July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 07, 2023


Middle East Received $21 Billion In U.S. Foreign Aid Under Biden Administration

From Open the Books  – Israel received $6.6 billion for defense. Another 17 countries split $14 billion – including direct cash payments (2021-2023).

TOPLINE: Seventeen Middle Eastern countries, plus Egypt, received $20.8 billion in U.S. foreign aid during the Biden administration in fiscal years 2021-2023, according to U.S. government disclosures. Israel received $6.615 billion. Jordan and Yemen received the next highest funding levels, with $3.8 and $3.2 billion, respectively.

Hamas’ terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7 claimed more than 1,400 lives. Neighboring Middle Eastern countries soon spoke out against Israel taking some retaliatory measures. Principally, they objected to Israel causing civilian casualties by invading Gaza to rescue Israel and U.S. hostages taken October 7, and to eliminate Hamas once and for all.

Auditors at OpenTheBooks.com decided to take a closer look at foreign aid spending in the region. The countries in the “Middle East” are defined by the United Nations “based on geographical and climatic homogeneity.”

Note: Iran didn’t receive direct taxpayer dollars, but an estimated $50 billion from loosed sanctions, unfrozen assets, and other policy changes by the Biden administration. Furthermore, the Biden administration restarted $1 billion in Palestinian aid through the United Nations after a Trump freeze.

Israeli Forces Capture Hamas Gaza Stronghold as Air Strikes, Naval Bombardment Hit Another 450 Terrorist Sites

From Breitbart – The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Monday it had successfully stormed a Hamas terrorist stronghold overnight alongside 450 other sites struck by aerial and naval bombardment as the ground offensive in the Gaza Strip continues to pick up speed.

The IDF issued a statement detailing the compound contained observation posts, training grounds, and a tunnel system.

Other terrorist sites were also included in the mass coordinated attack from land, sea, and air as the IDF revealed on social media.

Israel-Hamas war is deadliest ever for UN aid workers, with at least 88 killed

From The Guardian – Call for ceasefire by agency leaders of UN, which said airstrikes on Gaza had caused the most deaths of its aid workers in one conflict

The deaths of scores of aid workers in airstrikes on Gaza over the past month has made the conflict the deadliest ever for UN workers.

At least 88 people who worked for the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, have been killed since 7 October. Forty-seven of its buildings have been damaged.

Separately, at least 150 health workers have been killed in Gaza – 16 while on duty – and 18 emergency-service workers for Gaza’s civil defence, according to the UN. More than 100 health facilities have been damaged.

UN agency leaders called on Sunday for an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian access to the territory. They called for both Israel and Hamas to respect international law.

Zelenskyy Invites Trump to Ukraine, Says Trump ‘Can’t Bring Peace’

From The Epoch Times – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Nov. 5 invited former President Donald Trump to Ukraine, pushing back on the former president’s claim that he could bring peace in 24 hours if reelected.

In March, President Trump accused President Joe Biden of incompetently handling the Russo-Ukrainian War, which he said he could solve in 24 hours.

“If it’s not solved, I will have it solved in 24 hours with Zelenskyy and with Putin,” President Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in March.

French Parliament Begins Debate on Bill to Increase Deportations

From Breitbart – Senators in France started debating a bill Monday that is intended to toughen the country’s immigration law but advocacy organizations have criticized as a threat to the rights of asylum-seekers and other migrants.

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said the legislation “is about being firm” on immigration. The bill especially is aimed at “being tougher on foreigners who commit crimes, expelling them all,” he said, speaking Sunday night on TV channel France 2.

Canada’s Trudeau Wants MORE Migrants amid Crisis in Housing, Wages, Births

From Breitbart – Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is again raising his inflow of legal immigrants — which has already spiked Canadians’ housing prices, crashed birthrates, slashed productivity, and trashed public support for migration.

Trudeau’s inflow will rise from 465,000 in 2023, up to 485,000 in 2024 and then 500,000 per year after, immigration minister Marc Miller said November 1.


