July 21, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 25, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

1.Governor Demands Biden Stop Risking Migrant Lives at Texas Border

Texas Governor Greg Abbott responded the Department of Justice’s threat to sue the state over the recent deployment of a floating border barrier, saying, “Texas will see you in court, Mr. President.” The response came in a letter to President Joe Biden asking that he join with Texas to stop migrants from “wagering their lives in the waters of the Rio Grande.”

2.Biden’s Justice Department Sues Texas over Rio Grande Buoy Barrier

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Texas on Monday over a buoy barrier Republican Gov. Greg Abbott built in the Rio Grande River without federal approval.

As part of Operation Lone Star, Abbott installed nearly 1,000 feet of buoys in the Rio Grande on July 10 to deter migrants from crossing the border. The Rio Grande defines the Texas border but falls under the International Boundary and Water Commission’s jurisdiction because it marks the boundary between the United States and Mexico.

3.Gov. Murphy Defends Lawsuit to Block Parents From Knowledge of Kids’ Gender Transition

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy defended a move by his administration to prevent school districts from informing parents that their children are showing signs of gender transitioning.

In June, three New Jersey school districts—Middletown school district, Marlboro school district, and Manalapan-Englishtown Regional school district—approved policies to require that parents be told if their children showed signs of “transitioning” to another gender. Specifically, these signs include students beginning to use a different name, pronouns, or bathrooms that are different from their sex.

Just a day later, Mr. Murphy’s administration announced a move to sue the school districts, with the state contending that these policies entailed “outing” the students and would fail to provide students with a “safe” learning environment.

  1. EXCLUSIVE: Security Footage Undermines Key Claims in Police Report in Death of Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6

Video also reveals rescuers spent more than 60 minutes trying to revive her lifeless body

5.IRS says it will ‘end most’ unannounced visits to taxpayers’ homes by agents

IRS overhauls policy in bid to improve safety for taxpayers and agents

The IRS says the change “reverses a decades-long practice by IRS revenue officers, the unarmed agency employees whose duties include visiting households and businesses to help taxpayers resolve their account balances by collecting unpaid taxes and unfiled tax returns.”

“Effective immediately, unannounced visits will end except in a few unique circumstances and will be replaced with mailed letters to schedule meetings,” the IRS said in a statement.

“We are taking a fresh look at how the IRS operates to better serve taxpayers and the nation, and making this change is a common-sense step,” IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel said. “Changing this long-standing procedure will increase confidence in our tax administration work and improve overall safety for taxpayers and IRS employees.”


Mexico Replaces China as Top U.S. Trading Partner

Senior economist Luis Torres of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas noted on Tuesday that Mexico has replaced China as the top U.S. trading partner, racking up $263 billion in trade during the first four months of 2023. China had been the top American trading partner since 2014, when it displaced Canada.

Israeli parliament passes divisive law weakening Supreme Court

Opposition walks out of Knesset session, protests to continue against judicial overhaul and watchdog group plans appeal to high court.

Israel protests: doctors announce strike amid mass demonstrations over judicial overhaul

Passing of key part of Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to reduce power of courts is met with calls for strike action and street protests by thousands

Even Canadians Oppose Justin Trudeau’s K-12 Transgenderism Drive

Even Canadians are turning against the transgender ideology as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pushes the society-shredding claim throughout the politically quiet society.

“There is an awful lot of misinformation and disinformation out there [from] people on social media, particularly fueled by the American right wing are spreading a lot of untruths,” pro-transgender Trudeau complained to a Muslim audience in early July.

Transhumanist Down Under: Australian Government Funds Scientists Merging AI With Brain Cells

A team of scientists has won a $600,000 grant from the government of Australia to continue their work merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence.

The team has already enjoyed success, making headlines last year for “teaching” a cluster of brain cells in a Petri dish to play the video game Pong

Member of Parliament: Electric Car Owners Should Pay More in Insurance to Cover Cost of Fighting Battery Fires

Electric vehicle (EV) drivers should pay more in insurance to cover the cost of fighting battery fires, which are harder to extinguish, says Greg Smith, a Member of the UK Parliament  who serves on the Transport Committee.

