico. “When you experience the culture, the food, the people and the fact it’s just a short plane ride away from the States, it’s a popular choice for my clients. If you live there half-time, it’s ideal. My advice is to work here, make money, go there and spend it.”

According to a new study from online Real Estate marketplace Point2, based on 136,530 monthly searches on Google, Mexico is the most popular home-buying location, especially for men in the 35- to 44-year-old age group. But what are these buyers looking for?

Breitbart Business Digest: We Haven’t Had a Year This Bad Since Obama Was President

Things Have Not Been This Bad Since Biden Was Obama’s Vice President

The last time Americans saw a drop in household income as large as we did last year, Barack Obama was president.

The Census Bureau on Tuesday released its calculations for the change in real median household income for last year. By its calculations, the median income of U.S. households fell in 2022 by 2.3 percent, the worst decline since 2010.

History may not necessarily repeat or even rhyme, but it certainly rings a bell on occasion. The last time household income suffered a decline as large as it did in the second year of Biden’s presidency was in the second year of Biden’s vice presidency.

That’s before taxes. Once you calculate in changes to the taxes paid and subsidies handed out, household income fell 8.8 percent. A lot of the post-tax decline had to do with the lapsing of the Biden administration’s pandemic “rescue” policies—like child tax credits and the super-sized earned income tax credit—that pumped up incomes and contributed to the worst inflation in decades.


MGM Hit with Cyberattack that Crippled Casino Giant’s Systems

MGM Resorts International is in crisis management mode as a significant cybersecurity breach forces the shutdown of various systems, including its main website, online reservations, and in-casino services. Legions of gamblers were shocked when even the casino giant’s slot machines stopped working temporarily.

BleepingComputer reports that MGM Resorts International has been forced to shut down crucial IT systems due to a cybersecurity breach. The company announced the incident on its profile page on X, formerly known as Twitter, stating, “MGM Resorts recently identified a cybersecurity issue affecting some of the Company’s systems.”

Pre-Crime: Facebook Wages Legal War on Company that Claims Its AI Can Predict Crimes

Voyager Labs, a tech startup claiming its AI can predict crimes based on personal data from social media, faces a legal showdown with Facebook over privacy concerns.

Fox News reports that Voyager Labs, a tech startup specializing in AI-based analytics, has found itself at the center of a legal and ethical battle as it faces off against Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook (now known as Meta).

Voyager Labs has garnered attention and contracts from major U.S. law enforcement agencies, including the New York City and Los Angeles police departments. The company claims that its AI algorithms can sift through vast amounts of data from various corners of the internet, including social media and the dark web, to “provide insight, uncover potential risks and predict future crimes.” The company is far from the first organization to claim it can uncover “pre-crime,” a term coined by science fiction master Phillip K. Dick for his novel The Minority Report. 


Update Your iPhone Now After Major Warning Issued

Security experts say that iPhone users should update their devices as soon as possible to deal with dangerous security flaws in its mobile operating system.

After the Pegasus spyware created by Israel-based NSO Group was found in iPads and iPhones, Apple Inc. released an emergency update late last week to patch the vulnerability. Researchers with the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab said in a post Thursday they found Pegasus on an Apple device of an employee of a Washington-based civil society group.

Citizen Lab did not provide further details on the affected individual or the organization.


New Hampshire coast prepares for Hurricane Lee

AccuWeather says Hurricane Lee was forecast to weaken into a tropical storm by Sunday and likely make landfall in Nova Scotia, Canada, while wind and rain could affect parts of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire.


France halts iPhone 12 sales over radiation levels

France has ordered Apple to stop selling the iPhone 12 for emitting too much electromagnetic radiation.

On Tuesday, the French watchdog which governs radio frequencies also told the tech giant to fix existing phones.

The ANFR has advised Apple that if it cannot resolve the issue via a software update, it must recall every iPhone 12 ever sold in the country.

But the World Health Organization has previously sought to allay fears about radiation emitted by mobile phones.

It says on its website there is no evidence to conclude that exposure to low level electromagnetic fields is harmful to humans.

