July 19, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 16, 2023


US Embassy Issues Urgent Warning for American Citizens in Gaza to Move South

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Sunday said that no American citizens have been able to leave Gaza.

The U.S. Embassy in Israel on Sunday issued a security alert telling Americans to immediately evacuate south if they are in Gaza ahead of an anticipated Israeli ground action in the Hamas-controlled region.

“U.S. citizens who can do so safely are advised to move to southern Gaza, south of Gaza Valley towards Khan Younis now,” the U.S. Embassy stated on Sunday morning. “We are working on potential options for departure from Gaza for U.S. citizens.”

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Sunday said that no American citizens have been able to leave Gaza as Israel has carried out a number of airstrikes on the territory since the Hamas group’s attack last week.

Reports: Hamas Kills Palestinian Civilians Trying to Flee; Won’t Let Americans Leave

Reports are emerging that the Hamas terrorist group is preventing civilians from evacuating northern Gaza, killing innocent Palestinians who try to leave, and preventing American citizens from using the Rafah border crossing to escape to Egypt.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Jonathan Conricus has been warning for days that Hamas is preventing civilians from leaving Gaza ahead of an anticipated ground war. He cited both Israeli and international sources in an interview on CNN Sunday.

The Times of Israel noted that Conricus expanded on that point during a question-and-answer session on Twitter/X Sunday, accusing Hamas of attacking a column of Palestinian civilians trying to evacuate, killing 70:

IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus says a strike on a convoy of Gazans fleeing to the southern part of the Strip Friday appears to have been a false flag operation carried out by Hamas.

At least 70 people, most of them children, were killed in the strike, which occurred on a route that Israel said should be used for fleeing Gazans. Another 200 were injured.

Conricus says he expects the army will release proof of its claim in the coming hours or days.

EU reveals position on Israel-Gaza war

The bloc insisted it remains committed to peace and a two-state solution amid mounting Palestinian casualties

The EU has condemned Hamas and ordered the militant group to release Israeli hostages without preconditions, affirming support for Israel’s right to self-defense within the confines of international law in a statement released by the European Council on Sunday.

Affirming the EU’s commitment to “a lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution through reinvigorated efforts in the Middle East Peace Process,” the statement called for continued engagement with “legitimate Palestinian authorities” and their regional and international partners. 

Iran warns Israel of regional escalation if Gaza ground offensive launched

Iran warns that any Israeli ground offensive in the Gaza Strip could expand the scope of the conflict elsewhere in the Middle East.

Netanyahu: ‘Hamas Thought It Would Break Us, But We Will Break Hamas’

Israeli Prime Minsiter Benjamin Netanyahu convened his emergency unity government on Sunday morning for the first time, declaring: “Hamas thought it would break us apart — [but] we will break Hamas apart.”

The national unity government was formed last week when opposition leader Benny Gantz, a former general who leads the Blue and White opposition party, joined the government. Other parties, such as Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid party, remained in opposition.

FBI director warns of Hamas copycat threat

Christopher Wray did not mention any specific plots targeting Americans, merely urging local police to remain vigilant 

U.S. Confirms A 2nd Carrier Strike Group Is En Route To Israel

The Pentagon has ordered a second carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, according to two United States officials, as Israel prepares to expand its Gaza operations. The first carrier strike group, which is led by the USS Gerald R. Ford, arrived off the coast of Israel earlier this week.

U.S. Defense Secretary and warmonger Lloyd Austin announced on Saturday night that the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower carrying nine aircraft squadrons, as well as two guided-missile destroyers and a guided-missile cruiser, will soon join the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier group in the region to help “deter hostile actions against Israel or any efforts toward widening this war following Hamas’s attack on Israel.”

And yet, anyone paying even a small amount of attention to what’s going on knows that the U.S.’s involvement is “widening the war.” The Biden administration has made clear that the carrier, and its accompanying force, are not there to engage in combat activities on behalf of Israel but rather to deter others from entering the conflict, including Hezbollah, according to a report by RT. 

Israeli Diplomat Stabbed in Beijing During Hamas Call for ‘Day of Rage’

Beijing police said they had arrested a 53-year-old foreign man.

Beijing police arrested a suspect on Oct. 13 in the stabbing of an Israeli Embassy staffer, according to Chinese authorities.

The 53-year-old foreign man, who is suspected of stabbing the male embassy worker on the streets of Beijing, engages in “small commodities business” in China’s capital, authorities said. They didn’t provide further details on the suspect’s nationality.

The 50-year-old victim was injured in front of a supermarket in the Zuojiazhuang neighborhood of the city’s Chaoyang district.

Poland Elections: Conservatives Secure Most Votes But Fall Short of Majority, Globalist Tusk Claims Victory, Vows to Form Left-Wing Coalition

Conservative governance in Poland may be coming to an end, with exit polls from the parliamentary elections held on Sunday suggesting that the governing Law and Justice party is unlikely to have garnered enough support for a majority or even a coalition government.

Despite securing the most votes of any party at 36.8 per cent, according to exit polls, the Law and Justice (PiS) party which has governed Poland since 2015 does not appear to have secured enough support to form another government. Should the exit polls be representative of the final tally — which may not be fully counted for two or three days — the PiS would only have 200 seats in the Sejm parliamentary house in Warsaw. Even when combined with the seats of the populist Confederation party, which is predicted to have secured 12 seats, a potential right-wing coalition would still fall short of the 230 seats needed to form a government.