Election Day in America: Kentucky, Mississippi, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio to Vote, Setting Stage for 2024

From Breitbart – Voters in several states on Tuesday will head to the polls for the last major regularly scheduled general election before the presidency is on the ballot a year from now, and analysts and insiders are looking for clues about what may lie ahead from the results in many key races.

The banner race on Tuesday is probably Kentucky’s governor election, where incumbent Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear faces GOP challenger Attorney General Daniel Cameron. Cameron, who is backed strongly by former President Donald Trump, trailed Beshear significantly all year. Even as recently as earlier in October, he was down well into double digits, but polling released late last week suggests the race tightened considerably in the past few weeks. An Emerson College survey released in early October showed Beshear leading Cameron by 16 percent, but another survey from the same pollster conducted at the end of October and released on Friday last week showed Cameron holding a slight edge over Beshear when leaners are included and the two of them tied in the straight-up ballot test — a swing of 16 or 17 percent Cameron’s way in just a few weeks.

Exclusive: Single Group of 1,200 Migrants Surge Across Arizona Border

From Breitbart – According to a source within CBP, Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended a single group of migrants that crossed the U.S./Mexico border into San Miguel, Arizona. An initial headcount at the crossing scene on Saturday showed the group consisted of 1,200 migrants from across the globe. Saturday’s group is one of two large groups of more than 1,000 migrants to cross the border near San Miguel since November 1.

The small census-designated area of San Miguel is now one of the busiest crossing points for large migrant groups in the Tucson Border Patrol Sector. Located on the Tohono Oʼodham Nation reservation, the small community is home to roughly 207 inhabitants as of the 2020 census. According to the source, not authorized to speak to the media, the recent large groups of migrants are merely surrendering to Border Patrol agents in hopes of gaining release into the United States to pursue asylum claims.

Congress Sneaks In Stealth $34,000 Pay Raise; Gaetz, AOC Among More Than 200 Lawmakers To Benefit

From ZeroHedge – As House Democrats were set to hand power over to the Republicans following their midterm loss, they slipped in a provision into the House’s internal rules under the guise of aiding their less affluent members; a $34,000 allowance to ostensibly help with living expenses in Washington D.C.

A deep dive into the records by the Washington Free Beacon reveals that over 200 lawmakers, including the vociferous Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), have dipped into this taxpayer-funded pot, a sumptuous feast on the nation’s dime.

Ocasio-Cortez, who has previously lamented the costliness of D.C. living on a Congressperson’s salary, now enjoys taxpayer support for accommodations in a luxury building replete with amenities that seem more Silicon Valley than Capitol Hill.

Bipartisan handout

So far, 113 Democrats and 104 Republicans, including millionaire members like Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) and House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA), have partaken in the program, drawing $1.4 million from taxpayers during the first half of 2023 alone.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a critic of past budgetary excesses (whose wife says she’s got a ‘chef husband’), claimed the largest share of the fund.

When pressed about the apparent contradiction, Gaetz justified his actions to the Washington Free Beacon, emphasizing his adherence to the law and his thrifty shopping habits: “I’ve complied with the law, and my cooking is often with discount BOGO products. I try to do the best in the kitchen from the BOGO life,” Gaetz said. He also highlighted his record of fiscal responsibility: “During my time in Congress, I’ve returned over $860,000 to taxpayers from the Members’ Representational Allowance (MRA).”

All Things Trump …

Jack Smith Opposes Having Cameras in Trump’s Federal Election Trial

From The Epoch Times – Federal prosecutors pushed back against news organizations’ petition to get the Trump trial televised.

Special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecutors issued a court filing saying they oppose the televising of former President Donald Trump’s federal election trial, although a multitude of media outlets have sought for it to be streamed.

A group of media outlets asked the federal judge overseeing the case for permission to broadcast the Trump trial due to its historic nature. One of President Trump’s attorneys has also publicly backed the trial being televised for the public to see.

Federal prosecutors said that “every court to have considered the issue has concluded that there is no constitutional right to a televised trial,” according to their court filing on Nov. 3. The longstanding rule that disallows the broadcasting of federal trials was implemented to “avoid the risks that policymakers have determined cameras pose to the fair administration of justice,” Mr. Smith’s lawyers said.

