July 2, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 14, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

The CDC is back at it again … with a “new and improved” vaccine for everybody! According to CDC Director Mandy Cohen, we don’t need mask mandates if everybody gets the jab!  Here we go … into depopulation mode! 

1.CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines for Virtually All Americans

Dr. Robert Malone accused the FDA of flouting its own rules and “going rogue” by green-lighting updated COVID-19 vaccines with limited clinical trial data.

The fight in Fulton County, Georgia continues … Trump wants a dismissal! 

2.Trump Files to Dismiss Fulton County Election Case

The IRS is on the warpath against all American citizens including the middle class! 

3.Watchdog Casts Doubt on IRS Pledge Not to Increase Audit Rates on Americans Earning Under $400,000

A watchdog report casts serious doubt on the ability of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to make good on its pledge to focus its tax enforcement efforts on high-income tax evaders but not increase audit rates on Americans earning under $400,000 because IRS enforcers are still using an outdated $200,000 high-income threshold as their default.

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), which is the watchdog overseeing the IRS, recently carried out a review to assess the IRS’s strategy to train employees hired specifically to audit high earners and big businesses that underreport income.

The tax agency’s new hires come on the back of a recent $80 billion IRS funding boost, which Republicans warned would be used to increase audits on working-class Americans, even though Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen vowed that the IRS wouldn’t increase tax audit rates above historical levels on people earning less than $400,000.

A photo op with a captured prisoner? Chief says these men and women kept you safe? What happened when the escaped prisoner got into a gunfight with a homeowner? Is that the definition of “keeping you safe”?

4.WATCH: Pa. State Police Official Shuts Down Media Handwringing After Capture of Danelo Cavalcante

But while it was good news to find out that Cavalcante was now back off the streets again, some took to social media to complain about what has been described as a photo op from some of the law enforcement personnel, seen taking a photo with the handcuffed former fugitive from justice 

Naturally, the media pounced and seized on the video and the complaints that followed, so much so that Lt. Col. Bivens was asked about it during the morning briefing, with a reporter wondering if it was “standard procedure” to take those kinds of pictures and to explain “the reasoning” behind it.

Bivens did not hesitate to defend the work of all involved in the capture and in effect basically said he didn’t blame them:

“I’m aware that there was a photo op that was taken out there. Those men and women worked amazingly hard through some very trying circumstances. They’re proud of their work. I’m not bothered at all by the fact that they took of photograph with him in custody. Again, they’re proud of their work. They kept the community safe. I say thanks to them and good job.”

Coming soon to your front door … a theater you don’t want! 

5.The Cavalcante manhunt stirred up unsettling ideas about dangerous migrantss

My friend and I have been holding our breaths since Sunday.

That day, Danelo Cavalcante – a man convicted of murder who escaped from Chester county prison on 31 August – drove a stolen van into our neighborhood, ditched it behind a church, and was reportedly hiding out here. Suddenly the pretty but unassuming Pennsylvania places we call home – Glenmoore, East Nantmeal, South Coventry – were teeming with law enforcement teams, helicopters and news crews.

But that’s not why we were holding our breaths.

The hyperlocal social media groups my friend and I usually go to for neighborly recommendations for local plumbers and doctors are filled with chatter about police activity, road closures and unofficial (mostly imagined) sightings of Cavalcante. Still, I am a Latina whose family moved to Glenmoore from Guatemala nearly 50 years ago and who has long written both fiction and non-fiction focused on immigrants, so what has really caught my breath is the growing number of posts from my neighbors that express deep anti-immigrant sentiment.


Putin Claims British Spies Orchestrated Ukrainian Attack on Russian Nuclear Facility\

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the United Kingdom of trying to provoke Moscow into a nuclear conflict, claiming that Britain was behind a Ukrainian military attack on a Russian atomic facility.

Speaking from Vladivostok ahead of an expected meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Putin claimed that Russia had captured members of a Ukrainian special forces team allegedly tasked with waging an attack on the power lines supporting an undisclosed nuclear facility. The Russian leader went on to claim that once captured, the Ukrainian “saboteurs” revealed that their plan was orchestrated by British intelligence agents.

India Leads the World in Internet Shutdowns

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Wednesday that India is the world leader in shutting down Internet access, coming in ahead of heavyweight access-blockers like Iran, Libya, and Sudan with 84 regional shutdowns in 2022.