Conservatives Surge to Power in New Zealand Election

Labour government loses half its seats in ‘bloodbath’ election loss.

New Zealanders will welcome a new right-leaning government after the Labour Party was swept out of power in a heavy election defeat.

Former airline executive Christopher Luxon, 53, will become New Zealand’s next prime minister after his centre-right National Party received the majority of votes.

The Labour Party, led by Chris Hipkins after the resignation of Jacinda Ardern in January, conceded defeat at a gathering of party faithful on the evening of Oct. 14—estimated to lose nearly half its seats.

“Labour Party is not in a position to form government,” Mr. Hipkins said.

“I can promise you we will keep fighting for working people, because that is our history, and our future. We will get up again, like we have many times before.”

Banana fortune heir Daniel Noboa wins Ecuador presidential election

Luisa González, handpicked by Rafael Correa as successor, loses to 35-year-old who promises tough line on violent crime and cocaine trafficking

Daniel Noboa, the heir to a banana fortune who pledges a hard line on rocketing violent crime, employment for the young and foreign investment, will become Ecuador’s youngest ever president at 35 after winning by a margin of around five points over his rival, the leftist lawyer Luisa González.

With 90% of votes counted on Sunday night in Ecuador, Noboa had 52.29% of the vote against 47.71% for González, according to Ecuador’s electoral council.

Luisa González, the hand-picked candidate of the former president Rafael Correa, accepted her defeat at the polls on Sunday night and pledged her support for the new president.

“Today we have made history,” Noboa said in a message on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Ecuadorian families chose the new Ecuador, they chose a country with security and employment.”

Louvre Museum in Paris Evacuated, Shut Down Following Reported Bomb Threat in Wake of Suspected Islamist Attack

The world-famous Louvre Museum in Paris has been evacuated and shut down for the rest of the day after reportedly receiving a bomb threat amid increasing tensions over the Israel-Palestine conflict and a suspected Islamist attack in France on Friday.

UPDATE 1600: Following the evacuation and closure of the Louvre Museum in Paris on Saturday, the Palace of Versailles — the former residence of the French Royal Family — was also evacuated after reportedly receiving a bomb threat of its own, Le Parisien reports. The Palace said it will remain closed for the rest of the day.

Russia suspends all seafood imports from Japan

The ban is due to food contamination fears after the release of wastewater from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant

The Russian government on Monday introduced a temporary ban on imports of seafood from Japan, after Tokyo released treated radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea.



Multiculturalism will kill America! 

Trilateral Commission’s Henry Kissinger: Migration And The Multi-Cultural Destruction Of The Western World

The multicultural integration of Europe and the United States was a policy that was exclusively created by the Trilateral Commission. Henry Kissinger worked hand-in-hand with fellow Trilateral Peter Sutherland. Now Kissinger says that was all a mistake? Right.

Kissinger recently told Politico: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that”. 

Apparently, Politico doesn’t recollect this 12/1/2015 headline: Albright, Kissinger ask Congress to back off refugee legislation. (Madeleine Albright was also a foreign policy wonk and fellow Trilateral). They wrote a urgent to Congress to stop the influx of Syrian and Iraqi immigration into the United States:

“We believe that America can and should continue to provide refuge to those fleeing violence and persecution without compromising the security and safety of our nation. To do otherwise would be contrary to our nation’s traditions of openness and inclusivity, and would undermine our core objective of combating terrorism.”

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson explains that the border crisis is worse than we thought: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1712588957534360034?s=20

Minnesota Woman Who Advocated for Palestinians Was Murdered by Hamas

Cindy Flash — a 67-year-old Minnesota native — and her 66-year-old husband, Igal Flash, were among more than 1,300 people murdered by Saturday’s brutal Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Flash’s family described her as a “staunch advocate for the rights of Palestinians” and an outspoken opponent of Israeli military action.

Kfar Aza, located only a few miles from the Gaza border, was a sleepy town with about 750 residents. The savage Hamas attack left it littered with burned houses, destroyed cars, smashed furniture, and corpses. Kfar Aza is the kibbutz where around 40 murdered children and babies were discovered, some of them missing their heads.

Biden’s Deputies Reveal Population of 5.7 Million Known Illegals

President Joe Biden’s deputies have accidentally revealed they are hiding a population of 5.7 million illegal immigrants in the United States.

The long-concealed number was revealed inside an agency request for a contractor to run “case management” and ensure “community service referrals” for the administration’s growing population of illegal migrants.

Controversy Erupts Over Calls for US to Accept Gaza Refugees Amid Israel–Hamas War

Some Republicans have come out in opposition to progressive calls for the United States to admit refugees from Gaza amid the Israel–Hamas war.

U.S. lawmakers appear split over calls for the United States to accept refugees from Gaza displaced by the Israel–Hamas war, as experts are predicting that a million individuals might flee the region.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), a member of the left-wing “Squad” in Congress, was cited by the New York Post as calling for the United States to “welcome refugees from Palestine,” while Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.) has introduced legislation that would block people with Palestinian passports from being admitted into the country.

