July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 21, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

We told you it was a trap! 

1.FBI Had Multiple Informants in Jan. 6 Crowd: Former Official

Attorneys for Jan. 6 defendants have said that there were more than 50 confidential sources on Jan. 6 working for the FBI and other agencies.

… and it looks like Pelosi was in on it! 

2.National Guard Refused on Jan. 6 Because ‘Pelosi Would Never Go for It’: Former Capitol Police Chief

In his first testimony before a House committee since he was forced to resign on Jan. 8, 2021, Mr. Sund detailed his deep frustration at not getting the National Guard help that would have been a “game changer” on Jan. 6.

Mr. Sund said in meetings with Mr. Irving and Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger on Jan. 3, he had asked them to approve his request for National Guard soldiers to help secure the Capitol on Jan. 6. Mr. Irving and Mr. Stenger made up two-thirds of the Capitol Police Board, which oversees U.S. Capitol Police and had to approve any such requests.

He met first with Mr. Irving.

“I went into his office, again 9:24 in the morning … and immediately went up and said, ‘Hey, I’d like to bring in the National Guard to support me on, to assist me on the perimeter because when we have a joint session of Congress, it takes a lot of our personnel inside,’” Mr. Sund testified.

“But immediately, as soon as I asked him, his first response was: ‘I don’t know. I don’t like the optics of that,’” Mr. Sund testified. “And his second response was, ‘Besides, the intelligence doesn’t support it.’”

He said Mr. Irving told him to speak to Mr. Stenger about the idea, which he did in a meeting more than two hours later.

“‘You know, let’s come up with another idea,’” he quoted Mr. Stenger as saying in reaction.

Mr. Stenger suggested that Mr. Sund reach out to the Pentagon to find out how quickly the Guard could react if needed in an emergency.

“So I called [Army Gen.] William Walker, 6:14 p.m. that night,” Mr. Sund said. “He told me they have 125 people assisting with COVID response. He could reallocate those fairly quickly once he got secretary of defense approval and send them over.”

Mr. Sund was asked by the subcommittee Chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) if Mr. Irving tipped off Mr. Stenger that he was coming to request the National Guard.

During a lunch meeting on April 8, 2021, Mr. Sund said he asked Mr. Stenger about it.

“I said, ‘Mr. Stenger, you came up with that response fairly quickly for me to call General Walker,’” Mr. Sund testified. “And he told me Paul Irving had called him ahead of time and said: ‘Sund came here looking for the National, asking for the National Guard. We got to come up with another plan. Pelosi will never go for it.’

“I was floored by him saying that,” Mr. Sund told Mr. Loudermilk.

Mr. Stenger, who was appointed to his post by then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), died on June 27, 2022, after an extended illness. Mr. Irving, appointed by Ms. Pelosi but who also served under Republican House speakers, could not be reached for comment. Mr. Loudermilk said Mr. Irving will be called to testify before the subcommittee.

Mr. Sund’s testimony came on the heels of former President Donald Trump’s statement on a Sunday talk show insisting that Ms. Pelosi bears the blame for Jan. 6.

And the era of multiculturalization continues … 

3.EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: 7K Migrants Cross into One Texas Border Town in 72 Hours

Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 7,000 migrants during the past three days, according to sources operating within U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This includes the approximately 3,000 migrants crossing on Wednesday morning.

Breitbart Texas traveled to Piedras Negras, Coahuila, on Wednesday to observe migrants making their way from staging areas to the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande. The video shows the mostly Venezuelan migrants making their way through busy streets and into the brush before entering the water to cross to Eagle Pass, Texas.

There’s Uncle Joe! He’s a-moving kinda slow at the U-N … 

4.Biden Reveals He’s Told What to Do, Almost Knocks Over Flag, and Brazilian President’s Unique Reaction

Joe Biden had a meeting in New York with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil. 