A Defiant Trump Battles Justice Engoron on Stand in New York Civil Fraud Case

From Breitbart – A defiant former President Donald Trump took the stand on Monday at the New York County Supreme Court in his civil fraud case regarding the valuation of his assets, clashing with Justice Arthur Engoron, who struggled with controlling Trump.

Trump early on on the stand reportedly went off a monologue in which he called the trial “crazy,” prompting Justice Arthur Engoron to instruct Trump to only answer questions presented to him, according to Messenger reporter Adam Klasfeld.

Trump Lawyer: Angry Judge Was ‘Unhinged’ In Courtroom, ‘Slamming a Table’

From Brietbart – Alina Habba, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump in his New York civil case, ripped Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron as “unhinged” and said he slammed a table in court on Monday during Trump’s testimony. 

Habba contended to reporters during a lunch break that Engoron “has already predetermined that my client committed fraud before we even walked into this courtroom” before quoting the justice’s remarks from earlier in the day when he was unsatisfied with Trump’s answers on the witness stand. She also took a shot at New York Attorney General Letitia James, who brought the case against Trump and his two eldest sons.

WATCH: Los Angeles Man Opens Fire on Would-Be Intruders to Save His Family

From Breitbart – Alleged armed intruders tried to overtake a Los Angeles father as he was about to enter his home Saturday around 7:30 p.m., only to be find themselves fleeing under a barrage of bullets.

ABC 7 reported the father saying, “I guess they decided to try to come at me and come in the house but I have a five-month-old baby and a wife and a nanny in the house and that wasn’t going to happen.”

Surveillance video shows the father approaching his front door with a to-go cup of coffee in hand. It then shows one of the alleged intruders run up behind him with a gun.

Nashville Authorities Investigating Alleged Leak of Covenant Shooter’s Hate-Fueled Manifesto

From The Epoch Times – The alleged writings of the shooter who took the lives of six people, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, in March have been leaked, according to a report from podcaster Steven Crowder that prompted local officials to investigate the source of the leak.

Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell said in a statement on Nov. 6 that he had directed the city’s legal director to initiate an investigation into the leak, but he didn’t address the veracity of the documents. Other agencies were unable to verify the authenticity of the documents when asked to do so by The Epoch Times on Nov. 6.

“I have directed Wally Dietz, Metro’s law director, to initiate an investigation into how these images could have been released,” Mr. O’Connell said in the statement. “That investigation may involve local, state, and federal authorities. I am deeply concerned with the safety, security, and well-being of the Covenant families and all Nashvillians who are grieving.”

TN Bureau of Investigation Won’t Confirm Purported Leak of Covenant School Shooter’s Journal Sneering at Victims’ ‘White Privilege’

From Breitbart – The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) would not confirm that the purported leaked pages from the Nashville shooter’s manifesto were real during a Monday morning phone call.

Breitbart News spoke with TBI communications director Josh Devine, asking him if TBI could confirm the pages were real.

Devine said, “We cannot. We are offering no such confirmation on that.”

We followed with one more question, asking, “Has TBI looked at it and said, ‘We can’t confirm this,’ or is TBI not even going to look at it?”

Devine responded, “We’re aware of the images, yes, but we’re not offering confirmation on their authenticity.”

The images of the purported leaked pages in question were posted to X/Twitter by Steven Crowder and included statements, attributed to Hale, about killing “crackers” with “white privlages [sic].”

Claimed Pages from Transgender Nashville Shooter Leaked: ‘Bunch of Little F*****s with Your White Privilege, F**k You’

From Breitbart – Transgender Nashville shooter Audrey Hale referred to her victims as “crackers” and “faggots” who had “white privilege,” according to copies of her notes that are claimed to be authentic.

“Kill those kids!!!” Hale, who believed she was a male, wrote in her purported journal entry labeled February 3, 2023.