“We can’t let President Biden abuse our parole and visa rules to bring unvetted Palestinians into American communities the way he did with thousands of unvetted Afghans,” Mr. Tiffany said in a statement posted on X, referring to the Biden administration’s decision to let 76,000 unvetted Afghan refugees come to the United States following the U.S. withdrawal and Taliban takeover of the country.

“I introduced the GAZA Act to protect America’s national security.”

He also shared the contents of the Guaranteeing Aggressors Zero Admission (GAZA) Act exclusively with Breitbart.

The NIMBY’s have finally figured it out …

Hochul Supports Suspending NYC’s ‘Right to Shelter’ Mandate Amid Immigration Crisis

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has thrown her support behind efforts to end a legal agreement requiring the city to provide emergency housing to homeless people as officials struggle to handle the ongoing illegal immigration crisis.

Ms. Hochul, a Democrat, formally endorsed New York City’s challenge to the decades-old requirement, known as the “right-to-shelter” rule, in a court filing this week.

The challenge against the mandate—which was initially established to help address New York City’s homeless crisis—is being led by Mayor Eric Adams.

Congress to Investigate if the Billions in US Weapons Joe Biden Gifted the Taliban and Ukraine Were Used by Hamas

In June the Palestinian SAMA News Agency openly reported that US weapons left by Joe Biden and Mark Milley when the Biden regime surrendered to the Taliban have now found their way to Gaza.

This was three months before the historic Hamas attack on Israel last weekend.

Over 1,300 Israelis and foreigners are dead, over three thousand were injured, and 120 Israelis were captured and sent back to Gaza.

In 2021, Joe Biden armed the Taliban with $80 Billion in US weapons and supplies when he surrendered to the Taliban and fled Afghanistan in 2021.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported – Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US weapons, armed vehicles, helicopters, ammunition, and piles of cash.

Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden surrendered nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.

In fact, Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.

The Taliban later released video of the weapons Joe Biden left behind and the room full of stacks of $100 bills Joe left for good measure.

The Taliban posted videos of pallets of weapons and stacks of $100 bills they have seized.

Now Republican lawmakers will reportedly investigate whether Joe Biden’s billions in weapons shipped to Ukraine and left behind in Afghanistan were used by Hamas in their recent attack on Israeli citizens.


Jim Jordan Wins Republican Speaker Nomination

House Republicans chose Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) Friday as the GOP nominee for Speaker of the House, a monumental victory symbolizing the Ohioan’s rise from firebrand conservative outsider to party standard-bearer.

Jordan is expected to move a vote to the House floor quickly, perhaps this evening.

Republican Jeff Landry wins the Louisiana governor’s race, reclaims office for GOP

Attorney General Jeff Landry, a Republican backed by former President Donald Trump, has won the Louisiana governor’s race, holding off a crowded field of candidates.

The win is a major victory for the GOP as they reclaim the governor’s mansion for the first time in eight years. Landry will replace current Gov. John Bel Edwards, who was unable to seek reelection due to consecutive term limits. Edwards is the only Democratic governor in the Deep South.

“Today’s election says that our state is united,” Landry said during his victory speech Saturday night. “It’s a wake up call and it’s a message that everyone should hear loud and clear, that we the people in this state are going to expect more out of our government from here on out.”

Louisiana AG Jeff Landry Hails Ruling in Government–Big Tech Censorship Case as Independence Day Triumph

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry on Tuesday hailed a major victory for the First Amendment after a federal court issued a preliminary injunction partially restraining the federal government from working with big tech companies to censor Americans’ speech on social media platforms.

The decision, handed down on Independence Day, comes amid a lengthy legal battle challenging what Landry described as “one of the most massive undertakings of the federal government to limit American speech in the history of our country.”

“The things that we uncovered in this case should be both shocking, appalling, and concerning for all Americans. And so we’re glad to see that the judge saw it our way,” Landry said during an interview with EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders: Now” program on July 4.

Landry stressed the importance of the case and expressed his satisfaction with the court’s decision. “It’s a great day today. I mean, what a day to have is this handed down by the federal courts—Independence Day, of all days,” Landry said. “This could be arguably one of the most important First Amendment cases in modern history.”

Judge Admonishes DOJ for ‘Wasting the Court’s Time’ in Trump Documents Case

Attorney David Harbach argued the defendants’ attorneys were ethically prohibited from properly defending their clients

Attorney David Harbach with the special counsel’s office threw out a new argument during the two Garcia hearings scheduled Thursday, drawing ire from the judge for “wasting the court’s time” by not filing the arguments and case citations the motions the government had already submitted.

Mar-a-Lago property manager Carlos De Oliveira and butler Waltine Nauta were charged alongside former President Donald Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents, and on Oct. 12, the government argued that their attorneys had conflicts of interest and could not properly represent them. The purpose of a Garcia hearing is so the defendants are clear about any potential conflicts of interest and their ramifications. The hearings for Mr. De Oliveira and Mr. Nauta were held back to back.

Mr. Harbach had argued there was an ethical issue with the defendants’ legal counsel, and that they should not be able to call into question their former clients’ credibility and characters on the witness stand. The roundabout arguments ended up frustrating the judge, and Mr. Nauta’s hearing was ultimately postponed.

RFK Jr. Names New Campaign Manager Days After Announcing Independent Presidential Bid

Dennis Kucinich, a longtime Democrat Congressman, stepped down from the post and was replaced by Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, Mr. Kennedy’s daughter-in-law.

