July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: December 01, 2023


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Ireland … The Algerian Knifer in Ireland Might be Permanently Brain Injured

The suspect in the Dublin nursery stabbing, which sparked violent riots in Ireland’s capital has suffered “extensive” brain injuries which “may be permanent”, it has been claimed.

An Garda Siochana did not comment on claims by a source who told the Irish Mirror that the suspect “is in a bad way”, adding: “His head injuries are extensive and may be permanent.”

Dublin Anti-Stabbing Rioters Need a ‘Good, Honest, Decent Beating’ Says Irish Senator

Riots that followed a mass stabbing of young children in Dublin should be met with a “good, honest, decent beating”, an Irish senator stormed in “frank” remarks.

Now a week since the stabbing of three children and their teacher that sparked anti-immigration riots in Dublin, Ireland, and the dark mutterings of retribution — against the rioters, that is, not the knifeman — with a Senator speaking of those involved needing a beating. The remarks came within hours of another Irish politician hitting the headlines over claims he’d said he wanted to see the anti-migration rioters beaten to death.

Rocker Shane MacGowan, The Pogues Frontman, Dies at 65

Shane MacGowan, the hard drinking, hard living, hard singing performer who gave life to punk aspirations with his band The Pogues in the 1980s has died. He was 65.

NPR reports his wife, Victoria Mary Clarke, announced his death Thursday morning. No official cause was provided, but MacGowan had recently left a hospital in Dublin, Ireland, after a diagnosis of encephalitis.

“It is with the deepest sorrow and heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of our most beautiful, darling and dearly beloved Shane MacGowan,”  Clarke, his sister Siobhan and father Maurice said in a statement.

The lead singer died peacefully with his family by his side, the statement added.

Israel … 

… and the IDF and Hamas are back at it again! 

Surrender: Blinken Tells Israel It Lacks ‘Credit’ to Defeat Hamas

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Israel that it lacks “credit” to conduct the kind of military campaign necessary to defeat Hamas, saying that the Biden administration would not tolerate large-scale bombing over months in southern Gaza.

Blinken’s remarks were leaked to the Israeli press. The Times of Israel quoted a transcript of his meeting with Israel’s war cabinet:

Blinken: You can’t operate in southern Gaza in the way you did in the north. There are two million Palestinians there. You need to evacuate fewer people from their homes, be more accurate in the attacks, not hit UN facilities, and ensure that there are enough protected areas [for civilians]. And if not? Then not to attack where there is a civilian population. What is your system of operation?

IDF Chief Herzi Halevi: We follow a number of principles — proportionality, distinction, and the laws of war. There were instances where we attacked on the basis of those principles, and instances where we decided not to attack, because we waited for a better opportunity.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: The entire Israeli society is united behind the goal of dismantling Hamas, even if it takes months.

Blinken: I don’t think you have the credit for that.

Blinken, normally a weak figure in public, issued his tough ultimatums in private, bringing the contradictions in U.S. policy to a head.

Russia … 

Russia’s Supreme Court effectively outlaws LGBTQ+ activism in a landmark ruling

Russia’s Supreme Court effectively outlawed LGBTQ+ activism on Thursday, the most drastic step against advocates of gay, lesbian and transgender rights in the increasingly conservative country.

Ruling in response to a lawsuit filed by the Justice Ministry, the court labeled what the suit called the LGBTQ+ “movement” operating in Russia as an extremist organization and banned it.

The ruling is the latest step in a decade-long crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights in Russia under President Vladimir Putin, who has emphasized “traditional family values” during his 24 years in power.

COP28 …

King Charles Flies to COP28 Climate Conference and Joins Global Elites to Declare: ‘We Must Change our Ways’

King Charles III warned the world Friday it must change its ways to avoid climate calamity after he flew over 3,000 miles to the COP 28 climate conference in Dubai to personally deliver his opening address.

The British monarch joined upwards of 80,000 other members of the globalist elites jetting into the two-week U.N.-sponsored meeting aimed at finding ways to slash global emissions.

VP Harris to Attend COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai

Vice President Kamala Harris is headed to Dubai for the COP28 summit being held Nov. 30 through Dec. 12.

The White House announced on Nov. 29 that Ms. Harris, along with “dozens of senior U.S. officials representing more than 20 U.S. departments and agencies” will be headed to the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP28, being held in the United Arab Emirates’ capital.

In a Wednesday afternoon press call, Ike Irby, deputy domestic policy advisor to the vice president, said the visit builds on the administration’s “leadership on bold global action to address the climate crisis.”

New Zealand …

New Zealand Conservative Govt to Ban Cellphones in Schools

Cellphones will be banned in schools across New Zealand, conservative Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said Friday, as his fledgling government looks to turn around the country’s plummeting literacy rates.

New Zealand’s schools once boasted some of the world’s best literacy scores, but levels of reading and writing have declined to the point that some researchers fear there is a classroom “crisis”.