“Those crackers going to private fancy schools with those fancy kwakis [sic] + sports backpacks, with their daddies mustangs & convertables [sic]. Fuck you little shits. I wish to shoot you weak ass dicks with your mop yellow hair,” she added.

The purported pages of Hale’s manifesto were posted to social media by conservative YouTuber Steven Crowder.

“Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots with your white privilege fuck you faggots,” the writings continue.

In another journal entry labeled March 27, 2023, Hale allegedly wrote, “Today is the day. The day has finally come! I can’t believe it’s here. Don’t know how I was able to get this far, but here I am.”

“I’m a little nervous, but excited too,” the scrawling continues. “Been excited for the past 2 weeks. There were several times I could have been caught, especially back in the summer of 2021. None of that matters now. I’m almost an hour and 7 minutes away.”

“Can’t believe I’m doing this. But I’m ready. I hope my victims aren’t,” Hale allegedly added. “My only fear is if anything goes wrong. I’ll do my best to prevent any of the sort. (God let my wrath take over my anxiety). It might be 10 minutes. It might be 3-7. It’s gonna go quick.”

The page concludes with, “I hope I have a high death count. Ready to die haha.”

On March 27, Hale stalked the halls of Covenant School in Nashville, where she killed three children and three adults before authorities successfully took her down.

“The anti-whiteness movement, mainstreamed by American universities and corporations, has blood on its hands,” Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) reacted.

After the shooting on March 27, police revealed that Hale had left a manifesto and indicated that transgender propaganda played a role in her motive.

As Breitbart News reported, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) would not confirm that the purported leaked pages from the Nashville shooter’s manifesto were real during a Monday morning phone call.

‘A historic moment’: Oregon teachers launch first-ever strike

From The Guardian – Roughly 45,000 students have been out of class in the Portland public school district since Wednesday, when the Portland Association of Teachers (PAT) kicked off its first-ever strike, enlivening dozens of locations in the city with picket lines.

It’s the latest union action in a growing movement of US workers who are striking as a bargaining tool to secure higher wages and improvements in their working conditions.

After watching the United Auto Workers (UAW) achieve historic gains through striking, as well as UPS employees and the Writers Guild of America – and recent big wins for educator unions in the Los Angeles, Oakland and Fresno school districts – more and more teachers’ unions are feeling emboldened to try to better the situation of their members.

Biden Family Faces ‘Two Dozen’ Subpoenas In ‘Very Near Future’: Rep. Comer

From The Epoch Times – Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) said the Biden family would be issued around “two dozen” subpoenas in the “very near future” in connection with a corruption probe.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has revealed plans to issue around two dozen subpoenas to members of President Joe Biden’s family in the “very near future,” while accusing the president’s family of running a “very organized criminal enterprise.”

Mr. Comer detailed his intent to serve members of the Biden family with subpoenas during an interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures” on Nov. 5, after being asked whether the recent discovery of a $40,000 payment to Joe Biden is “in step with ’10 percent for the Big Guy.'”

“It matches up perfectly,” Mr. Comer said, referring to bank records showing a $40,000 check to Joe Biden from James Biden, the president’s brother, coming at the end of a series of transactions from a Chinese energy company called CEFC to businesses operated by President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

Fmr. Obama Press Sec. Gibbs: Biden Should Stop Saying Economy’s Back, Say He’s ‘Trying’ — Mortgages Are Still Way Up

From Breitbart – On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “11th Hour,” NBC Analyst and former Obama White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that President Joe Biden “needs to stop talking about the fact that America is back.” And should message that “we have a plan to bring America back, we are trying to improve your lives.” Because “saying that the economy has recovered is a danger for people whose lives don’t feel different, even though inflation is down over nine months, it still costs a lot more money to borrow money for a car, it still costs a lot more money to pay your mortgage.”

Gibbs began by saying that “you’ve got to put this choice more clearly in front of people. It is very easy to tell a pollster a year out that you feel agnostic about this choice or you don’t feel great about or enthusiastic about something. I think as people get this choice put in front of them a month, three weeks, two weeks before an election, that’s different.”