Biden was in New York City because he’d spoken at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. As we reported, Biden slurred his words throughout the speech, lost his fights with the teleprompter, and suffered from some brain freeze during the remarks. 

Then Biden had his photo-op with the Brazilian president, and they both made some remarks. But Biden revealed, once again, that he’s not the guy in charge, that people are telling him what to do. 

The real truth will come out eventually … 

5.New DHS Intelligence Expert Group Features Signers of Letter Discrediting Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Several former intelligence officials who signed the now-notorious letter dismissing a bombshell report on a laptop belonging to the son of President Joe Biden as “Russian disinformation” are going to serve on a new advisory group created by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday announced the establishment of the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group, which is tasked with meeting four times a year to provide the agency with input on some of the “most complex problems and challenges,” including terrorism, fentanyl, “transborder issues,” and new technology.

The group includes former senior intelligence officials, journalists, and “prominent human rights and civil liberties advocates,” according to Mr. Mayorkas. Some of them are known for attempting to discredit the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop stories in a public letter in the weeks leading to the 2020 presidential election.

Could it be the work of AI?  Did someone alter Zelensky’s picture and figure?

Ukraine’s Transgender Spokesperson Suspended by Military, Zelensky Claims No Knowledge, as U.S. Citizen Journalist Still Remains Behind Bars in Ukraine

The Ukrainian military has announced that it has suspended controversial transgender spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo for allegedly making unapproved statements on social media; however, there have been no updates from the Ukrainians or the Biden administration on the fate of an American citizen journalist currently imprisoned in Ukraine.

Following a row sparked by inquiries initiated by Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), as reported by Breitbart News, the Command of the Territorial Defense Forces (TDF) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) announced on Wednesday that Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, an American transgender individual, has been suspended from the role of spokesperson.

‘It’s almost every day’: foreign delivery riders face gang attacks in Dublin

When the coronavirus pandemic shuttered Dublin, gangs of youths roved deserted streets and discovered a new, brutal form of entertainment: attacking food delivery riders.

They threw rocks and bottles and sticks and if they succeeded in knocking over the rider sometimes followed up with fists and knives and seized the bicycle as a trophy.

Assaults ranged from opportunistic and spontaneous to planned ambushes in which gangs asked for meals to be delivered to isolated areas and lay in wait. That the victims were usually foreigners, and that their fate could be recorded and shared on social media, appeared to add to the appeal.

Ireland’s capital is no longer in lockdown but the grisly sport continues. “Some guys attacked me four days ago,” Mohammed, a 23-year-old Afghan Deliveroo courier who did not want to use his last name, said. “I think they were drunk. They threw bottles, everything.” That was in Phibsborough, north Dublin. Six days before that attack he had been subject to a fusillade in the city centre.

Poland will no longer send weapons to Ukraine, says PM, as grain dispute escalates

Poland, one of Ukraine’s staunchest allies, has announced an end to its arms transfers to the country a day after President Volodymyr Zelenskiy accused Warsaw of playing into Russia’s hands by banning Ukrainian grain imports in order to protect the interests of Polish farmers.

Poland has been a key ally since the Russian invasion in February 2022 and is one of Kyiv’s main weapons suppliers. It also hosts a million Ukrainian refugees, who have been supplied with various forms of state aid.

But relations have soured over recent days amid the growing row over grain. On Wednesday, Poland’s prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, called a halt to the arms shipments, saying his country had decided to prioritise its own defence.

Now they’ve got major economists singing the “climate blues”! 

What green finance needs to speed the global transition to a net zero economy

As we move from UN climate week to Cop28 in Dubai later this year, we must stop the “greenwishing” and “greenwashing” and start thinking about the instruments that will enable the private sector and private investors to channel more capital toward climate resilience and sustainable development. While the public sector has an important role to play in this respect, scalable solutions require significant commitments of private sector resources. With the climate crisis already wreaking havoc on poor and rich countries alike, unlocking this largely untapped pool of capital has become an urgent priority.