Brazil … 

Brazil Begins ‘Defensive Actions’ on Border over Fears of Venezuela Invasion of Guyana

One of the world’s more overlooked simmering conflicts came to a boil on Wednesday, as Brazil announced “intensified defensive actions” — in other words, massing troops and armor — along its northern border to repel a possible invasion of Guyana by Venezuela.

The Brazilian Ministry of Defense said it has been “monitoring the situation” in Guyana and decided a “greater military presence” was necessary. Brazilian intelligence officials allegedly believe a Venezuelan invasion is imminent, although they have not publicized their evidence for reaching this conclusion.

At issue is a region located between Venezuela and Guyana known as the Essequibo after the name of the major river running through it. Sprawling over 61,000 square miles, the Essequibo covers nearly two-thirds of Guyana’s territory, but Venezuela claims the entire area as its property.

In short, Venezuela argues its historical boundaries extended to the Essequibo River but the land was taken away during the British colonial era. The U.S. government of the 1890s believed Venezuela had a legitimate claim that should be resolved through arbitration. The British resisted the idea — and thought even more territory should belong to British Guyana — but eventually agreed to allow a boundary commission organized by the U.S. Congress to settle the issue. 

The commission rejected Britain’s more expansive claims but left the bulk of the Essequibo within Guyana’s borders. The affair was considered at the time to be the first great American flex of global power.


Foreign-Born Population Hits 49.5 Million Under Biden – Largest Ever in American History

The nation’s foreign-born population has hit an unprecedented 49.5 million, the largest ever recorded in American history, under President Joe Biden.

Analysis by Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) revealed that in October the foreign-born population reached almost 50 million, increasing by 4.5 million foreign-born residents since Biden took office in January 2021.

Federal Judge Reverses Temporary Order Blocking Feds from Cutting Texas Border Barriers

A federal judge in the Western District of Texas reversed her Temporary Restraining Order that stopped the Department of Homeland Security from cutting border barriers put in place by the State of Texas. The new order issued Wednesday night reverses that position after the judge heard additional evidence. The case will now proceed to a trial on the merits.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and the Texas Public Policy Foundation filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the U.S. Border Patrol, and multiple Biden administration appointees to stop the federal government’s interference in the State of Texas’s efforts to stop illegal border crossings, Breitbart Texas reported on October 30.

U.S. District Judge Alia Moses granted a Temporary Restraining Order (attached below) directing the federal government from “disassembling, degrading, tampering with, or transforming” border barriers put in place by the State of Texas under Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star. The judge carved out a small exception where the federal government may “take immediate action to obtain medical attention” for a migrant in distress or who suffered injury.

Biden Admin Closes Legal Border Crossing Points While Thousands of Migrants Enter U.S. Illegally

The Biden administration’s solution to thousands of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry is to close legal border crossing points. The administration closed legal border crossing points in Texas and Arizona to divert manpower to process migrants making illegal entry into the U.S. more quickly.

Independent journalists posted videos of migrants crossing the border from Coahuila, Mexico, into Eagle Pass, Texas by the hundreds.

Trump Gag Order Reimposed by New York Appeals Court

The gag order is related to former President Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial in Manhattan.

An appeals court in New York has reinstated the gag order imposed on former President Donald Trump by Justice Arthur Engoron, rejecting the former president’s bid to avoid restrictions on his freedom to speak about aspects of his civil fraud trial that he has denounced as politically motivated.

In an order issued on Nov. 30, a four-judge panel of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division, overturned a temporary suspension of the gag order, which initially was imposed by Justice Engoron on Oct. 3.

The newly reimposed gag order prohibits President Trump from making public statements about the judge’s staff after documents filed with the appeals court showed that he and his staff had purportedly received hundreds of threatening messages.

Trump Claims ‘Cheating’ in Wisconsin Election Case: ‘Republicans Must Do Something’

The former president issued a response to a recent Wisconsin State Supreme Court hearing.

Former President Donald Trump issued a response after the Wisconsin State Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case targeting state election maps.

Last week, Democrats urged the Wisconsin Supreme Court to overturn Republican-drawn legislative maps. The lawsuit was first brought by voters the day after the court flipped to what some say is a majority 4-3 liberal control in August. They want all 132 state lawmakers to stand for election under new, more favorable maps in 2024.

The state Legislature’s district maps were first drawn under former Republican Gov. Scott Walker, allowing the GOP to keep their majority in both chambers of the state Legislature.

WATCH: Biden Brags He Has Nuclear Code to ‘Blow up the World’

Scared yet? President Joe Biden bragged Wednesday of his ability to “blow up the world” through a special code his staff possess. The revelation came in Colorado as he made light of nuclear weapons during a visit to the world’s largest windmill factory.