Smith noted that fire services have had to spend seven-figure sums on submersion tanks for fires involving lithium-ion batteries, which present a unique challenge to fire brigades, according to a report by the Telegraph.

“It doesn’t take a genius to work out that a seven-figure capital expenditure on one of these things, by the time every car on the road is battery-electric, even if you have 0.1 percent setting themselves on fire you’re going to need more than one tank,” Smith said.

Swedish Court Convicts Greta Thunberg For Truck-Blocking Protest

Thunberg will have to pay a small fine after being convicted over the blocking of a road this year, an outcome she has decried as “absurd”.


HUGE! Devon Archer to Testify Hunter Biden Put Then-VP Dad Joe on the Phone with Overseas Business Partners at Least 2 Dozen TimesHunter Biden’s former associate and convicted felon, Devon Archer, is reportedly cooperating with Republican lawmakers and will testify this week on the $10 million Ukraine-Biden bribe.

According to New York Post reporter Miranda Devine, Devon Archer is going to sing like a canary and tell Congress that Hunter Biden put his dad, then-VP Joe Biden on speakerphone into meetings with his foreign business associates at least two dozen times.

Archer, who is currently facing one year in prison for defrauding an Indian tribe, will testify to the House Oversight Committee about at least two dozen meetings he witnessed Joe Biden attend either in person or by phone at Hunter’s request.

Joe Biden Allegedly Interacted With Son’s Clients More Than 200 Times

President Joe Biden vehemently denied ever talking business with his son, “or with anyone else” in the run-up to the 2020 election. In fact, Biden even fat-shamed an Iowa voter who approached the subject during the Democratic primaries. On the debate stage with Donald Trump, the former vice president peddled conspiracies of Russian interference when emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed otherwise.

On Sunday night, the New York Post reported on anticipated testimony from Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer. The 48-year-old who went golfing with the Bidens in 2014 is expected to tell the House Oversight Committee how Hunter Biden put his father in contact with foreign businessmen and potential investors at least 24 times. According to the Post, such meetings were either in person or by speakerphone, with Hunter Biden often dialing in Joe.

Kevin McCarthy Says Impeachment Inquiry of Joe Biden Being Prepared

Is Joe Biden finally about to face the first steps of impeachment? That’s what House Speaker Kevin McCarthy signaled on Monday evening.

While appearing on Fox News, McCarthy laid out the case that Joe Biden accepted bribes and funneled money through a variety of shell companies. He then said at the end of the segment with Sean Hannity that “this is rising to the level of an impeachment inquiry.”

Jan. 6 defendant in flagpole police beating case sentenced to 4 years in prison

A man was sentenced on Monday to a more than four years in prison for beating a police officer with a flagpole during the Jan 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol.

In a news release, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said that Peter Francis Stager of Conway, Arkansas was sentenced after pleading guilty to a felony charge.

RFK Jr. Maintains Highest Favorability Rating Among Presidential Candidates in New Poll

Days after a House hearing on censorship that saw Democrats attempt to prevent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from testifying, a new Harvard-Harris poll showed that he has a higher favorability rating than any other presidential candidate.

Mr. Kennedy has a favorable rating of 47 percent and a unfavorable mark of 26 percent, according to the survey, which was released on July 23 and conducted from July 19 to July 20 among 2,068 registered voters (pdf).

Biden Launches Permanent ‘Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy’

The Biden-Harris Administration has made historic progress on our nation’s ability to manage COVID-19 so that it no longer meaningfully disrupts the way we live our lives. Under President Biden’s leadership, the Administration has taken significant steps to ensure all individuals have continued access to lifesaving protections such as vaccines, treatments, and tests, and that the nation is well prepared to manage the risks of COVID-19 or other causes of potential pandemics in the future.