He continued, “But I also think it’s important what you just talked about, and that is, it is important to talk about the economy first, right? He’s got to have an economic message that breaks through. The disconcerting numbers that show Trump’s more trusted on the economy than Biden should be alarming. Look, to be very blunt about this, I think the President needs to stop talking about the fact that America is back. I think he needs to talk about the fact — we have a plan to bring America back, we are trying to improve your lives. But the truth is, people — you can’t talk your way into having people feel better about the economy. I think this idea of looking at this through economic statistics and saying that the economy has recovered is a danger for people whose lives don’t feel different, even though inflation is down over nine months, it still costs a lot more money to borrow money for a car, it still costs a lot more money to pay your mortgage. And I think you’ve got to live where people live, and only then are you going to have the permission structure, I think, to talk really about democracy in a way that’s important.”

Fewer Banks Are Tightening Credit, Especially for Small Businesses

From Breitbart – Fewer banks say they are making it tougher for businesses to borrow, a survey released Monday by the Federal Reserve showed.

Bank lending is the lifeblood of the American economy and lending standards are one of the main arteries through which the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy influences the growth of the economy, the level of employment, and the pace of inflation. Earlier this year, banks were aggressively tightening standards and demand for loans was rapidly declining in reaction to higher interest rates and an anticipation of a sluggish economy or outright recession.

IRS Reveals Newly Revised Retirement Contribution Limits for 2024

From The Epoch Times – The new changes allow 401(k) participants aged 50 and above to contribute up to $30,500 towards their retirement.

Contribution limits for retirement plans like 401(k) and Individual Retirement Account (IRA) have been raised by $500 for the next year, according to a recent update by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

“The contribution limit for employees who participate in 401(k), 403(b), and most 457 plans, as well as the federal government’s Thrift Savings Plan, is increased to $23,000, up from $22,500,” the IRS said on Nov. 1. “The limit on annual contributions to an IRA increased to $7,000, up from $6,500.” The catch-up contributions for both retirement accounts have been kept the same. For IRA, the catch-up contribution is set at $1,000 for 2024, while for 401(k), it remains at $7,500.

A catch-up contribution allows individuals aged 50 and above to make additional contributions to their IRS or 401(k) accounts. Such individuals are closer to the age of retirement and, thus, have less time to grow their assets.

Joe Biden Pledges $16 Billion in Federal Money to Improve Amtrak

From Breitbart – President Joe Biden pledged $16 billion in federal money to improve Amtrak in the nation’s Northeast Corridor, including New York, Boston, and Washington, DC.

Biden announced the pledge at an event in Delaware on Monday, where he said that the train system desperately needs improvement and repairs. He cited his personal experience of waiting on a stopped train on his way home.

“I know how much it matters,” he said.

“How can you be a leading country in the world and have a second-rate infrastructure?” he asked. “It’s not possible.”

Biden also attacked Republicans, accusing them of slashing Amtrak budgets.


Why Most People Need a Multivitamin

From Mercola Censored Library – While food should be your best source of nutrients, these two factors overwhelmingly point to adding a multivitamin to your daily regimen.

Older adults taking a multivitamin supplementation may experience memory improvements

Taking a multivitamin improved performance by “the equivalent of 3.1 years of age-related memory change” compared to placebo and could not only help maintain cognitive functioning but potentially enhance it

Separate research found three years of multivitamin supplementation translated to a 60% slowing of cognitive decline; Improvements in global cognition, episodic memory and executive function were noted

Other research revealed daily multivitamins potentially reduced lung cancer by 38% and improved levels of several nutritional biomarkers

While whole, nutrient-dense foods are the best source of nutrition, older adults may be at risk of nutrient deficiencies and some may benefit from multivitamin supplementation

PRODUCT TO TRY: Grown by Nature Multivitamin, Mineral & Trace Elements (10% off this week!)