In fact, India accounted for over half of all Internet shutdowns detected around the globe by a digital rights group called Access Now, which began tracking access blockages in 2016. 

Canada’s Rebel News Wins Lawsuit Against Minister who Blocked Ezra Levant

Canada’s conservative Rebel News won a lawsuit Monday against Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault for blocking Rebel News founder Ezra Levant on Twitter.

Guilbeault blocked Levant, which not only prevented Levant from sending messages to him, but also prevented Levant — a journalist — from reading Guilbeault’s messages, meaning he could not access information published by a public official.

Panama Canal’s bottleneck eases, some vessels detour

A backlog of vessels waiting to pass the Panama Canal due to drought-related restrictions has eased in recent days after the waterway’s authority authorized more non-booked ships to pass and as others are choosing alternate routes to avoid the delays.

The Panama Canal Authority last week opened two additional slots per day for vessels without booking to transit to help clear bottlenecks on both sides of the interoceanic corridor.

French Regulators Ban Sales of iPhone Model Over Radiation Concerns

Regulators in France on Sept. 12 ordered tech giant Apple to pause sales of one of its iPhones in the country amid concerns it emits too much electromagnetic radiation.

France’s National Frequency Agency (ANFR) notified Apple of its decision to ban sales of the iPhone 12 after conducting tests that showed that the smartphone’s specific absorption rate (SAR) was slightly above the legal limit, Minister for Digital Transition and Telecommunications Jean-Noel Barrot told Le Parisien.

That means the iPhones, which have been sold by Apple since 2020, were emitting more electromagnetic waves susceptible to be absorbed by the body than legally permitted.

Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate

Governments should place a moratorium on efforts to geoengineer the planet’s climate, as greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise and the climate crisis takes hold, a panel of global experts has urged.

Geoengineering is highly controversial, but discussions of its feasibility are gathering pace as the impacts of extreme weather, driven by climate breakdown, grip the planet. There is no global agreement on geoengineering, and no rules on what countries, or businesses, can do.

In a report published on Thursday, the Climate Overshoot Commission called on governments to phase out fossil fuels, put more resources into adapting to the impacts of extreme weather, and start using technologies to remove carbon dioxide, such as carbon capture and storage and the capture of carbon directly from the air.


Federal Judge Again Declares DACA Program Unlawful

A federal judge in Texas on Wednesday declared the revised version of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program illegal.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen’s ruling reiterated that the Obama-era federal policy is unlawful and should have come from Congress. DACA provides hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children with a two-year renewable shield from deportation.

“The remaining provisions of the original injunction are to remain in place and are to be applicable to Final Rule DACA,” Judge Hanen wrote.

Trump Waives Right to Speedy Trial in Fulton County Election Case

Former President Donald Trump waived his right to a speedy trial in the Fulton County, Georgia, case that charged him and 18 others with violating the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) when they challenged the 2020 election results.

Two codefendants have already demanded a speedy trial, and Judge Scott McAfee has ordered their trials to be merged and begin on Oct. 23, the date Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has proposed. The judge said this timeline would not apply to any of the other defendants.

The district attorney’s office has repeatedly pushed to try all 19 defendants together, arguing that as a RICO case the entire case—with an estimated 150 witnesses—would need to be brought forth in full regardless of whether the case goes to trial once, twice, or more times.

Federal Judge Issues Protective Order in Trump Documents Case

Former President Donald Trump and his lawyers can review classified evidence only in a secure place as he prepares for a criminal trial over his alleged mishandling of documents after he left the White House in 2020, according to a judge’s ruling issued on Sept. 13.

The former president—who’s also the frontrunner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination—was charged along with two aides with illegally storing troves of classified documents at his personal residence and with lying to federal investigators who had sought to retrieve them. Last year, the FBI carried out an unprecedented raid on his Mar-a-Lago, Florida, home before a special counsel was named to investigate.

In court papers, President Trump’s lawyers had opposed strict security protocols for the classified evidence as inconvenient, saying that he and his attorneys should be able to review them in his office at his Mar-a-Lago estate.

Sidney Powell Asks Judge to Dismiss Her From Trump Georgia Suit

Sidney Powell, the former prosecutor and lawyer who challenged the 2020 election, has asked a judge to dismiss her part of the case against former President Donald Trump in Georgia.