Days after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced he was leaving the 2024 Democrat presidential primary to run as an independent, Dennis Kucinich released a statement that he was leaving his post as campaign manager.

He was replaced by Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, a former undercover CIA agent who is married to Mr. Kennedy’s son, Robert F. Kennedy III.

Mr. Kucinich on Oct. 13 confirmed that he was no longer Mr. Kennedy’s campaign manager and added that he would not discuss the campaign’s internal communications.

Democrat-Run St. Louis Ranked Most Dangerous City in America

The safest and most dangerous cities in America have been ranked following WalletHub’s assessment of over 180 cities.

The Daily Mail reported Sunday that the company assessed the cities “across 41 indicators of safety.”

According to WalletHub, “Our data set ranges from traffic fatalities per capita and assaults per capita to the unemployment rate and the percentage of the population that is insured.”

Each place was graded regarding home and community safety, natural disaster risk, and financial safety, with the safest place in the United States being Nashua, New Hampshire.

Meanwhile, St. Louis, Missouri, was ranked the most dangerous city. It was known as the murder capital until 2022 when New Orleans, Louisiana, was found to have the highest murder rate, the Mail article said.

It is important to note that in July, an open records request found that in private texts, St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones (D) noted the ineffectiveness of gun control in other major cities, Breitbart News reported.

“The text messages appear to counter a pro-gun control stance Jones has publicly maintained after high profile firearm-related crimes in her city,” the outlet said.

In October 2021, gunfire echoed in the background as Jones addressed reporters during a press conference, according to Reuters.

“Oh, isn’t that wonderful,” she said, later adding, “Well I hear gunshots in my neighborhood every night. My son and I fall asleep to the lullaby of gunshots in the distance every night because I’m the first mayor in over 20 years to be born, raised, and still live in north St. Louis.”

“It’s unfortunate, yes I heard it but I didn’t flinch. I guess because it’s a part of my life now,” she concluded

Fox 2 St. Louis reported in May that neighbors were begging law enforcement and officials to crack down on the crime plaguing the downtown area

Poll: Most Americans Think the U.S. Is Heading in the Wrong Direction

The majority of American adults believe the U.S. is moving in the “wrong direction,” with a poll revealing that only 21 percent of respondents agreed with the way the country is heading.

The recent Associated Press-NORC Research Center poll, which was taken in the days following Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) ouster from the House Speaker position, found that 78 percent of U.S. adults disagree with the direction the country is taking.

The survey also revealed that general agreement amongst voting-age adults has been on a decline, with a three-point increase in adults who thought the direction was “wrong” last month. 


The U.S. Government is not listening … 

Walmart Employees Complain of ‘Safety Issues’ Due to Shoplifting Spike

Walmart store employees complain of increased “safety issues” stemming from encounters with shoplifters as the big-box chain introduces more anti-theft measures due to spiking crime. 

As a Business Insider report revealed, “Walmart’s anti-theft self-checkout technology is effective but involves confronting customers,” leading to many suspected shoplifters becoming “hostile” to workers.

RiteAid files for bankruptcy!

RETAIL Drugstore chain Rite Aid to close at least 63 stores in the coming months

Drugstore chain Rite Aid

 said Tuesday it plans to shutter at least 63 stores as it reassesses how many locations it needs.

The company said the closures were identified as part of an ongoing review and it anticipates it will find additional shops to shut in the next several months.

Rite Aid said its goal is to reduce costs, boost profitability and have a “healthy foundation.” The company said the 63 closures, which began last month, are expected to boost its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization by roughly $25 million.

On Tuesday, Rite Aid posted mixed financial results for the fiscal third quarter. Although it earned more than expected on an adjusted basis, its sales for the three months ended Nov. 27 came in lower than analysts projected. The retailer also cut its outlook for sales for the fiscal year.

Not my gas stove!

New York’s Ban on Gas Stoves Hit With Lawsuit by Industry Groups

Natural gas and construction groups have filed a lawsuit challenging New York’s prohibition on gas stoves.

Several industry groups have filed a lawsuit to block New York’s controversial state ban on gas stoves and furnaces that came as dozens of Democrat-controlled cities and local governments took similar measures to fight the supposed dangers of climate change.

The complaint, filed on Oct. 12 by the National Association of Home Builders, the National Propane Gas Association, and others, accuses New York state of violating federal law by banning gas stoves and other appliances in new buildings.

The plaintiffs, which also include several trade unions, argue that the ban is illegal because it conflicts with existing federal laws, and that its adoption would hurt businesses, spark layoffs, and trigger increases in energy prices.

“Hundreds of plumbers on Long Island rely on new construction to feed their families and pay their mortgages,” Jimmy Russo, president of the Plumbing Contractors Association of Long Island, said in a statement. “This illegal law has basically ripped the rug out from underneath them.”

Environmental groups criticized the lawsuit, citing climate change.

“Don’t believe the wealthy fossil fuel industry’s lies—lives, livelihoods, and wallets are already hugely impacted by climate change, and the All-Electric Buildings Act is critical to protecting all of these for New Yorkers,” a coalition of environmental groups, including the Gas Free NY alliance and Earthjustice, said in a statement.