The iPhone 12 was first released in September 2020, and it is still sold worldwide.

Apple told the BBC it was contesting the ANFR’s review, and said it had provided the regulator with lab results from the tech giant itself and third parties which show the device is compliant with all the relevant rules.

It said the iPhone 12 was recognised as being compliant with regulations on radiation levels worldwide.

The Essential Guide to Gum Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Natural Approaches 

Gum disease, or periodontal (“around the teeth”) disease, is a prevalent inflammatory disease affecting the mouth, gums, bone, and tissues supporting the teeth of about 46 percent of all adults over 30.

What Are the Natural Approaches to Gum Disease?

Several natural remedies can aid in gum disease prevention and treatment.

Because gum disease affects the mouth, what you eat directly affects the health and integrity of the gums. Generally, keeping your sugar consumption low to moderate is helpful, as too much sugar can cause cavities and/or worsen symptoms or the development of gum disease.

In addition, including omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent and treat periodontitis due to the anti-inflammatory nature of omega-3s. Research shows that dietary supplementation of omega-3s can aid in the reduction of inflammation and chronic periodontitis. Eating foods rich in these omega-3s, such as salmon, anchovies, and mackerel, could also be helpful.

Certain dietary additions high in antioxidants, such as green tea, have also been shown to help reduce periodontal pathogens, as in a paper published in the Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology. Foods and beverages high in antioxidants help reduce overall inflammation in the body, suppressing bone resorption that can occur due to the progression of gum disease.

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Botanical Supplements

The paper mentioned above also examines the powerful effects of herbs like triphala, a powder that provides the body with a good source of vitamin C and advantageous fatty acids. Due to its potent antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, triphala has been shown to help those with gum disease.

In addition to triphala, the study showed the following herbs have similarly helpful effects for mitigating inflammation and reducing the progression and/or development of gum disease:

  • Rubia cordifolia.
  • Piperine.
  • Sumac.
  • Ginkgo biloba.
  • Psidium guajava.

Oral Hygiene Practices

Maintaining comprehensive oral hygiene practices is critical for preventing and aiding in gum disease treatment. Brushing teeth twice daily, flossing, and using mouthwash are good starting points.

Other natural alternatives include:

How Can I Prevent Gum Disease?

Because gum disease can be prevented, regular oral hygiene practices, dental visits, and dental cleanings are recommended for all people to optimize prevention efforts.

Some of the top ways to reduce your risk of developing gum disease involve oral hygiene, diet, and lifestyle and include:

  • Prioritization of oral hygiene: Regular brushing, flossing, cleaning, and sterilization is imperative for optimizing oral hygiene efforts.
  • Healthy diet: Keeping a diet more moderate in sugar intake (especially if you are predisposed to and/or have diabetes) can help prevent the development of gum disease. In addition, including anti-inflammatory foods, beverages, and herbs helps reduce overall inflammation in the body, reducing gum disease development likelihood.
  • Drinking water: Drinking water frequently aids in dislodging food coatings and particles and maintains a less acidic environment in the mouth.
  • Stress management: Managing stress can help prevent gum disease by reducing inflammatory pathways upregulated under higher stress levels. Prioritizing a stress-reduction routine regularly is advised.
  • Avoiding smoking or chewing tobacco: If you are predisposed to gum disease, you can help prevent it by quitting smoking or chewing tobacco if you do either. Smoking makes it more difficult for the gums to repair themselves and can lower the success rates of gum disease treatments.

Natural Oral Hygiene Solutions @ The Power Mall:


Toothpaste using Zinc, Folic Acid, Clove and Myrrh – No Fluoride or Aspartame (SLS) & No SLS, No Sugar, No Saccharin, Low-Abrasive Formula


VITA-MYR Mouthwash is an all-natural product with Zinc & Folic Acid to gently assist your body’s natural immune system & the ancient powers of Clove & Myrrh to purify & soothe


OregaDENT is specially formulated for use with gums and teeth. Formulated this product with the highest quality clove, cinnamon, and wild oregano P73 oil

FOOD FACT: Did you know, based on studies, that watercress has been found to be the most nutritious vegetable, which lowers chronic disease risks, strengthens bones and improves gut health?