The case was brought on Aug. 14 by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, alleging that the challenges President Trump, Ms. Powell, and 17 others mustered up against the election results amounted to a racketeering conspiracy.

Much of the indictment focused on the efforts to set up alternative slates of electors in several states, including Georgia, and then allegedly use them “for disrupting and delaying” the counting of electoral votes by Congress.

BTW … the Cato Institute is now DEFENDING globalism!  Turncoats! 

Time for Pandemic Emergency Spending to End

New exercises of federal spending power are often justified on the basis of some emergency. Both the Hoover and Roosevelt administrations cited high unemployment and poverty in the Depression as justification for new transfer payments, such as farm subsidies and AFDC (“welfare”). When the emergency ended, the programs continued.

As economists would predict, any government payment program will create its own constituency. Program recipients will not willingly give up their source of income just because the emergency has ended. We’re now dealing with the latest example, the possible sunsetting of pandemic relief payments.

Congress subpoenas Citibank over alleged FBI collusion after January 6th

The House Judiciary Committee Thursday subpoenaed Citibank over allegedly providing the FBI with private customer data in the wake of January 6th. 

Documents obtained by the committee show that a Citibank representative was included in an email from the FBI on January 29, 2021 requesting “information sharing, both strategic and operational, related to the Capitol Riots.” Citibank employees also attended a Zoom call with the FBI ostensibly following that email.


Smacked Down: Temporary Restraining Order Issued Against NM Gov’s Concealed Carry Ban

Gun Owners of America (GOA) secured a temporary restraining order Wednesday against New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s (D) ban on concealed carry.

Breitbart News reported that GOA filed their lawsuit in a U.S. District Court against Grisham’s order on Sunday, two days after the ban was announced.

At that time, GOA executive vice president Erich Pratt told Breitbart News, “Gun Owners of America has filed a federal lawsuit challenging Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s gross and egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution. Her claim that there are ‘exceptions to the Second Amendment’ is not only wrong, but it also blows open a huge hole in the Bill of Rights. GOA will not rest until the rights of New Mexicans are restored.”

CA Democrats Finally Passed Their ‘Bruen Response’ Bill, Say Goodbye to Lawful Concealed Carry

California Democrats in the state assembly have once again passed their so-called “Bruen Response” bill, SB2. Shortly after the United States Supreme Court issued its ruling last June regarding the State of New York’s issuance of concealed carry permits and carry restrictions in the case called New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, states like California promised to pass a bill in response to the ruling that would bring California into compliance, or so they claim. 

US Appeals Court Issues Order Against California Gun Control Law

A U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals panel on Thursday ruled against California’s ban on certain gun advertisements, saying that the law violates the right to free speech.

“There is no evidence in the record that a minor in California has ever unlawfully bought a gun, let alone because of an ad,” wrote Ninth Circuit Judge Kenneth Lee in the order (pdf). “Nor has the state produced any evidence that truthful ads about lawful uses of guns … encourage illegal or violent gun use among minors.”

The ruling reversed a lower court order that blocked an injunction against enforcing the California law, which was aimed at restricting the sales of firearms to minors. In January, a federal judge in Sacramento had said the law properly regulated commercial speech and the groups were unlikely to succeed in their challenge.

Revealed: far-right venture capitalist has contracts with US for ammunition

A far-right figure who is involved in a secretive invitation-only fraternal organization, whose founder has spoken of being at war with the US government, is also part-owner of an ammunition company that has contracts with the federal government and law enforcement, the Guardian can reveal.

Nathaniel Fischer – a venture capitalist, former Claremont Institute fellow and president of the Dallas lodge of the secretive Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR) – is also part-owner of Texas-based ammunition manufacturer S1 Armory, which trades as Stand 1 Armory.

Texas Schools Struggling to Comply With State Law Mandating Armed Security Officers: Reports

A new Texas law aimed at bolstering public school safety by requiring, among other things, armed security guards at the nearly 9,000 public school campuses across the state went into effect earlier this month. However, not every school has opted to comply with the legislation, according to reports.

Texas House Bill 3 was signed into law by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on June 14 and went into effect on Sept. 1.

The legislation came in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting that killed 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in May 2022.


Higher Gas Prices Reignite Bidenflation, Worst Monthly Inflation Increase Since June 2022

The pace of inflation in the U.S. moved sharply higher in August, pushed up by a big jump in gasoline prices.