The president went on to mistakenly call his predecessor “Congressman Trump” in an awkward appearance that saw him stumble from one verbal mishap to the next.

It began as he approached three yellow-vested workers at the facility in Colorado and one of them appeared to pose an inaudible question to the president.

Arizona voting officials charged for refusing to certify 2022 election results

Republican county supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd initially refused to certify their county’s election results

Two elected officials in a rural Arizona county who stalled certifying election results have been charged by Arizona’s attorney general with conspiracy and interfering with an election officer.

Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd, Republican county supervisors in Cochise county, face two felony counts for their initial refusal to certify the county’s election results in 2022. A grand jury convened earlier this month to discuss the potential charges, which were filed on Wednesday.

Crosby and Judd had to be ordered by a court to certify the November 2022 election results, passing the statewide deadline for counties to canvass results. Even after the court order, Crosby did not show up to vote on the canvass.

Police: FBI Agent Carjacked in Washington DC as Crime Plagues Capital

Police say an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was carjacked by two armed suspects Wednesday afternoon in Washington, DC.

Approximately 30 minutes after the incident, the vehicle involved was located a mile away from the scene, the New York Post reported Thursday.

Ohio auto shop explosion kills 3 — 45 firefighters respond to massive blast, battle for 10 hours to extinguish fire

n explosion at an auto shop in Ohio killed three with a massive blast that could be felt blocks away, witnesses said.

Jimbo’s Auto in Hillsboro, Ohio, approximately 50 miles east of Cincinnati, was the scene of the disaster. A total of eight fire departments responded to the fire.

Fox News reported that there was an “explosion and a fire,” according to first responders from Paint Creek Joint EMS/Fire District.

“It definitely did rock and shake the area,” Fire Chief David Manning told local outlets. The blaze required a 45-person firefighting crew and took hours to suppress, Manning explained. In total, the smoldering flames took over 10 hours to finally be extinguished.

Rutherford Institute Warns Against Government’s Plan To Ask Households About Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity in Mandatory Survey

The Rutherford Institute is sounding a renewed warning against efforts by the government to amass extensive, sensitive private information about individual citizens and their households through its mandatory American Community Survey (ACS). Rutherford Institute attorneys have also formally lodged concerns over a proposal by the U.S. Census Bureau to expand the already exhaustive, invasive ongoing monthly survey to include questions about each household member’s sex assigned at birth, current gender (including transgender, nonbinary, or others), and sexual orientation.

For individuals alarmed by the U.S. Census Bureau’s efforts to collect and track private information about the citizenry, their home life and personal habits, The Rutherford Institute has made its updated “Constitutional Q&A: American Community Survey” guidelines available at www.rutherford.org. The Institute has also provided a form letter of complaint for lodging objections to the ACS with the Census Bureau.

“In an age when the government has significant technological resources at its disposal to not only carry out warrantless surveillance on American citizens but also to harvest and mine that data for its own dubious purposes, whether it be crime-mapping or profiling based on race or religion, the potential for abuse is grave,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “Any attempt by the government to encroach upon the citizenry’s privacy rights or establish a system by which the populace can be targeted, tracked and singled out must be met with extreme caution. The American Community Survey qualifies as a government program whose purpose, while seemingly benign, raises significant constitutional concerns.”

Trump attacks wife of New York judge after gag order reinstated by court

Former president lashes out against wife of judge in civil fraud trial before and after appeals court reapplies gag order

Donald Trump renewed attacks on the wife of the judge in the New York civil fraud trial of his business empire, before and almost immediately after an appellate court on Thursday reinstated a gag order against him in the case.

The New York appellate court decided to reapply the gag order that barred the former US president and his lawyers from making public statements about court staff in his civil fraud trial, court records showed.

Trump on Wednesday attacked Dawn Engoron, the wife of the judge, Arthur Engoron, and the judge’s clerk, on his social media platform Truth Social.

He called Dawn Engoron a “Trump hating wife” and said that she and Arthur Engoron’s law clerk had “taken over control of the New York State Witch Hunt Trial aimed at me, my family, and the Republican Party”.


Home-Mortgage Lending Declines Again Across U.S. During Third Quarter As Mortgage Rates Climb

ATTOM, a leading curator of land, property, and real estate data, today released its third-quarter 2023 U.S. Residential Property Mortgage Origination Report, which shows that 1.54 million mortgages secured by residential property (1 to 4 units) were issued in the United States during the third quarter, representing a 3 percent decline from the prior three-month period. That drop-off marked the ninth decline in the last 10 quarters – a string broken only by a spike during the second quarter of this year.

Fmr. Obama Official: Credit Card, Loan Defaults Are Increasing ‘a Good Bit’ Due to Rate Hikes and That’s Worrisome

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Steve Rattner, who served as counselor to the Treasury Secretary in the Obama administration, and also serves as the show’s Economic Analyst, stated that default rates on credit cards and auto loans have “started to move up a good bit” and this, along with excess savings among Americans starting to run out are concerning signs for the economy.