Yet as matters stand, many investors associate climate-centric investments with “social impact” and reduced profitability. While sophisticated investors have the means to deploy their capital profitably toward decarbonisation, the energy transition and other climate-related sectors, such investments tend to be illiquid. They remain tightly wound up in private equity funds, and thus inaccessible to the ordinary investors and savers who are most exposed to climate-driven food, water and energy insecurity.

Major Bank Warns Of Germany’s Failing Economy Amid Inflation and Recession

Germany continues to struggle with challenges in its manufacturing sector as it suffers from higher energy costs amid inflation and a recession, Goldman Sachs economist Peter Oppenheimer told CNBC on Tuesday. The Bundesbank announced on Monday that the economy is likely to shrink this quarter thanks to slow private consumption and the increasing weakness of industry.

The EU’s largest economy officially slipped into a technical recession in the first quarter of the year as GDP growth was revised from zero to -0.3%, according to a report by RT. The economic struggles will eventually spread noticeably to other parts of the world.

South Korea lawmakers vote to sack prime minister

President Yoon is expected to exercise his power to reject the motion after PM Han Duck-soo was accused of ‘incompetence’.

India suspends visas for Canadians as row escalates

India has suspended visa services for Canadian citizens amid an escalating row over the killing of a Sikh separatist on Canadian soil.

Visa service provider BLS posted a message from India’s mission blaming “operational reasons” for the decision.

Tensions flared this week after Canada said it was investigating “credible allegations” linking India with the murder of the separatist leader.

India angrily rejected the allegation calling it “absurd”.

Analysts say relations between the countries, which have been strained for months, are now at an all-time low.

The message about the suspension of visas was first posted on the BLS website on Thursday.


‘I Am Not the President’s Lawyer’: Attorney General Rejects Claims of Political Meddling at DOJ

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Sept. 20 denied allegations that his Department of Justice (DOJ) had been politically influenced in its decisions amid ongoing Republican probes into the department’s conduct.

“I am not the president’s lawyer,” Mr. Garland said, heading off expected allegations that his agency had worked to protect the first family.

Mr. Garland’s testimony to the House Judiciary Committee comes during ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, and two separate DOJ-led cases against former President Donald Trump. In both cases, the DOJ has faced accusations of being guided by political motives to protect the Biden family and to hurt President Trump.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel Scolds ‘Right-Leaning’ Jurors for Acquittals in Whitmer Kidnapping Trials

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel blamed “right-leaning” jurors for the various acquittals returned in criminal trials over the alleged plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D).

On Friday, A Michigan jury found three men not guilty in the alleged kidnapping plot, bringing the total number of acquittals to five out of the ten cases that went to trial.

‘Take Them Back’: Protest Forms in Front of NYC Migrant Shelter

Protestors outside a former assisted living facility turned migrant shelter prevented illegal aliens from getting off a bus for several hours in New York City, New York, on Tuesday.

About ten protestors were arrested in Staten Island after a video showed them banging on bus windows and chanting, “Take them back,” preventing the migrants from entering the shelter, the Daily Mail reported.

5 Pro-Life Activists Found Guilty Over Protest in Washington Abortion Clinic

Five pro-life activists have been found guilty on charges of stopping women entering a Washington abortion clinic in 2020.

They face up to 10 years in prison for conspiring to prevent someone else from exercising their rights.

Lawyers with The Thomas More Society said that the protesters—members of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU)—were also found guilty in the U.S. District Court in Washington on Aug. 29 of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

West Point Military Academy Sued Over Race-Based Admissions

A conservative advocacy group that won a Supreme Court case against race-based enrollment policies at Harvard is now suing the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, alleging that the academy’s admissions policy is unconstitutional as it’s partly based on race.

Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) filed a complaint (pdf) on Sept. 19 at a federal court in New York, arguing that West Point uses race and ethnicity as factors in admissions, violating the Fifth Amendment’s equal-protection principle.