As part of the President’s commitment to ensure that our country is more prepared for a pandemic than we were when he took office, the Administration is standing up the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR). This will be a permanent office in the Executive Office of the President (EOP) charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions related to preparedness for, and response to, known and unknown biological threats or pathogens that could lead to a pandemic or to significant public health-related disruptions in the United States. OPPR will take over the duties of the current COVID-19 Response Team and Mpox Team at the White House and will continue to coordinate and develop policies and priorities related to pandemic preparedness and response.


Poll Finds 1 in 5 Americans Doubts Ever Retiring

A recent Axios/Ipsos poll finds that a fifth of Americans don’t believe they will ever be able to retire.

The July 20 poll found that 20% of Americans said they don’t think they will ever retire due to financial worries and the uncertainty of Social Security’s future.

Of those, 70% said they could not afford to retire, and 19% said they did not want to stop working.

Ohio and Indiana Want Automated Semi Trucks Rolling Down I-70

Automated semi trucks could soon be traveling on I-70 between Indianapolis, Indiana, and Columbus, Ohio, thanks to an initiative by DriveOhio and each state’s Department of Transportation.

DriveOhio has announced a four-year-long, $8 million dollar plan to bring automated semi trucks to Ohio roads, according to a report by WDTN.

CBDCs As A Weapon To Debank The Banked

In March 2022, President Biden signed an Executive Order directing government agencies to urgently research and develop a potential US central bank digital currency (CBDC) “in a manner that protects Americans’ interests.” It also encouraged the Federal Reserve Bank to continue doing so. And it isn’t just the Biden Administration in the United States working in such a direction.

As of the time of writing, CBDCTracker.org lists three countries or regions with retail CBDCs already “launched” (Bahamas, Jamaica and Nigeria), another five in “pilot” stage, and another twenty in “proof of concept” stage. Many more have at least researched wholesale CBDCs. (“Wholesale” CBDCs are intended for commercial and central bank use and the like, while “retail” CBDCs are intended for the rest of us). A report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) released just this month summarizes the results of a survey of 86 central banks and concludes that “there could be 15 retail and nine wholesale CBDCs publicly circulating in 2030.”

When you read statements from high-level officials of the BIS, central banks, and governments, you get the impression that CBDCs are an exciting development in the evolution of money. The BIS, for example, calls them “a new tool in the financial inclusion toolkit.” An op-ed co-authored by BIS General Manager Agustín Carstens and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands frames them in the title as “CBDCs for the people.” An IMF working paper asserts that CBDCs can “bank large unbanked populations” in developing countries.

‘They’re fired up’: Teamsters president on looming UPS strike

Sean O’Brien could be leading his union in one of the biggest – and costliest – strike at a single private employer in US history


Another Eco-Friendly Inferno: Tesla Bursts into Flames on North Carolina Highway

A Tesla electric vehicle burst into flames after striking a piece of metal debris on the highway near Wilmington, North Carolina. The driver, Craig Lippe, was able to safely exit the vehicle and no injuries were reported.

Green Inferno: Electric Mercedes Catches Fire in Garage of Florida Home Causing $1 Million in Damage

A 2023 Mercedes Benz EQE350+ electric vehicle caught fire while parked in the garage of a home in Nocatee, Florida, causing an estimated $1 million in damage to the home. The electric car reportedly wasn’t even charging when it caught fire. Thankfully, the residents of the home and their puppy were not harmed.

Bezos vs. Musk: Amazon Plans to Launch Up to 80 Satellites Per Month to Compete with SpaceX Starlink

Amazon plans to launch up to 80 satellites per month as it aims to compete with satellite-powered internet connectivity services including SpaceX and OneWeb.

The tech giant is preparing mass production of its Kuiper satellites at its 172,000 square foot factory Kirkland, Washington.