Rattner stated that while the inflation rate has dropped, “we still have a ways to go. But I would say very few economists expected this to come down as far and as fast as it has. And that means, obviously, good news for consumers, in terms of what their real spending power is. So, you’ve had wage growth throughout this period, and it actually accelerated due to the low unemployment rate and the demand for workers. And it’s above 4%. But, after inflation, Americans had been negative for a good while. But the good news is, now they’re positive.”

He added, “I have talked a lot about why Americans are so grumpy given that you have 5% growth. And I think inflation plays, by far, the biggest role in that. Because Americans still see higher prices at the grocery store. Something like 70% of Americans today were not of voting age the last time we had inflation over 4%, 30 years ago. Most Americans have never seen it, and so they don’t quite know how to process it.”

House Passes Bill Blocking Federal Funds for Housing Illegal Immigrants

The bill would prohibit federal funding toward housing illegal aliens on land managed by federal land management agencies.

The House passed a bill on Nov. 30 that would prohibit federal funding toward housing illegal aliens on land managed by federal land management agencies.

The legislation, introduced by Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.), passed 224–203, with one voting “present.”

The Protecting Our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act of 2023 would block federal taxpayer dollars for “housing to specified aliens on any land under the administrative jurisdiction of the federal land management agencies, including through leases, contracts, or agreements.” This includes the Forest Service, National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Bureau of Land Management.

Anything over 4% is still going to stifle the housing market … and the economy!

Freddie Mac – Mortgage Rates Fall for 5th Week in a Row to 7.22%

The Freddie Mac fixed rate for a 30-year mortgage dropped 0.07 percentage points to 7.22 percent this week. While some Federal Reserve policymakers expressed growing confidence that the existing monetary policy is sufficiently restrictive to reduce inflation to the 2% target, others emphasized the potential necessity for additional rate hikes to achieve the target over a reasonable timeframe. Despite the mixed messages from the Fed, many investors are inclined to believe that the Federal Reserve has concluded its interest rate hike cycle, especially considering the 10-year yield dropped below 4.3% for the first time since September.


12 Home Remedies for Earaches (Safe for Children & Breastfeeding)

…urine on a cotton ball isn’t one of them

Waiting patiently will usually get rid of an earache, but they aren’t pleasant. This list of 12 home remedies for earaches for children and adults to help quickly relieve pain. We also have tips to avoid ear infections in the future.

What causes an earache?

Ear pain is most commonly associated with fluid buildup behind the ear drum linked to a middle ear infection. This is also known as acute otitis media (AOM).

Thankfully, you don’t need antibiotics to treat most ear infections. They are viral infections, not bacterial infections. In fact, using antibiotics may cause adverse reactions.

The study “Antibiotics for acute otitis media in children“, reviewed earache treatments for several thousand children. They noted that, “Adverse events (such as vomiting, diarrhea or rash) occurred more often in children taking antibiotics.” Children treated with antibiotics did not get better faster than those who simply waited for the infection to pass.

Ear pain may also be caused by injury, or water or other fluid trapped in the ear. (This includes swimmers ear.)

#1 – My Favorite Home Remedy for Ear Pain – Warm Compresses

When I was a little girl, I remember having an ear infection accompanied by one extremely sore ear. To help me feel better, my mom took a small throw pillow and warmed it up in the oven. She left it in a bit too long, though, and it began to singe. She put the fire out, and I rested my head on one slightly charred pillow – and the pain went away.

Nowadays most houses have microwaves, which make it easier to heat a warm compress for earache treatment. You can buy or make a compress.

We recommend hot packs from Core Products, a small business located in western Wisconsin. They make soft covered hot/cold packs that we use as foot warmers at night and for treating headaches and earaches.

#2 – Steam

Sometimes you can’t keep a warm compress on your little one’s sore ear. Instead, try plugging in a humidifier or taking a warm shower. (This works for adults, too.)

Colds and sore throats lead to swelling and inflammation in the airways. Opening and relaxing airways with warm, moist air can relieve pressure and ease ear pain.

#3 – Garlic Oil

There are dozens of variations of garlic in olive oil for earaches. One of the ones I like best is the “Children’s Ear Oil” from Herbal Antibiotics. This combines garlic and eucalyptus for a double anti-bacterial, anti-viral punch. Clear the ear infection, and you clear the earache.

Store in a tinted bottle in the refrigerator and use within two weeks.

Children’s Ear Oil

Adapted from Herbal Antibiotics


  • 5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 4 ounces (1/2 cup) good quality olive oil
  • 20 drops eucalyptus essential oil


Place garlic and olive oil in a small sauce pan on low heat. Cook overnight or for eight hours.

Strain, squeezing well to get as much oil as possible out of the garlic. Add eucalyptus essential oil and mix well. Store in a tinted bottle.