The group wants the court to find the use of race in admissions at West Point unconstitutional and impose race-blind candidate evaluation procedures.

Cherie Zaslawsky’s Part Deux on the use of DEW’s in Maui!

The Firebombing of Maui: Part 2


And where are the 2,000 children who haven’t shown up in school in the weeks since the fire? Are their families keeping them close since the fire was so traumatizing—not just for the kids but for the whole families? Perhaps we’ll see this number dramatically decline as more children head back to school.

Or did many of them tragically perish in the fires and is the actual death toll on Maui not in the low hundreds, but in the thousands?  Two thousand children unaccounted for out of Lahaina’s community of only 12,000 people is one-sixth of the population. My guess is that the death toll is in the thousands, including many of the “missing” children who likely burned to death—excruciating to even contemplate–an atrocity of gargantuan proportions.


Florida Good Samaritan With a Gun Foils Violent Robbery at Family Dollar Store

An armed robbery attempt at a Family Dollar store in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, was foiled thanks to the quick thinking and timely intervention of an armed Good Samaritan. Given the high crime rates in the city, this incident further shows why responsible gun ownership is essential to protecting lives.

The confrontation began at about 10 p.m. last Wednesday, when two would-be robbers entered the store

This incident showcases the heroics of a local resident who happened to be carrying a firearm. However, it also underscores a disconcerting reality about the city’s crime rate. Ft. Lauderdale has one of the highest crime rates in the nation for a city of its size. Reports suggest that it sees 47 crimes per one thousand residents, which means the chances of someone being victimized by a violent or property crime is an alarming one in 21. This crime rate is higher than 97 percent of Florida’s cities.


Biden Cancels $37 Million In Student Debt For Borrowers Misled By University Of Phoenix

President Joe Biden announced Wednesday he was canceling $37 million in student debt for borrowers from the University of Phoenix, saying they were “deceived” by the school—marking the administration’s latest move to make good on Biden’s priority of forgiving student loans.

The borrowers whose loans are being forgiven “were cheated into believing” that attending the University of Phoenix would give them “promising career prospects” at Fortune 500 companies, Biden said in a statement, but those opportunities didn’t exist.

The University of Phoenix is at least the third private university Biden has forgiven loans from—joining Ashford College in San Diego and CollegeAmerica in Colorado —for defrauding students.

White House No Longer Dispatching Officials to Detroit Amid UAW Talks

The White House will no longer dispatch two key officials to Detroit, Michigan, this week to aid in the negotiations between automakers and the United Auto Workers (UAW) amid an ongoing strike, according to a statement obtained by various media.

Last week, President Joe Biden announced that Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and Senior Adviser Gene Sperling would be dispatched to Detroit to provide support as the UAW and auto manufacturers aimed to reach a resolution.

However, on Tuesday, a White House official said that this will not happen this week, as the administration closely monitors the status of negotiations between the two parties remotely.

This commentary could serve as a warning to all Americans! 

The Coming Collapse of the US Banking System


In early October past year, I warned on a looming banking crisis. My warning was based of the near-collapse of the British pension funds in late September, saved only by swift actions of the Bank of England (BoE), and on our analyses on the state of the European banking system.

We had actually issued a warning of an emerging European banking crisis already in May 2020, which was then postponed by debt-moratoria and other exceptional support measures provided by authorities and gorged by banks. These measures carried the European and U.S. banking systems for nearly three years, until the failures of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Signature Bank, First Republic Bank and the venerable Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse, broke the uneasy calm in March/April this year.

Google sued after man drove off collapsed bridge following map directions

Google is being sued for negligence by the family of a North Carolina man who died after driving his car off a collapsed bridge while following directions given by Google Maps.

Philip Paxton, a medical device salesman and father of two drowned in September last year after his jeep plunged off the bridge that had broken off nine years ago.