Biden Admin Orders Banks Not to Reject Illegal Immigrants’ Loan Applications

Two federal agencies have warned financial institutions not to reject illegal immigrants’ credit applications based solely or mostly on citizenship status.

The Biden administration has warned U.S. banks and other financial institutions that they can’t reject illegal immigrants’ credit applications based solely or predominantly on their immigration status.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said in a recent statement that rejecting illegal immigrants for credit cards and various types of loans just because they are noncitizens is unlawful.

The two agencies stated that they were issuing the warning “because consumers have reported being rejected for credit cards as well as for auto, student, personal and equipment loans because of their immigration status, even when they have strong credit histories and ties to the United States and are otherwise qualified to receive the loans.”

Bank of America closes 21 branches in ONE WEEK while Wells Fargo shutters 15 – is your local on the list?

Major US banks are continuing to close branches across the US, leaving an increasing number of Americans without access to basic financial services.

Bank of America axed 21 branches in the first week of October, according to a bulletin published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) on Friday.

Wells Fargo shuttered 15, while US Bank and Chase reported closing nine and three respectively. 

In total, some 54 locations had either closed or were scheduled to close between October 1 and October 7. Of the overall closures, three were in Louisville in Kentucky. Eight of the 21 Bank of America closures were in California.

Biden Pushes Economic Agenda in Philadelphia Amid Persistent Inflation, Middle East Crisis

The president announced funding for seven hydrogen hubs spanning 17 states as part of his clean energy agenda.

President Joe Biden promoted his economic agenda and announced new investments in clean hydrogen hubs as part of his effort to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, during a visit to Philadelphia on Oct. 13.

In a speech at the Tioga Marine Terminal, the city’s largest multipurpose cargo handling facility, the president highlighted the value his administration places on “clean manufacturing” initiatives and jobs.

“Today’s announcement is transformational,” President Biden said. “And as a result, I truly believe this country is about to take off.”

Gen-Zer Buys $200 Plot Of Land In Desert After Complaining About “Owning Nothing”

What can Gen-Zers afford? 

Well, a 21-year-old from Los Angeles went viral on TikTok days ago and showed off his new land purchase in Joshua Tree for $200. 

“The thing about being in Gen Z is that, generally, we quite literally own nothing,” PJ Yancey told Bussiness Insider. He said, “We’re not homeowners; we don’t own a ranch, a vacation home, any kind of property at all. If we’re living on our own, it’s in someone else’s house or apartment.”

In the TikTok video, he showed others what Gen-Zers can afford – about 1,000 square feet of desert. 

One commenter said, “Homeownership in 2023.” That comment was liked 38k times. 

“Hey! Can I get the other $200 spot and hang out with you?! 😂 And I’m being dead serious! I have nothing else to do!” someone else said. 

Another person said, “Do you own that land outright now? For $200… I’m about to live in the middle of nowhere and build myself a desert hag shed to grow old in.”

This brings us to a note from months ago, where we outlined a sudden panic by some Americans searching ‘live off grid’ on the internet, hitting the highest level in five years. 

The driving force behind finding a rural piece of land for dirt cheap, buying or building a tiny home, installing solar panels, and sourcing your own food and water might have to do with the worst inflation storm in a generation while Democrat cities implode under the weight of soaring violent crime.

Gen-Zers are finding out firsthand about being scammed into $100,000 of college debt by liberal institutions, only to be released in the real world where central banks and Washington have sparked two years of elevated inflation. 


The Iodine Deficiency Epidemic — How to Prevent & Treat It for Your Health

Did you know that iodine deficiency “is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies and is estimated to affect 35–45% of the world’s population,” according to research published in 2022, or that it’s “estimated to affect 2.2 billion people”? It’s true, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Iodine is a trace mineral and an essential component of the thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones regulate the metabolic activities of most cells and play a vital role in the process of early growth and development of most organs, especially the brain.

Inadequate intake of iodine-rich foods leads to insufficient production of these hormones. This adversely affects the muscles, heart, liver, kidney and the developing brain.

The term iodine deficiency disorders has been coined to represent the different array of disorders that result from iodine deficiency in a population. These disorders are all preventable if the appropriate dose of iodine is administered.

Product to try: DETOXADINE (1 FL OZ) – Deep-earth sourced nascent iodine supplement that helps support thyroid health, the immune system, and more.


Ultimate irony: New study shows artificial sweeteners cause weight gain

 From the start, it seemed a little too good to be true.  In the early 1980s, artificial sweeteners were suddenly everywhere – imparting their miraculous sweetness to “sugar-free” and “diet” beverages while not adding a single calorie.  In addition, artificial sweeteners didn’t appear to contribute to tooth decay or diabetes – two adverse effects of the refined sugar they were meant to replace.

Jump forward four decades to the present day, in which a shocking 43 percent of Americans are obese (a figure that has almost tripled since the 1980s), and over 37 million have diabetes.  (In other words, obesity and type 2 diabetes have reached epidemic status!)  To top it off, researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School have just published a study examining the effects of artificial sweeteners on body weight and heart disease risk.  You won’t want to miss their eye-opening conclusion.

The Potential Impact of Microplastics on Major Organs, Including the Brain: What Science Says

Early research shows reason for concern, finding microplastics can cause inflammation and oxidative stress in mice and accumulate in animal organs.