To use: Place glass eyedropper in a stream of hot water for 1 minutes (to warm dropper). Dry quickly (to retain heat) and suction up ear oil from bottle. Place 2 drops in both ears every half hour or as often as needed for 2 to 7 days. Never place fluid into the ear if there is any chance of a ruptured eardrum. 

Easy Way to Dehydrate Cabbage

Dehydrated foods have a lot of advantages. They maintain an excellent nutritional profile, they last a lot longer than they would normally, and they’re easy to prepare by reconstituting them.

CDC: Don’t Eat Pre-Cut Cantaloupe If Source Unknown

Consumers shouldn’t eat pre-cut cantaloupe if they don’t know the source, U.S. health officials said Thursday, as the number of illnesses and recalls tied to a deadly salmonella outbreak grows.

At least 117 people in 34 U.S. states have been sickened by contaminated cantaloupe, including 61 who were hospitalized and two who died, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Another 63 illnesses, 17 hospitalizations and one death tied to the same outbreak have been reported in Canada.

Wegovy, Ozempic Maker Showers Doctors With Money

Dr. Lee Kaplan took the stage with an urgent message, telling fellow physicians they have a powerful weapon to fight the American obesity crisis: their prescription pads.

Those payments are part of a campaign to convince U.S. doctors to make Wegovy one of the most widely prescribed drugs in history – and to persuade skeptical insurers to pay for it. Novo spent at least $25.8 million over the past decade on U.S. medical professionals to promote its two obesity drugs, Wegovy and Saxenda, the analysis found.

That total includes only payments that Novo reported it made specifically related to those two drugs; it sometimes paid far more to obesity specialists without naming any drug in the federal data. The money Novo reported paying Kaplan, for instance, included just $262,038 that the company classified as directly related to the two drugs, and $131,624 for an older diabetes medicine with the same active ingredient as Saxenda. Novo paid Kaplan $976,019 more without specifying any drug. Experts who study these industry payments say drugmakers have latitude on how to classify their spending on doctors.

Reuters examined Novo’s payments for speaking, consulting, food and travel, while excluding those for research. The analysis also excluded payments related to Ozempic, a Novo diabetes drug that is also wildly popular for weight loss because it has the same active ingredient as Wegovy.

Overall, at least 57 U.S. physicians each accepted at least $100,000 from Novo in payments associated with Wegovy or Saxenda over the period. They were an influential group: Forty-one were obesity specialists who run weight-management clinics, work at academic hospitals, write obesity-treatment guidelines or hold top positions at medical societies, according to a Reuters review of their credentials and publications.

Another speaker at the Cambridge conference was Dr. Donna Ryan, a Louisiana researcher and former president of The Obesity Society, a prominent group of clinicians and researchers. She has accepted more than $1 million from Novo over the last decade, including $600,691 related to Wegovy and Saxenda, the analysis found. Ryan was instrumental in persuading the U.S. Office of Personnel Management to cover Wegovy and similar drugs for millions of federal workers, an agency official told Reuters.

Pharmaceutical company payments to physicians for drug promotion, speeches and consulting are legal and common in the United States. Critics of the practice have long argued it encourages doctors to put corporate interests ahead of patients’ well-being.


Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism”

Commentary from one listener: If you’re not familiar with a little organization called the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism,” don’t worry, most people have never heard of it. The group was formed at the height of the covid pandemic; as fear instilled by government officials and the media propagated the news feeds, the majority of the public was rather distracted. The CIC is essentially everything that conspiracy theorists have been warning about for years packaged into a single Orwellian entity, complete with dramatic piano music and a mask of humanitarian philanthropy.

The basic root function of the council is to centralize most or all major corporations (corporations with global influence) and join them with governments into a network that places ideology over profit motive. Some people might argue that corporations need to adopt a shared value system instead of simply roaming around like sharks devouring whatever they can sink their teeth into. But who gets to choose the set of values that corporate behemoths follow?

The CIC is a physical body representing the action arm of the ESG concept. It is meant to create incentives and punishments for the business world based on their compliance with the values of globalism and woke socialism, as well as their submission to the climate agenda. I have written about this issue extensively, but my article ‘What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” It’s The New World Order’ is probably the best overview of the group and their intentions.

The idea is simple: Bring the majority of corporations into line with the far-left political order. Once this is done, they will force those companies to use their platforms and public exposure to indoctrinate the masses. We have seen this strategy in action over the past several years, with many companies producing a steady stream of products, media content and marketing rife with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion propaganda, not to mention anti-west and anti-conservative propaganda.

These corporations have been so ingrained into the DEI and ESG format that many of them are willing to alienate the majority of their customers and lose vast profits. The last vestiges of free market economics are thus destroyed, because the profit motive has been replaced with a political motive.