“Worldcoin” Is Here: Just Get Your Eyes Scanned By “The Orb” And Your New “World ID” Will Be Issued To You

Have you had your eyes scanned by “The Orb” yet?  All it takes is just one trip, and once your biometric data is in the database you will receive some free money and a new “digital identity” that you will be able to use all over the Internet.  Doesn’t that sound grand?  As you will see below, hundreds of thousands of people in Europe have already signed up.  Those who have created Worldcoin intend for it to be “a new identity and financial network” that is owned by everyone on the entire planet.  The following comes directly from the official Worldcoin website

More than three years ago we founded Worldcoin with the ambition of creating a new identity and financial network owned by everyone; the rollout begins today. If successful, we believe Worldcoin could drastically increase economic opportunity, scale a reliable solution for distinguishing humans from AI online while preserving privacy, enable global democratic processes, and eventually show a potential path to AI-funded UBI.

That initial paragraph certainly sounds wonderful.

ut once you start digging a bit deeper you quickly discover the dystopian details of this scheme.

Once you sign up for Worldcoin, your new “World ID” will be issued to you.  Ultimately, the goal is for the entire Internet to start using this new “World ID” system

Worldcoin consists of a privacy-preserving digital identity (World ID) and, where laws allow, a digital currency (WLD) received simply for being human. We hope that, where the rules are less clear, such as in the U.S., steps will be taken so more people can benefit from both.

Needless to say, just offering a “World ID” is not going to motivate a lot of people to embrace this new system.

So the founders are also offering free money to everyone that signs up where laws allow for such a thing.

Ultimately, the goal is to “freely distribute tokens to all eight billion people on the planet”

The goal is simple and modest: To create a system that will, eventually, freely distribute tokens to all eight billion people on the planet, as a form of universal basic income (UBI). But because the rise of AI will make it tricky to figure out who is human and who’s a digital fake, Worldcoin first needs to create a system that lets people — all people, across the globe — prove that they are in fact human beings.

The idea of a “universal basic income” certainly appeals to a lot of people out there.

Especially the lazy ones.

Police Use AI-Powered License Plate Recognition to Track ‘Suspicious’ Travel Patterns

American law enforcement are now using AI-powered license plate recognition systems to identify “suspicious” patterns of movement by analyzing billions of license plate records. However, this new technology raises significant concerns about privacy and potential misuse.

Forbes reports that by examining billions of license plate records, AI is now assisting American law enforcement in locating “suspicious” movement patterns. This new technology raises serious concerns about privacy and potential abuse. One of the most significant deployments of this technology to date was in a drug trafficking case in New York.

Amazon’s Creepy Palm-Scanning Payment System Is Coming to Your Local Whole Foods Market

Amazon has announced plans to roll out its palm-scanning payment technology, Amazon One, to all Whole Foods locations by the end of 2023. The creepy technology goes far beyond scanning a customer’s palm print, instead using information like the vein pattern in the hand to establish identity.

Fast Company reports that by the end of 2023, all Whole Foods locations will have access to Amazon One, the company’s palm-scanning payment system. Amazon One, a payment system introduced in 2020, is set to mark its largest expansion to date. The technology works by scanning the unique lines, ridges, and vein patterns of a user’s palm, which Amazon claims is a secure and convenient alternative to traditional payment methods.

CEO of Company that Wants to Scan Your Irises: ‘World ID’ Is Coming ‘Whether You Like It or Not’

Alex Blania, CEO of Worldcoin, a company that wants billions of people to scan their irises to create a global system of authentication, says that a global form of ID is coming “whether you like it or not.”

Worldcoin was co-founded by Sam Altman, who is also the CEO of OpenAI, the company behind the controversial large language model ChatGPT. The AI mogul previously stated his hopes for the technology to “break capitalism” by enabling the more efficient allocation of resources.

Spy vs. spy: Exploring the LetMeSpy hack, with maia arson crime

The language of a data breach, no matter what company gets hit, is largely the same. There’s the stolen data—be it email addresses, credit card numbers, or even medical records. There are the users—unsuspecting, everyday people who, through no fault of their own, mistakenly put their trust into a company, platform, or service to keep their information safe. And there are, of course, the criminals. Some operate in groups. Some act alone. Some steal data as a means of extortion. Others steal it as a point of pride. All of them, it appears, take something that isn’t theirs. 

But what happens if a cybercriminal takes something that may have already been stolen? 