10 Surprising Things Happen After You Stop Eating Sugar

The Ultimate Guide to Kicking Sugar (Part 8)

Follow the series “The Ultimate Guide to Kicking Sugar” here.

In this series, we explore the good and bad sugars and sweeteners, including popular natural ones, uncover the unexpected outcomes of cutting out sugar, and discover the ultimate way to do so.

“Your body doesn’t need added sugar,” Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist specializing in reversing Type 2 diabetes, told The Epoch Times.

Despite that reality, if you’re eating the standard American diet, you’re likely getting quite a bit of added sugar. If you decide to cut this out of your diet, with a few reasonable exceptions, you will experience some unexpected changes, research finds.

FDA Issues Warning on Use of Psychedelic Drug

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday warned patients and health care providers about the risks associated with compounded ketamine, a type of psychedelic.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in ketamine use for treating psychiatric illnesses. Illicit ketamine use is also on the rise.

“Despite increased interest in the use of compounded ketamine, we are not aware of evidence to suggest that it is safer, is more effective, or works faster than medications that are FDA approved for the treatment of certain psychiatric disorders,” the FDA wrote in a statement.

“Ketamine is not FDA approved for the treatment of any psychiatric disorder. FDA is aware that compounded ketamine products have been marketed for a wide variety of psychiatric disorders … however, FDA has not determined that ketamine is safe and effective for such uses.”

Loneliness Linked to Increased Risk of Parkinson’s Disease: Study

Is it possible that preventing Parkinson’s disease—the second-most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease—could be as simple as calling a friend or visiting a neighbor?

While doctors have long known that genetics, toxins, and head injuries can increase the risk of developing this progressive movement disorder, new research published in JAMA Neurology indicates that loneliness could also play a pivotal role.

This is the first time an emotional state has been established as a potential risk factor for the neurodegenerative disease, according to the study authors.

Long Cold: Study Finds Other Illnesses Can Have Long-Term Symptoms

Long COVID has been studied and discussed for years since the pandemic, but now, researchers from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) have discovered that common illnesses associated with the cold weather season can leave us with long-lasting symptoms.

Researchers think their findings may explain those who report long-term symptoms after an acute respiratory infection yet test negative for COVID-19.

The study was published in early October in the Lancet’s eClinicalMedicine journal.

Could the Secret to Managing Autoimmune Diseases Like Hashimoto’s Be Hiding in Your Gut?

Recent studies found those with Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease have different types of bacteria in their guts compared to healthy individuals.

Did you know that the bustling community of trillions of microbes living in your gut can play a role in managing autoimmune thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto’s?

Decades ago, scientists began hypothesizing about a connection between the gut microbiome (all the microorganisms residing in our intestines) and the thyroid gland.

In recent studies, scientists looked closely at people with two autoimmune thyroid diseases, Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease. They discovered that people with these conditions had microbiomes that were different from those of healthy individuals.

Distinct groups of bacteria have been associated with various facets of thyroid function. Among these, bacterial genera such as Gemella, Enterococcus, Faecalibacterium, and Patescibacteria have been identified in abundance in people with Hashimoto’s, suggesting a connection with the thyroid gland.

Understanding this complex relationship may help clinicians diagnose and treat autoimmune thyroid diseases in the future.

The following strategies are recommended to achieve a healthy gut microbiome:

  • Consume a diverse range of produce and whole plant products in your diet. I have some of my patients consume up to 20 different plant fibers in a day in just a spoon-sized serving—you need only about a tablespoon of such a variety to feed the good gut bacteria in addition to your regular fiber intake. I recommend what I call the Microbiome Mashup: Blend a mix of veggies, fruits, and herbs in advance, then portion it into ice cube trays and freeze. Add a cube daily to a smoothie or soup. In addition to the Microbiome Mashup, aim for at least 25 grams of fiber per day in your meals.
  • Limit the consumption of meat and dairy products from animals raised on antibiotics. This can help reduce the intake of antibiotics that may disrupt the gut microbiome.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, as it can negatively affect the gut microbiome.
  • Minimize antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, as they can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria.
  • Choose organic produce whenever possible to reduce exposure to pesticides and herbicides that may affect the gut microbiome.

Nutrients That Support Oral Tolerance

While diet is the main pathway to health, certain nutritional compounds can also support oral tolerance.

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in sources such as fish, emu, and algae oil, are important for maintaining a healthy balance of essential fatty acids and promoting the function of regulatory T cells (T-reg cells) involved in oral tolerance.

Vitamin D is also crucial for oral tolerance as it plays a role in immune regulation. Adequate vitamin D levels are necessary for the proper function of T-reg cells and for maintaining a balanced immune response.

Glutathione is a master antioxidant that helps dampen inflammation in the gut. Inflammation in the gut can inhibit gut bacteria diversity, so it’s important to reduce it. Taking high-quality, absorbable glutathione supplements, such as s-acetyl glutathione or oral liposomal glutathione, can be beneficial. Glutathione precursors, such as n-acetyl cysteine, can also be taken to support glutathione production in the body.

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are compounds produced by gut bacteria during the fermentation of dietary fiber. SCFAs have profound effects on gut, immune, and brain health. Butyrate is one of the three primary SCFAs that support gut health, help repair leaky gut, and help regulate gut inflammation.