Why would companies choose to join with such an organization if they are going to be constantly micromanaged in their operations? It my not be presented to them as a choice, but rather an inevitable requirement. Those who get in on the ground floor get the best seats at the cabal’s table; those who join late might be crushed under the weight of an oppressive socialist bureaucracy.

Then again, the choice could also be voluntary with the promise that corporate leaders will be given extensive governance roles after the “Great Reset” of capitalism which the World Economic Forum discusses so often.


BREAKING: Aurora Borealis May Be Visible in U.S. Northern Tier Tonight, NOAA Announces

The U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center run by NOAA has just predicted a visible aurora borealis may appear in the northern US tonight, after observing several solar flares kicking up over the last few days.

These flares, known as coronal mass ejections, are what cause the geomagnetic storms which we see as green lights in the sky from the surface.

At the moment, the NOAA Aurora Forecast can’t say for sure if they will appear south of Northern Canada, but if this were to change, it would likely appear in the northernmost states east of the Rockies.

Ahead of climate conference, U.S. House panel tussles over curbs on emissions

Republicans on a U.S. House panel argued Wednesday against aggressive moves to meet carbon reduction goals, saying U.S. fossil fuel companies are working to make their products cleaner.

Democrats on the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on the Environment, Manufacturing and Critical Minerals countered that to achieve further reductions, federal policies should be continued to encourage the development of renewable energy and consumer products such as electric vehicles.

Coming the day before the 28th annual United Nations climate conference was set to begin, members of the panel battled over the U.S. role in curbing emissions. The conference is often a venue for world leaders to discuss global solutions to climate change. President Joe Biden is not scheduled to attend this year’s conference.

Republicans argued that the United States was not as problematic for emissions as countries like China and should be allowed to continue developing cleaner uses of oil and gas, downplaying the need to transition away from those fuels.

U.S. fossil fuel companies have produced more energy in recent years while cutting emissions, several Republicans on the panel said.

Subcommittee Chairman Bill Johnson, an Ohio Republican, criticized Biden and congressional Democrats for demanding “a radical reordering of American society and a reduced standard of living” to meet climate goals.

“Becoming more prosperous and secure as a nation is possible while also decreasing emissions,” Johnson said. “We’ve proven it. We’ve done it. We don’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

But Democrats said that progress on environmental goals, including air pollution, was achieved because of federal policies.

Subcommittee ranking Democrat Paul Tonko of New York said U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations and other federal policies drove major reductions in automotive emissions, and particulate matter, ozone and sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere.

Whitmer signs climate change legislation setting 100% clean energy standard for Michigan by 2040 

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a slate of bills Tuesday that take her proposals from the MI Healthy Climate Plan and make them into state law.

Held at Detroit’s Eastern Market, the ceremony followed House passage earlier this month of a half-a-dozen pieces of climate change legislation from Democrats that address, among other issues, clean energy standards, energy waste and affordability, and providing state regulators authority over permitting clean energy projects. 

“Today is a huge win for Michigan families, for Michigan businesses, and for future generations of Michiganders,” said Whitmer.

Get ready for a high-stakes legislative debate over retail energy deregulation

A quarter century after Maryland allowed consumers to buy their electricity directly from suppliers, two powerful lawmakers, unhappy with the results, are planning to introduce legislation to add new guardrails on the system and strengthen consumer protections.

Del. Brian M. Crosby (D-St. Mary’s), vice chair of the House Economic Matters Committee, and Senate President Pro Tem Malcolm Augustine (D-Prince George’s) both said the system as it’s devised enables unscrupulous companies to overcharge unsuspecting ratepayers who think they are getting bargains.

“We’re looking into putting some real guardrails on retail supply,” said Augustine, who is chair of the Energy subcommittee on the Senate Committee on Education, Energy and the Environment. “The retail supply has been a real problem area for my constituents for my entire time in the legislature.”

At the same time, a colleague of Crosby’s on the Economic Matters Committee, Del. Adrian Boafo (D-Prince George’s), said he is contemplating legislation that might to expand the state’s retail electricity market while also adding consumer safeguards.

“We have a bill I’m working on with industry about protecting consumers in Prince George’s and [Baltimore] city,” he said. “Our bill is essentially trying to raise the standard on how they operate.”

The forthcoming legislative debate comes at a time when consumer advocates, including a state agency that protects ratepayers’ interests on utility matters, are pressuring policymakers and regulators to crack down on unsavory practices by electric retailers. But at the same time, powerful players in the retail energy marketplace are urging lawmakers to consider creating more space for competition, which would put Maryland more in line with Texas and states in the South, which have little to no regulation.

Report: Electric Vehicles Have 80% More Problems than Gas-Powered Cars

Electric vehicles (EVs) have vastly more problems that arise than gas-powered cars, a new report of American consumers reveals.

The survey from Consumer Reports, which asked owners of about 330,000 vehicles about issues they faced over the last year, found that EVs have almost 80 percent more problems than gas-powered cars using traditional combustion engines.