The consumer price index rose 0.6 percent compared with the prior month, three times the monthly rate recorded in July. Compared with a year ago, the index is up 3.7 percent, more than the July reading of 3.2 percent.

The acceleration of inflation casts some doubt on how quickly the tightening of monetary policy will bring inflation back down to the Federal Reserve’s two percent goal. It also increases the odds that the Fed will hike rates another time before the end of the year.

Federal Reserve officials have said they are looking for consistent evidence over several months that inflation is moving toward its target. On a month-to-month basis, inflation fell sharply in May from 0.37 to 0.12 percent, edged up in June to 0.18 percent, and ticked down to 0.17 percent in July.

This is the sharpest monthly rise in inflation since June 2022, when the consumer price index soared 1.2 percent.

UAW barrels toward ‘likely’ strikes against auto companies. Here are the latest details

The United Auto Workers and Detroit automakers remain far apart ahead of the union “likely” strategically striking the companies after an 11:59 p.m. ET Thursday deadline, UAW President Shawn Fain said Wednesday night.

The outspoken union leader laid out significant details of current proposals between the UAW and General Motors, Ford Motorand Stellantis regarding wage increases, cost-of-living adjustments, bonuses and job security.

Fain also laid out general plans about how the union expects to strategically strike the Detroit automakers, if necessary. He said the strike will start at a limited number of locations, followed by others, if required.

“If the companies continue to bargain in bad faith … then our strikes are going to continue to grow … We’re going to hit where we need to hit,” Fain said Wednesday during a Facebook Live event.

Fain also said “an all-out strike is still a possibility.” He added if there are strikes, the union will not negotiate Friday, instead they will hold an afternoon rally in Detroit with U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the progressive lawmaker from Vermont.

We’re #1! California Still Has Highest Poverty Rate in U.S.A

The State of California still leads the United States in poverty, according to new U.S. Census data released Tuesday.

CalMatters.org reported:

The “supplemental” rates are calculated on three years of data and California has held the top spot for a number of years, almost entirely because of its extraordinarily high costs of housing, utilities, fuel and other consumer needs.

Nationally, the new supplemental rate is 9.8% but once again California tops the states at 13.2 percent, more than a third higher than the national rate.

The ultimate irony of California’s high poverty rate is that it’s a deep-blue state where all of the political power is held by left-leaning Democrats who profess to sympathize with the plight of the poor.

Within the state, CalMatters.org notes, poverty is highest in the Los Angeles area, and lowest in the San Francisco area.

The District of Columbia is the only jurisdiction with a higher supplemental poverty rate than California, at 14.8%, though it is not a state.

Biden’s Food Inflation Record: Grocery Prices Up 19.6%

Household budgets were hit by rising grocery prices for the second consecutive month in August, data from the Department of Labor showed Wednesday.

The consumer price index for “food at home” rose 0.2 percent in August after climbing 0.3 percent in July. In June, grocery prices were more or less flat with the prior month.

Food prices have been on an almost relentless rise since Biden took office, with food inflation becoming a constant feature of the American economy after nearly a decade of m mostly stable prices.  Prices for groceries have been up on a monthly basis in all but three months of Biden’s presidency.

Boomers are hoarding all the houses

The two-and-a-half-year real estate rollercoaster has calmed in 2023, at least somewhat, as more Americans decide to stay put.

“The big story for the last couple of months has been lack of inventory due to mortgage rate lock-ins,” Redfin chief economist Daryl Fairweather said. “Now that rates are above 7%, it doesn’t make sense for a lot of people to sell.”

Lack of inventory is the main culprit behind the affordable housing crisis. The reasons behind this are complex, including a construction worker shortage. But another factor is at play: Older Americans are staying in their homes longer and buying more homes than ever. Essentially, they’re hoarding the few homes that might otherwise be available and driving up prices on the ones that are.


Creating God? AI May Be Last Invention Of Mankind

One candid AI engineer: “We’re creating God.” As these Technocrats barrel toward their goal of AGI, their public persona is disingenuous as they warn of dangers and the need to slow development. As superintelligence emerges it will be accepted as god, display powers like God and take control over mankind. 


No, the Government Should Not Be Allowed to Use Warrantless Drone Surveillance to Snoop on Citizens at Home or Spy on Private Property

The Rutherford Institute is pushing back against efforts by government officials to use warrantless aerial drone surveillance to snoop on citizens at home and spy on their private property.