Watercress was rated the healthiest vegetable — these benefits are why

The “healthiest” veggie may be one you’ve never tried.

A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is making the rounds for awarding watercress, a leafy green, a perfect 100% score on their scale of “powerhouse fruits and vegetables.”

Watercress is incredibly nutrient-dense, with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in every bite. It has a peppery and almost bitter taste, which is why it’s probably not the most popular green. Not to mention that watercress is difficult to find in the local supermarket.

The health benefits of watercress

There are two stand-out nutrients in watercress — vitamin C and vitamin K. Both are abundant in the leafy green and offer a variety of benefits. Vitamin C is obviously known for its immune function, but it also plays a role in collagen production, iron absorption, protein metabolism and antioxidant defense. Most people get enough vitamin C on a daily basis, but eating watercress is a great way to ensure you’re having plenty of this helpful vitamin.

Vitamin K is a lesser-known nutrient that has several vital roles within the body, including contributing to blood clotting and bone health. It’s most prevalent in leafy greens, and watercress is an excellent source of this vitamin.

The Liver’s Phoenix-Like Powers of Self-Healing and How You Can Help It

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the human liver possesses a remarkable capacity to regenerate itself—making this vital organ practically ageless.


Forensic Analysis of Deaths in Pfizer’s Early mRNA Vaccine Trial Found Significant Inconsistencies

A group of researchers are calling into question Pfizer’s and BioNTech’s early trial data on its original COVID-19 vaccine after a forensic analysis revealed significant inconsistencies between data in the companies’ six-month interim report and publications authored by Pfizer/BioNTech trial site administrators.

The preprint, published on Sept. 4, showed trial subjects vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine experienced a 3.7 times increase in cardiovascular deaths compared to placebo controls—a “significant adverse event signal” not disclosed by Pfizer when the vaccine was authorized for emergency use. In addition, the analysis found numerous instances where Pfizer/BioNTech attributed potential vaccine-associated deaths to other causes and undermined vaccine safety data.

Severe Hair Loss Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Reaction, 5 Ways to Enhance Immunity

As COVID-19 vaccination rates continue to rise, both common and rare vaccine-related side effects are coming to light. Research indicates a growing number of cases worldwide reporting hair loss following the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.

After receiving the Moderna vaccine, Ms. Chen, a woman in her 40s from New Taipei City, Taiwan, experienced severe hair loss, resulting in complete baldness. Upon reviewing her medical records and relevant test results, the Taiwanese government compensated her with 30,000 New Taiwan dollars (around 940 USD).

Ms. Chen’s case is documented in the meeting records (pdf) of Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), held on July 27. On that day, VICP reviewed a total of 150 cases related to vaccines, with 23 cases approved for compensation. These included 10 cases linked to the Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT) vaccine, eight cases linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine, one to the Moderna vaccine, and four to the Sinopharm vaccine. The compensation amounts ranged from 5,000 to 30,000 New Taiwan dollars (around 160 to 940 USD).

When they say “Mask Up!” … you whip out the documents and say “Up Yours!”

Masks & The Law – Informed and united people are truly the greatest threat to tyranny!


Good Samaritan Sees Strange Man Luring 11-Year-Old Away On Street, but Steps In Just in Time

An 11-year-old girl was saved from being snatched off the street when a good Samaritan saw what was happening allegedly and prevented the kidnapping.

Now police have released photos of two men they would like to trace after the attempted abduction in broad daylight.

The girl was walking on the High Street in West Wickham, Bromley, southeast London at 11:45 a.m. on June 24 when she was approached by a man.

He tried to persuade her to leave with him, but a passerby saw she looked uncomfortable and took her into a nearby shop.

“Detectives investigating an attempted abduction have released images of two men they want to identify and speak with,” a Metropolitan Police spokesperson said.

The 11-year-old girl was approached by a man who “tried to convince her to leave with him” but “a member of the public, seeing the child looked nervous, intervened and took her into a shop,” they said

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