Sustainable Development Is Technocracy

From Technocracy News – How many times do I have to say it? Sustainable Development is Technocracy! Writers, analysts, and critical thinkers around the world have investigated my research and come to the same conclusion: Wood is right! This is no consolation because, in my home country, Americans (save only a few) can’t see the forest through trees or even the trees through the leaves; by refusing to open their eyes, they have fallen prey to the Sirens’ enchantment that leads to sudden shipwreck.

Technocracy itself is doomed to fail, but it will take the whole world with it. James Corbett wrote in Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail:

But what will the world look like on the other side of that failure? Will it be a world full of people who are still looking to some group of would-be, self-appointed leaders to tell them what to do and how to do it? Or will it be a world of free, independent human beings casting off the shackles of the parasite class and working together to achieve their goals?

That is the central question of our times, and it is the key to understanding what the Global War for Independence is really about.

⁃ TN Editor

Report: Barack Obama Contributed to Drafting of Joe Biden’s Executive Order on AI

From Breitbart – Former President Barack Obama played a significant role in drafting President Joe Biden’s executive order on AI, according to aides familiar with the creation of the order, which prioritizes “equity” and “civil rights” in AI.

ABC News reports that the Biden administration’s recent executive order serving as its comprehensive policy on AI had a key collaborator that was not announced at the time — former President Barack Obama. . The executive order is supposedly designed to address the threats and opportunities presented by AI technology, but puts a woke leftist spin on the technology thanks to its prioritization of “equity,” amongst other topics.


The Genetic Conspiracy: DNA Tests Are Sold to Highest Bidder

From Mercola Censored Library – Is this a repeat of Google’s bait and switch? You pay to have your DNA tested, then this evil company sneakily sells the mining rights of the data and makes royalties on new pharmaceuticals.

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will pay 23andMe $20 million to extend its five-year contract to mine the company’s consumer DNA data for another year

The drugmaker is searching for hints about genes that might be at the root of disease. 23andMe will get royalties on any drugs developed

23andMe also recently launched a new DNA-sequencing service called Total Health, which sequences your entire exome, the protein-coding part of your genome, which is thought to be responsible for most disease-causing genes. The move is another step in 23andMe’s plan to transform itself into a full-fledged health care company that also treats patients

23andMe acquired a telehealth and drug-delivery startup called Lemonaid Health in 2021. Lemonaid doctors are being trained by 23andMe on how to interpret DNA results and provide tailored health advice

23andMe’s concept of “health care” is all about expanding the use of drugs by getting people on them earlier, before they even have symptoms, based solely on genetic risk factors


‘Realistic Energy Transition’: China Inks 27-Year Fossil Fuel Deal with Qatar

From Breitbart – Qatar’s state-owned QatarEnergy corporation announced a massive deal this weekend with the Chinese regime-owned company Sinopec to provide Beijing with 3 million tons of liquified natural gas (LNG) a year for the next 27 years – and a stake in Qatar’s North Field South (NFS) gas project.

The agreement follows a similar, but smaller, deal signed in April that gave the Chinese fossil fuel giant control of a 1.25-percent stake North Field East (NFE), a sprawling natural gas field also currently in development. China also has a concurrent 27-year agreement with Qatar currently in vigor which provides the regime with four million tonnes of LNG annually, beginning in 2022.


Revisiting the wide open spaces for the purposes of homesteading … 

Best States for Homesteading with 5 Different Purposes in Mind

Modern homesteading is a booming trend right now, as masses of people continue to migrate from cities to more rural settings. However, even city-dwellers are getting in on the trend by building their own urban homestead, as it’s not only about owning land, which is becoming harder and harder to come by with each passing year. While people homestead for a variety of reasons, most share a common desire for simplicity and self-reliance. Coming in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, homesteads tend to take on the personality of the homesteader and the vision they have, which ultimately determines where they should build their homestead in the first place.

The United States boasts a wildly diverse geographic footprint that caters to just about every homestead concept imaginable. Similarly, the financial component can greatly vary from state to state, so you have a variety of options that work better for different situations. If you’re interested in a place where you can homeschool you’re children or save on property taxes, you’ll want to do your research first. However, fortunately for you, we took the liberty of doing some of that for you, compiling our five ideal homesteading states based on how the property will be used.