Is This the End of Good Beef Products?

Explore the shocking reality of how imported beef is labeled as ‘Product of the USA,’ disadvantaging American farmers.

More than 85% of the grass fed beef sold in the U.S. is not raised in the U.S., yet it’s labeled “Product of the USA.” As a result of a loophole in the labeling law, American farmers who produce grass fed beef are forced to compete against far less expensive imported grass fed beef.

In 2017, raising grass fed beef in Australia cost 59 cents per pound, whereas the cost per pound in the U.S. was $1.55 for large producers and as much as $4.26 per pound for a small farm.

One of the reasons for this price discrepancy is the fact that countries like Australia and New Zealand have relatively temperate weather year-round. As a result, their cows can graze on pasture throughout the year, whereas American farmers must purchase feed during the winter.

There’s a globally coordinated assault on agriculture. The G20, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) and the World Economic Forum are all pushing for radical reductions in farming to reach “net zero” greenhouse gas emissions.

The “sustainability” that globalists are calling for is not the sustainability of the human population. What they’re referring to is the sustainable growth of a new global economic system based on the allocation of finite resources to the technocratic “rulers.” The rest of us will “own nothing,” because they intend to strip us of our ownership rights. It’s crucial that people understand that the “sustainability” solutions currently offered will result in the eradication of a large portion of humanity.

5 Things You Need to Survive Winter

When we first moved to the country in 2002, I had no idea what I needed to survive the outdoors during winter. That first year, I was so cold because I wasn’t dressing properly for the weather. Over the years, I gradually started shopping more at the farm supply stores and less at the mall. Although it might seem that they have a lot of the same products, such as coats and socks, their insulating capabilities are vastly different.

Here’s what you need:

  • High-quality boots
  • Insulated overalls or coveralls
  • A proper coat
  • Wool socks
  • Gloves

How to care for your animals in winter


US Supreme Court Gets Emergency Petition Over Illinois ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Opponents of Illinois’s “assault weapons” ban filed an emergency petition with the U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 29, asking the justices to block a Democrat-backed ban on certain kinds of semiautomatic rifles and magazines.

The National Association for Gun Rights, firearms store owner Robert Bevis, and his store, Law Weapons & Supply, filed the “emergency application” after a lower court denied their bid for a preliminary injunction against the statewide ban, as well as a similar ban enacted by the Chicago suburb of Naperville.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett handles emergency petitions from Illinois; in May, she rebuffed an earlier petition that challenged the state ban. At the time, the Supreme Court offered no comment and no justice publicly dissented.


First Hospital in Nation to Require COVID-19 Vaccines Will End Mandate

Houston Methodist, which made national headlines after becoming the first hospital in the United States to mandate the COVID-19 vaccines, will no longer require its employees to receive the controversial shots after a new law passed by the Texas legislature outlawed the practice of denying vaccine choice to workers in the private sector.

The hospital announced the change in policy in an internal email to employees, reviewed by The Epoch Times, that employees who choose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine will no longer be prohibited from working at the institution, effective Dec. 1.

“The Texas Legislature passed a law in the special session that prohibits private employers from requiring employees and contractors to get a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment,” the statement read. “We will continue to encourage everyone to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, but it will no longer be mandated at Houston Methodist. This means that getting the vaccine, or being approved for an exemption, will no longer be a condition of employment.”


Actress Natalie Portman Warns Children Not to Work in Hollywood After Admitting She Felt ‘Sexualized’ as a Child

Actress Natalie Portman has said she believes children should not work in Hollywood owing to the potential risks, after admitting she felt “sexualized” as a child movie star.

“I would not encourage young people to go into this. I don’t mean ever; I mean as children,” Ms. Portman told Variety in an interview published on Nov. 23.

The actress, who starred in her first movie at the age of 12, said she believes it was an “accident of luck” combined with “very overprotective, wonderful parents” that she was not harmed while working in the film industry at such a young age.

Deadspin writer who said kid wore blackface tries to keep story afloat. Disgusted social media users push back with contempt

arron J. Phillips — the Deadspin writer who accused a 9-year-old boy of wearing blackface to a Kansas City Chiefs game — on Thursday posted two entries on the X platform calling attention to a Native American tribe’s reaction to the kid wearing a headdress.

Philllips didn’t use words to preface his pair of posts; instead he employed “eyeball” emojis, which typically are used as a “Look at this!” signal to readers.

But Phillips’ attempt to keep his story afloat appeared only to make X users furious, as they’re in the process of ratioing each entry into oblivion (i.e., when comments outnumber likes) and blasting him for “still harassing children” among other things.