In filing a joint amicus brief with Cato Institute in Long Lake Township v. Maxon, Institute attorneys are calling on the Michigan Supreme Court to hold government officials accountable for violating the Fourth Amendment by not obtaining a search warrant before using a drone to take aerial photographs of private property, which was not observable from the ground, in order to gather evidence of a civil zoning violation.


California Legislature Passes Bill Requiring Firms to Report Carbon Emissions

The California state legislature passed a bill Tuesday that would require large companies to disclose their estimated carbon emissions. It is the first bill of its kind, and could lead to similar legislation being passed in other states.

The San Francisco Chronicle noted that 5,000 companies would be affected. It reported:

The bill, SB253 by Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, would make California the first state to require such disclosures from companies that operate in the state if their annual revenue exceeds $1 billion. It divided the business community, with some major corporations including Apple, Google and Levi’s supporting it while the California Chamber of Commerce and other business groups opposed.

Lawmakers who support it argued the measure will provide consumers and investors with uniform information about companies’ carbon emissions so they can evaluate and compare their claims of environmental stewardship. It would take effect Jan. 1, 2025.

A previous version of the bill died last year.

Meteorologists, Scientists Explain Why There Is ‘No Climate Emergency’

There’s no climate emergency. And the alarmist messaging pushed by global elites is purely political. That’s what 1,609 scientists and informed professionals stated when they signed the Global Climate Intelligence Group’s “World Climate Declaration.”

The declaration’s signatories include Nobel laureates, theoretical physicists, meteorologists, professors, and environmental scientists worldwide. And when a select few were asked by The Epoch Times why they signed the declaration stating that the “climate emergency” is a farse, they all stated a variation of “because it’s true.”

“The earth has warmed about 2 degrees F since the end of the Little Ice Age around 1850, but that hardly constitutes an emergency—or even a crisis—since the planet has been warmer yet over the last few millennia,” Ralph Alexander, a retired physicist and author of the website “Science Under Attack,” told The Epoch Times.

“There is plenty of evidence that average temperatures were higher during the so-called Medieval Warm Period (centered around the year 1000), the Roman Warm Period (when grapes and citrus fruits were grown in now much colder Britain), and in the early Holocene (after the last regular Ice Age ended).”

The climate emergency is “fiction,” he said unequivocally.


40 Uses for Wood Ash: Practical Home & Garden Tips

Have you ever wondered about the countless uses for hardwood ashes, especially fireplace ashes and woodstove ashes? They can be used as an effective fire starter. This versatile substance, fireplace ashes, left behind after burning wood in a woodstove, has been utilized for centuries and continues to offer practical applications in various aspects of our lives. Hardwood ashes are known for their powdery texture. From cleaning to gardening, there are numerous ways to make use of wood ashes, a natural resource that works wonders for our food supply and crops due to its valuable nutrients.

Salt and Vinegar Dehydrated Zucchini Chips: A Crunchy, Healthy Snack You Can’t Resist!

Willow Moon has crafted a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional potato chips using zucchini or yellow squash. Trust me; you’re going to want to try this!


mRNA Vaccines Now Headed for Shrimp

ViAqua Therapeutics, an Israeli-based biotechnology startup, has secured $8.25 million in funding for its oral RNA-based shrimp vaccine

The vaccine targets white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), which leads to a 15% reduction in global shrimp production each year

ViAqua plans to administer its RNA-based product via coated feed; the RNA molecules can inhibit gene expression, silencing disease-affected genes

Shrimp lack an adaptive immune system, the type that “remembers” exposures to infectious agents, so it’s long been assumed that shrimp cannot be vaccinated; now it’s becoming clear that shrimp do have some defense against viruses, which is only beginning to be understood

The risks of tinkering with shrimp genetics, and using mRNA shots in pigs, cattle and other animals intended for food, are completely unknown

WARNING: Painkillers and hormonal contraception combo raises blood clot risk

Did you know that over 10% of adults aged 20 and above in the United States rely on prescription pain medication every month?  Additionally, more than 12% of women between 15 and 49 use oral contraceptives, with another 10% opting for long-acting reversible contraceptives.

Recent research reveals a concerning connection between the use of certain painkillers alongside hormonal contraceptives, significantly increasing the risk of blood clots.