Dozens More Victims Join Class Action Lawsuit against Apple AirTags, “one of the most dangerous and frightening technologies employed by stalkers”

Just a few months ago, Apple warned that their AirTag tracking devices should never be used to track children or pets because of increasing reports that parents and pet owners are buying them for that exact purpose.  Of course AirTags are not the only remote tracking devices on the market, though they seem to be the most controversial as they have been used for high-profile stalking situations (see 1, 2) which have led to murder, the introduction of state legislation, and also a class action lawsuit.  Recently more victims joined the lawsuit.

From Ars Technica:

“The things that we uncovered in this case should be both shocking, appalling, and concerning for all Americans. And so we’re glad to see that the judge saw it our way,” Landry said during an interview with EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders: Now” program on July 4.

Landry stressed the importance of the case and expressed his satisfaction with the court’s decision. “It’s a great day today. I mean, what a day to have is this handed down by the federal courts—Independence Day, of all days,” Landry said. “This could be arguably one of the most important First Amendment cases in modern history.”

Just a few months ago, Apple warned that their AirTag tracking devices should never be used to track children or pets because of increasing reports that parents and pet owners are buying them for that exact purpose.  Of course AirTags are not the only remote tracking devices on the market, though they seem to be the most controversial as they have been used for high-profile stalking situations (see 1, 2) which have led to murder, the introduction of state legislation, and also a class action lawsuit.  Recently more victims joined the lawsuit.

From Ars Technica:

This month, more than three dozen victims allegedly terrorized by stalkers using Apple AirTags have joined a class-action lawsuit filed in a California court last December against Apple. They alleged in an amended complaint that, partly due to Apple’s negligence, AirTags have become “one of the most dangerous and frightening technologies employed by stalkers” because they can be easily, cheaply, and covertly used to determine “real-time location information to track victims.”

Since the lawsuit was initially filed in 2022, plaintiffs have alleged that there has been an “explosion of reporting” showing that AirTags are frequently being used for stalking, including a spike in international AirTags stalking cases and more than 150 police reports in the US as of April 2022. More recently, there were 19 AirTags stalking cases in one US metropolitan area—Tulsa, Oklahoma—alone, the complaint said.

This seeming escalation is concerning, plaintiffs say, because Apple allegedly has not done enough to mitigate harms, and AirTags stalking can lead to financial ruin, as victims bear significant costs like hiring mechanics to strip their cars to locate AirTags or repeatedly relocating their homes. AirTags stalking can also end in violence, including murder, plaintiffs alleged, and the problem is likely bigger than anyone knows, because stalking is historically underreported.

“Consequences have been as severe as possible: multiple murders have occurred in which the murderer used an AirTag to track the victim,” their complaint alleged. One plaintiff from Indiana, LaPrecia Sanders, lost her son after his girlfriend allegedly used an AirTag to track his movements and then “followed him to a bar and ran him over with her car, killing him at the scene.”

Most of the plaintiffs reside in the US, alleging significant costs and harms incurred from alleged AirTags stalking in 20 states. Two plaintiffs reside in Canada—including a recent high school graduate—and one plaintiff currently lives in Ireland. Many report that stalkers using AirTags are abusive partners or exes—hiding AirTags in linings of purses, car wheel wells, or even stitched inside a child’s teddy bear—but others report being stalked by a “mystery person” with unknown motives.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 14, 2023, #427

The latest installment of Global Alert News 

Biosphere collapse and global conflict are inseparable. As Geoengineering Watch has stated on the record for many years, once the gravity and immediacy of unfolding global ecological implosion became all but impossible to hide the controllers would play ever larger cards and indeed they are. Bioaccumulative microplastics and heavy metals are now in our air, water, and food. Environmental studies on the ubiquitous contamination of the planet and the collapse of it’s life support systems are pouring in from countless science sources, the current paradigm can no longer be maintained. All the while the spraying of our skies with climate engineering elements rages on and is accelerating, is there any place left to hide? House Republicans Scrutinize Biden’s New ‘Climate Corps’

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are taking a hard look at the American Climate Corps (ACC), the Biden administration’s latest initiative to “tackle the climate crisis” by training young workers for green energy and conservation jobs.

President Joe Biden launched the program on Sept. 20 via executive action, directing several federal agencies to coordinate with AmeriCorps to formalize its creation.

The focus of the initiative, the administration noted, would be on “equity and environmental justice.”


Cool-Season Vegetables: Rutabaga, Turnips and Kohlrabi

Grow cool-season vegetables like turnips, rutabaga, and kohlrabi to get the most out of your garden throughout the year.

Is Leaf Compost Good for Vegetable Gardens?

Using leaves as mulch might not be the best plan.

Autumn brings cold weather, fallen leaves, and yard work. While raking up leaves consider using them for next year’s vegetables. Is leaf compost good for vegetable gardens? It’s some of the most beneficial (and FREE) organic matter you can find. But factors like pests, diseases, and tree species may determine how to use that compost.

Old-Fashioned Pumpkin Bread Recipe

The perfect fall dessert for when you’re in a pinch and don’t have much time to prep for baking.


He’s officially “off his rocker”! 

Biden at Human Rights Campaign Dinner: ‘Who in God’s Name Needs a Weapon with 100 Rounds in the Chamber?’