Angry dad says son has been ‘pretty devastated’ since Deadspin writer accused 9-year-old of wearing blackface to Chiefs game

he father of Holden Armenta — the 9-year-old boy accused by Deadspin writer Carron J. Phillips of wearing blackface to a Kansas City Chiefs game over the weekend — told Fox News’ Jesse Watters that he’s “mad” and “upset” about the toll the rather dubious controversy has taken on his son.

“He’s pretty devastated,” Holden’s dad Bubba said of his son, adding that it was his “dream to get on the Jumbotron” for the game.

Alleged Victim in Von Miller Case Now Says ‘No One Assaulted Anyone’

The alleged victim at the center of the Von Miller domestic violence accusations now says that the situation has been “blown way out of context.”

An arrest warrant was issued after the unidentified woman accused Miller, the star outside linebacker for the Buffalo Bills, of assaulting her on Wednesday morning. Miller turned himself in to police in suburban Dallas Wednesday afternoon.


Rand Paul saves the day! 

Rand Paul Saves Joni Ernst’s Life with Heimlich Maneuver

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) reportedly saved Sen. Joni Ernst’s (R-IA) life on Thursday after administering the Heimlich maneuver.

The choking incident occurred while the lawmakers were having a Senate GOP lunch at the U.S. Capitol. According to attendees, Ernst was choking on food but is now okay.

Baldwin should have learned from Alex Jones … Report: Alec Baldwin Settles $25 Million Defamation Suit Brought by Family of Marine Killed in Afghanistan

Alec Baldwin has reportedly settled the $25 million defamation suit brought against him by the family of a Marine who was killed during President Joe Biden’s catastrophic exit from Afghanistan.

The Wyoming family of the late Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum sued Alec Baldwin earlier this year, claiming the actor subjected them to online threats and harassment after he posted and commented on a photo shared online by one of McCollum’s sisters, who had been in Washington, D.C. during the January 6 riot.

While a judge threw out the family’s first suit, they announced their intention to re-file the complaint.

Now the $25 million suit appears to have been settled, according to report from independent journalist Emily Miller.

“My clients are happy that this matter is over,” the family’s attorney Dennis Postiglione  reportedly said. “They look forward to moving on— without Alec Baldwin in their lives.”

Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum , 20, was one of 13 U.S. service members killed by a suicide bomber at Kabul airport during Biden’s disastrously mismanaged withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

Baldwin initially donated money to the McCollum family in the wake of the tragedy. But his generosity allegedly turned to contempt when he learned that one of Rylee McCollum’s sisters, Roice, was in Washington during January 6.

The Hollywood star posted a photo of the sister to his Instagram page, and repeatedly called her an “insurrectionist” in the feed. Roice McCollum has stated she did not take part in or support the rioting at the Capitol.

GOOD NEWS: Neither one of them will be the candidate choice of their party! 

5 takeaways from the DeSantis and Newsom debate: ‘Neither of us will be our party’s nominee in 2024’

Here are the important takeaways from Thursday’s clash.

1.Gen-X leaders tussle over Biden, Trump

Given the role age is expected to play in the 2024 presidential contest, the two governors — when compared to the 81-year-old Biden and 77-year-old Trump — are young, rising stars in their respective parties.

2.COVID-19 differences: ‘You even wore a mask’

One area where DeSantis and Newsom arguably couldn’t be more different is their philosophy on how the country handled the coronavirus pandemic, which was a defining issue for many governors in 2020.

4.Mispronouncing the VP’s name

During one tiny exchange during the COVID-19 portion of the debate, Newsom called out DeSantis over the pronunciation of Vice President Kamala Harris’ name.

Newsom interrupted DeSantis, saying the Florida Republican was insulting her on purpose.

“It’s Madame vice president to you,” Newsom said. “Stop insulting.”

California vs. Florida: Crime, gun safety and homelessness

Much of the debate also touched on how differently red and blue states address problems from taxes to violent crime.

At the outset, DeSantis and Newsom battled over why Americans are leaving more liberal-leaning states for more conservatives ones, according to Census data.

5.Abortion marks deep contrast

A sharp disagreement was predictably on abortion, an issue where Democrats have scored consecutive wins in various statewide ballot initiatives.

Newsom was pressed by DeSantis and Hannity on what restrictions, if any, he would support in the final months of pregnancy. He declined to engage with the question of at what stage the procedure should be prohibited, however.

An afterthought to last night’s DeSantis/Newsom debate … 

WATCH: The Shocking Moment Ron DeSantis Ended Gavin Newsom

A bit of Irish humor …

Old man Murphy and old man Sean were contemplating life when Murphy asked, “If you had to get one or the other, would you instead get Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s?

“Sure, I rather have Parkinson’s”, replied Sean

“‘Tis better to spill a couple of ounces of Jameson whiskey than to forget where you keep the bottle!”


Lifetime Executive Gushes Over Studio’s First Christmas Movie Sex Scene

Man ‘Orally Raped’ On Flight To Moscow By Sex-Crazed Woman: Reports

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