Calif. Passes Bill That Could Ban Manufacture of Skittles

A bill that could ban or force the makers of Skittles and Pez to change their recipes has headed to California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk for signature after the state Legislature voted to ban the manufacture, sale, and distribution of four chemicals in foods connected to cancer, disease, and mood problems, the Daily Mail has reported.

The bill, which would come into force on Jan. 1, 2027, would end the use of brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben, and Red Dye No. 3 in the state’s food supply, imposing fines of up to $10,000 for those who do not comply. Newsom will have until Oct. 14 to sign or veto the bill.

“Today’s bipartisan vote marks a huge step forward in our effort to protect children and families in California from dangerous and toxic chemicals in our food supply,” said Democrat Assembly member Jesse Gabriel, who introduced the bill. “It’s unacceptable that the U.S. is so far behind the rest of the world when it comes to food safety.”


New Study Detects Spike Protein in Vaccinated 6 Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Researchers Suggest 3 Possible Reasons

A study in Proteomics Clinical Applications found spike protein in individuals six months after vaccination, challenging claims mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines break

FDA Has ‘Gone Rogue’ in Its Approval of New COVID-19 Boosters: Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Malone accused the FDA of flouting its own rules and “going rogue” by green-lighting updated COVID-19 vaccines with limited clinical trial data.

DeSantis and top Fla. health official warn against COVID shots for people under 65

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and the state’s surgeon general are advising against the use of updated COVID-19 vaccines for anyone under the age of 65, a move that counters a new recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Speaking Wednesday on a panel with other physicians who have cast doubt on the COVID vaccine — including some who lobbied Trump administration officials to back the “herd immunity” theory — Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo expressed concerns over the shot’s safety, saying incorrectly that there was “not a drop of clinical trial data” supporting the vaccines.


Let Your Pet Enjoy This Crunchy Fall Fruit

With autumn just around the corner, chances are you’ll be seeing more of this sweet, crunchy fruit in your local markets. It’s loaded with immune-boosting antioxidants, and has been valued for its anti-inflammatory benefits ever since the early times. Has your pet tasted it yet?

Pears contain four main phenolic compounds: chlorogenic acid, arbutin, epicatechin and rutin, which act as strong antioxidants and are abundant in the fruit’s flesh and skin.

These phenolic compounds have been found to help protect your pets from chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, as well as enhance their immune system. They also have anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic and antibacterial properties.

Pears may help boost your pet’s immune function, thanks to vitamin C, which combats free radical damage and protects the immune system, and vitamin A precursors (beta-carotene), which enhance immune function by inhibiting inflammation.

This clearly shows how prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich with a bunch of uneducated brain-deads! 

The “Why Not” Culture: Why the Georgia Final Report Should Worry Us All

The recommendation for sweeping indictments involving 39 people, including current and former senators, only magnifies fears over political prosecutions. For many of us, the inclusion of figures like the senators reflects a rogue grand jury. However, Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Cal.) insisted that Sen. Lindsey Graham was “lucky” not to be indicted. According to Schiff, Graham calling Georgia officials about the counting or discarding of votes was enough to justify a criminal charge. Presumably, since Graham could be indicted with Trump, Schiff would also consider him eligible to be barred from ever running again for office under the 14th Amendment, as discussed below. It is the “why not” approach to criminal and constitutional law.


Lauren Boebert Kicked out of ‘Beetlejuice’ Musical in Denver

Rep. Lauren Boebert was kicked out of a Beetlejuice musical at Denver’s Buell Theater for “causing a disturbance,” according to reports.

Boebert was one of many attendees of the Broadway touring version of Beetlejuice in her home state, but she missed the end of the performance after venue officials received too many complaints from others about her behavior. According to an incident report, venue officials asked two individuals to leave, as the Denver Post described some of the alleged interruptions as “vaping, singing, [and] recording.”

Police: Woman Arrested for Setting Fire to a Target Store In Attempt to Cover Up Baby Formula Theft

Police have arrested a woman for allegedly setting fire to a Target store in Southern California in what they said was an attempt to cover up the theft of baby formula.

The evening fire at the Target in Buena Park on September 5 resulted in extensive damage to the Orange County store, including the children’s clothing section. Employees were evacuated, though no injuries were reported.

Buena Park Police identified the suspect as Cynthia Torres, 40, saying an investigation determined the suspect had intentionally set the fire in an attempt to cause a distraction that would allow her to steal baby formula.

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