Southern Turkey rocked by magnitude 5.5 earthquake

The earthquake comes five months after a magnitude 7.8 quake devastated parts of Turkey and Syria.

Dozens of pilot whales beached in mass stranding east of Albany in WA

Whales grouped in pod off Cheynes beach before stranding event with wildlife officers hoping to rescue as many mammals as possible

At least 50 pilot whales have stranded on Cheynes beach east of Albany in Western Australia.

Almost twice that number of whales had been seen massing off the beach since Monday, according to the owner of Cheynes Beach Caravan Park, Allan Marsh.


8 Ways To Keep Ducklings Warm Without a Lamp

For many duck owners, one of the most exciting and precious times in their lives is raising newly hatched ducklings and keeping them warm.

These precocious and adorable little fuzzballs are highly vulnerable though, because if they get too cold, they can get gravely sick or even die.

Luckily, people long ago figured out how best to keep them warm using a brooder box and heat lamp arrangement.

Tried and trusted, heat lamps nonetheless have quite a few problems, specifically the fact that they use a lot of power and can be very dangerous, causing fires.

And, sometimes, the bulbs just go out. That’s bad news for your ducklings!

Luckily, if you need to deal with an accident or just want a safer alternative there are several ways to keep your ducklings warm without using the old standby. I’ll tell you what they are in this article.


A Spoonful of Olive Oil Daily Could Save Your Brain From Dementia

Adding olive oil to your menu on a regular basis can decrease the risk of dementia-related deaths by as much as 28 percent, a new study reveals. Researchers in Boston believe this oil, a popular addition to many culinary dishes and a staple of the Mediterranean diet, could potentially play a crucial role in brain health.

A common ingredient in everything from salad dressing to fried food, this research proposes that by incorporating just half a tablespoon of olive oil into your daily diet, you may be able to reduce the risk of dying from dementia. Given the increasing global rates of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, these findings could be significant. The team suggests that a healthy lifestyle, including dietary factors, might help to prevent or slow down the progression of these debilitating condition

“Our study reinforces dietary guidelines recommending vegetable oils such as olive oil and suggests that these recommendations not only support heart health but potentially brain health, as well,” says Anne-Julie Tessier, RD, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

“Opting for olive oil, a natural product, instead of fats such as margarine and commercial mayonnaise is a safe choice and may reduce the risk of fatal dementia.”

This is the first study to explore the relationship between dietary habits and dementia-related death. The research team analyzed dietary questionnaires and death records collected from over 90,000 Americans over a span of three decades. Within this period, 4,749 participants passed away from dementia.

Related: HOW TO CHOOSE THE HEALTHIEST OLIVE OIL – I always use and recommend only cold pressed, unfiltered extra virgin olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is considered an unrefined oil since it’s not treated with chemicals or altered by temperature. There are very specific standards oil has to meet to receive the label extra virgin. Because of the way extra virgin olive oil is made, it retains more true olive taste and contains more of the natural vitamins and minerals found in olives. I

Study: Transgender Genital Surgeries Result in Pain, Incontinence

Four out of five people who undergo transgender-related surgery involving their genitals endure pain in the five years after the procedure, more than half feel pain while having sex, and about one-third are left incontinent, one of the first studies into the side effects discovered.


New York Venue Cancels Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Pro-Israel Lecture

The New York Society for Ethical Culture (NYSEC) canceled an event Monday that was to have featured Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. delivering a pro-Israel speech to a Jewish group Tuesday evening.


Body of Obama’s Personal Chef Found Drowned Near Family Estate on Martha’s Vineyard

The body of former President Barack Obama’s personal chef was reportedly found to have drowned near the family’s estate on Martha’s Vineyard.

Dylan Mulvaney Is Now Looking to Speak at Your Kid’s School After Bud Light Debacle

One of the most exciting opportunities in years to meet a historical figure and piece of history together is gearing up for the upcoming 2023/24 school year, and it involves Dylan Mulvaney and Hunter Biden’s laptop on tour together this fall.

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