She Died After Being Refused Ivermectin. Now, Her Family Is Speaking Out

From The Epoch Times – Family wonders whether their mother, wife would still be alive if doctors gave her ivermectin.

Mrs. Downs, 64, contracted COVID-19 while on vacation. She went to the local emergency room after returning home for treatment. She was transferred to a bigger facility in Ohio when her condition worsened.

Mrs. Downs, though, kept getting worse, despite a federally recommended treatment course including remdesivir.

On the same day Mrs. Downs was placed on a ventilator, her family asked doctors to try ivermectin, an anti-malarial that has had some success against COVID-19. Because the treatment course was not working, relatives felt it was time to try something new.

The hospital refused. A clinical ethicist there cited how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned people against using ivermectin against COVID-19. The ethicist claimed there could be “great harms” if Mrs. Downs was given ivermectin.

“This may make the family upset,” he wrote in notes reviewed by The Epoch Times.

But Mrs. Downs’s husband and daughters weren’t giving up. They sued the hospital to try to force the facility to either administer ivermectin or allow an outside doctor in to administer it.

A local doctor who reviewed Mrs. Downs’s case said she should be able to receive the drug. Based on his research into ivermectin, he said there was “very little downside” in trying the drug, whether it worked or not.

A settlement was reached on Aug. 19, 2021. The settlement said that the hospital would administer ivermectin, but that the administration was conditional on “the treating physician(s) professional judgement and discretion, and the applicable standard of care.”

CDC Expands Infectious Disease Surveillance Program Beyond COVID at 4 Major US Airports

From The Epoch Times – The CDC’s Traveler-Based Genomic Surveillance program will test volunteers for more than 30 known pathogens, including flu, RSV, and other respiratory viruses.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is expanding its infectious disease surveillance program at four major U.S. airports as part of a new pilot program to provide early detection of more than 30 known pathogens, including influenza A and B, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-CoV-2.

The pilot is part of the agency’s Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance (TGS) program, implemented by biotech companies Ginkgo Bioworks and XpresCheck and will last several months.

TGS, led by the CDC’s Travelers’ Health Branch, is a public–private partnership that began in 2021 by collecting nasal swabs from volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic to detect new variants early. It has since expanded to provide aircraft testing and wastewater sampling at seven airports nationwide. According to the CDC, the TGS program is a “model of pathogen detection that can be used as an early warning system for the detection of many pathogens beyond SARS-CoV-2.”


Pro-Palestinian Indiana Woman Tries Antisemitic Attack; Crashes Car into Black Hebrew Israelite School

From Breitbart – An Indiana woman was arrested Friday night after backing her car into a building used by a Black Hebrew Israelite hate group, thinking she was attacking a Jewish school on behalf of “her people back in Palestine.”

Ruba Almaghtheh, 34, was charged with criminal recklessness after being triggered by the Star of David on the building. The Jewish symbol has also been appropriated by the Black Hebrew Israelites.

The group last came to prominence after a 2019 attack in which a man allegedly linked with the group attacked a kosher supermarket in Jersey City, New Jersey.

And the “rope-a-dope” continues … 

Report: 65-year-Old Jewish Man Killed at Pro-Palestinian Rally in L.A.

From Breitbart -A Jewish man from Los Angeles was confirmed dead Monday after he was allegedly struck in the head by a megaphone wielded by pro-Palestinian protester at an anti-Israel rally.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, the umbrella body of Jewish philanthropy in the area, confirmed the death in a statement Monday, saying it was the “fourth major antisemitic crime committed in Los Angeles this year alone.”

BREAKING: Death of Jewish Man Attacked by Pro-Hamas Demonstrator in California Ruled Homicide

From Red State – The Ventura County, California Medical Examiner’s office has ruled that the death of a Jewish man who was attacked by a Hamas supporter on Sunday in Thousand Oaks was caused by blunt force trauma and ruled it a homicide.