While speaking at the Human Rights Campaign National Dinner on Saturday night, President Joe Biden pushed for an “assault weapons” ban and asked, “Who in God’s name needs a weapon with 100 rounds in the chamber?”

Biden did not provide an example of a gun that holds 100 rounds in the chamber, but simply added, “That weapon’s only meant for one thing…to kill people.”

NM Sheriff: We Won’t Enforce Governor’s Amended Concealed Carry Ban

Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen, who refused to enforce New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s (D) original order banning concealed carry, has made it clear his office will not enforce her amended order either.

Breitbart News reported that Grisham announced her original ban on carrying a handgun, openly or concealed, on September 8, 2023. The ban also applied to concealed carry permit holders who carry a gun for self-defense.

Ninth Circuit Stays Lower Court Ruling, Allows California Magazine Ban to Stand

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday stayed U.S. District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez’s decision blocking the enforcement of California’s “high capacity” magazine ban.

On September 22, 2023, Breitbart News reported that Benitez blocked the magazine ban for a second time. He first blocked it on June 29, 2017, when he noted that the ban had to be blocked to prevent “otherwise law-abiding” citizens from being criminalized.

Illinois’ New Gun, Magazine Ban Registry Met With Massive Non-Compliance

Illinois’ new “assault weapon” and magazine ban is in effect, and on October 1, that state opened its registry for grandfathered weapons and magazines so that owners who already have legally purchased weapons can register them with the state. Illinois gun owners, of course, rushed to register their weapons and magazines in compliance with the new law.


15-Year-Old Connecticut High School Football Player Dies Suddenly at Practice

The staff and students of Windsor High School are mourning the loss of 15-year-old football player Elijah-Jay Mariano-Rivera, who died suddenly during a medical emergency at practice on Tuesday.

Friends and fellow students in the northern suburb of Hartford, Connecticut, are memorializing the 15-year-old as a vibrant and “funny” kid.


Transgender Individuals Win Top Spots at Chicago Women’s Cycling Event

Two males who identify as female won the top two spots in a women’s cycling race in Chicago, becoming the latest example of men dominating sports competitions meant to be exclusive to women.

Tessa Johnson, a man who identifies as a woman, took home gold medals in both the Women’s Single Speed and Cat Half categories on Oct. 7 at the Chicago CycloCross Cup (CCC) race.

Evelyn Williamson, also a biological male identifying as female, won silver in the women’s Single Speed category at the same competition—while placing fourth in the Cat Half race, according to results shared by the CCC account on X and on the USA Cycling website.

Clemson ‘LGBTQIA+’ Students March for Return of Tampons to Men’s Bathrooms

Clemson University students are protesting against the removal of menstrual products from men’s restrooms on campus and demanding repercussions towards the College Republicans for their “role in the tampons’ removal.” 

In September, a post on X from the South Carolina university’s College Republicans group apparently contributed to the quiet removal of tampon and pad dispensers from the school’s men’s bathrooms. 

“If you weren’t aware already, Clemson University has tampon/pad dispensers in the MEN’S restrooms located in Cooper Library,” the club wrote, adding that the inclusion of female hygiene products in the men’s room is proof of a “clown world.”


5 common dog behavior issues (and how to fix them)

All dogs are Good Dogs.

But no matter how perfect your pooch or diligent your training, behavior problems may crop up.

The good news? Many of the most common (and frustrating) behavioral issues are well understood by dog trainers and are relatively easy to troubleshoot.

Whether you have a bossy barker, a shameless beggar, or a prolific chewer, more peaceful days are possible. Here, Karen Reese – a Fear Free Certified Animal Trainer and behavior manager at Operation Kindness animal shelter in Texas – breaks down how to solve five bad habits.

Train your cat to stop scratching and biting

Scratching and biting are natural behaviors for cats. Most cats are content to direct their claws and teeth toward scratching posts, chew toys, and perhaps the occasional ill-fated mouse. But it’s a big problem when cats start scratching or biting humans.


Woman Buys Lighthouse Left Empty for 70 Years and Turns it Into a Quirky Summer Home, Here’s How It Looks

A woman searching for a summer home found her interest piqued by a U.S. government auction of lighthouses. After placing a winning bid and buying a lighthouse, she spent over a decade turning the neglected beacon into a beautiful, quirky home.

New York native Sheila Consaul, 65, is currently based in Washington, D.C. She bought the 98-year-old Fairport Harbor West Lighthouse on Lake Erie in Mentor Headlands State Park Headlands State Park, Northeast Ohio, in November 2011 after three years of back-and-forth bidding against other potential buyers—finally winning the bid at $71,010.

“It was originally built in a factory in Buffalo, New York, and it was brought down to Lake Erie on a ship,” Ms. Consaul told The Epoch Times referring to the abandoned lighthouse that was first lit on June 9, 1925, and is still an active aid to navigation.


Suzanne Somers: Three’s Company actress dies aged 76

US actress Suzanne Somers has died at the age of 76 following a decades-long battle with cancer, her publicist has confirmed.

Piper Laurie, Oscar nominee for Carrie and The Hustler, dies at 91

The actor, who starred alongside Paul Newman, Rock Hudson, Tony Curtis and Sissy Spacek, has died of old age, her manager said

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