As RedState reported Monday afternoon, a Hamas supporter hit Paul Kessler over the head with a megaphone during a confrontation on Sunday, causing Kessler to fall and hit his skull on the pavement. Video posted to social media showed Kessler lying in a pool of blood, and he died of his injuries on Monday morning.

Though many media reports have listed the location as Los Angeles, or northern Los Angeles County, the incident took place in the Thousand Oaks area of Ventura County, just northwest of Los Angeles. While crime in Los Angeles County is skyrocketing, Thousand Oaks is ranked the 9th safest city in the United States and has not seen the types of Antifa and BLM protests other areas around Los Angeles has experienced. 

Alabama Mayor and Pastor Outed as ‘Transgender Curvy Girl’ Commits Suicide

From Breitbart -A small-town Alabama mayor who pastored a Southern Baptist church committed suicide after his secret life as a “transgender curvy woman” was revealed by a conservative Alabama news organization.

F.L. “Bubba” Copeland led a busy public life as mayor of Smiths Station, pastor of Phenix City First Baptist Church, and a married father of three. But out of the spotlight, Copeland operated social media accounts as a self-described “curvy transgender woman” under the pseudonym Brittini Blaire Summerlin.

Mom Sues McDonald’s for Doing ‘Nothing to Intervene’ as Daughter Allegedly Beaten

From Breitbart -Thirteen-year-old Kassidy Jones was in a California McDonald’s restaurant when she was allegedly brutally attacked by a strange woman while employees just “stood and watched,” the girl’s mother is complaining in a lawsuit against the fast food company and the alleged assailant.

The incident occurred on September 6 when Jones stopped by a McDonald’s in Southern California’s Harbor City with some classmates after school, the New York Post reports

“I am heartbroken that my innocent daughter was beaten,” said the victim’s mother, Angelina Gray, to FOX 11. “McDonald’s staff and managers did nothing to intervene. They all stood and watched.”

Disturbing footage from the event shows a large crowd of bystanders recording the attack on their cell phones, watching as a larger adult woman appears to whale on the smaller teen, dragging her across the floor and targeting her face with repeated blows. 


Useful Tips And Tricks That Will Make Anyone A Better Cat Owner

From Waco Jaco – If you’ve ever owned a cat, then you probably know how much of an enigma they can be. Unlike dogs, they don’t usually run up to you with a ball or respond to words like food or walkies. So, it can sometimes be a bit difficult to pin down just what our furry feline friends want or need, whether it be more kitty treats, a new cat toy, or simply to be left alone. That’s why we’ve compiled some of the best tips we could find to help you be the best cat companion you can be, even if you’re a seasoned cat owner.


Firefighter Stays and Makes Breakfast With 3 Kids After Their Mom Is Taken to the Hospital: ‘It Was the Right Thing to Do’

From The Epoch Times – A kind firefighter has become a community hero after staying behind to make breakfast for three young children when their mom was taken to the hospital.

On Oct. 19, a crew from the Los Banos Fire Department (LBFD) in California responded to a call from a family. Karen Mendoza Silva, a mom of three, was in medical distress and needed to be taken to the hospital. Her three young children, aged between 5 and 8 years, were worried about their mom.

“There was two boys and a girl,” LBFD Capt. Brian Thompson told The Epoch Times. “They were asking, ‘Is she going to be okay?’ … They were on the phone with their father and with their uncle. I briefly Facetimed with the father to let him know that we were there.”


Former Boston Red Sox Pitcher Dick Drago Dead at 78

From Breitbart – Dick Drago, one of the stalwarts of the Boston Red Sox bullpen and starting rotations in the mid-1970s, died Thursday following complications from surgery.

He was 78 years old.

Actor Evan Ellingson Dead at 35

From Breitbart – Former child actor Evan Ellingson died on Sunday at his home in San Bernardino County at the age of 35.

Ellingson, who hasn’t been in a film or television show for more than a decade, was found dead in his bedroom, the coroner’s office told TMZ.

While the former child actor’s cause of death remains unclear, officials told the outlet that so far, there appears to be no foul play involved

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