In a lawsuit filed on Tuesday, his family claimed that multiple people had notified Google Maps about the collapse in the years leading up to Paxson’s death and had urged the company to update its route information.


AI-focused tech firms locked in ‘race to the bottom’, warns MIT professor

The scientist behind a landmark letter calling for a pause in developing powerful artificial intelligence systems has said tech executives did not halt their work because they are locked in a “race to the bottom”.

Max Tegmark, a co-founder of the Future of Life Institute, organised an open letter in March calling for a six-month pause in developing giant AI systems.

Despite support from more than 30,000 signatories, including Elon Musk and the Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, the document failed to secure a hiatus in developing the most ambitious systems.

Speaking to the Guardian six months on, Tegmark said he had not expected the letter to stop tech companies working towards AI models more powerful than GPT-4, the large language model that powers ChatGPT, because competition has become so intense.

“I felt that privately a lot of corporate leaders I talked to wanted [a pause] but they were trapped in this race to the bottom against each other. So no company can pause alone,” he said.

The letter warned of an “out-of-control race” to develop minds that no one could “understand, predict, or reliably control”, and urged governments to intervene if a moratorium on developing systems more powerful than GPT-4 could not be agreed between leading AI companies such as Google, ChatGPT owner OpenAI and Microsoft.

It asked: “Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, obsolete and replace us? Should we risk loss of control of our civilisation?”

Elon Musk’s Neuralink Gets Greenlight To Recruit Humans For Brain-Chip Trial

Elon Musk’s brain implant startup has been granted permission by an independent review board to begin recruiting patients with paralysis to test its experimental brain chip.

Neuralink’s PRIME Study (short for Precise Robotically Implanted Brain-Computer Interface) is an investigational medical device trial for its fully implantable, wireless brain-computer interface (BCI) – and aims to evaluate the safety of its BCI and surgical robot.

During the study, the surgical robot will place the BCI in a region of the brain that controls movement intention. Once in place, the BCI will be cosmetically invisible and is intended to record and transmit brain signals wirelessly to an app that decodes movement intention. The goal is for people with paralysis to control a computer cursor or keyboard using their thoughts alone.

Awe-Inspiring ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse to Cross US on Grand Tour of the Americas—What to Know

You might notice a dramatic dimming of the sun in mid-October if you live in certain highly-populated parts of North America or beyond.

The reason for this? An event known as an annular solar eclipse will cause the moon’s shadow to bisect large swaths of North, Central, and South America on Oct. 14, 2023.

But while total eclipses blot out the entire sun, darkening the sky significantly as though it were dawn or dusk, annular eclipses (annular meaning ring-shaped) present a different—yet no less awe-inspiring—spectacle, poetically known as “a ring of fire.”


Singapore, Dubai, Aruba Airports Embrace Biometrics for Passport-free Traveler Clearance

Activist Post Editor’s Note — All of the digital systems that have been rolled out in the name of convenience have led to more privacy threats, less security and more government control, but a growing number of people are willing to use their own body as a passport, computer access terminal and payment system.

Among applications of biometrics likely to bring the majority of people on board with their widespread use, a less painful airport experience must rank near the top. Any traveler who has felt panic over a lost passport will now have new options at airports in Singapore and Dubai, where airports are introducing end-to-end biometric clearance.

Starting in 2024, Singapore’s Changi Airport will implement biometrics for automated authentication throughout the airport experience, including bag drop, boarding and immigration. According to the South China Morning Post, Changi projects a return to pre-pandemic levels of traffic, and hopes the biometric modifications will help make passenger flow smoother, as the airport called the best in the world gets busy once again.


California orders bottled water firm to stop drawing from natural springs

California has ordered the company that owns Arrowhead bottled water to stop using some of the natural springs it has utilized for more than a century, following a years-long campaign by environmentalists to stop the operation.

Regulators on Tuesday voted to significantly reduce how much water BlueTriton – the owner of the Arrowhead brand – can take from public lands in the San Bernardino mountains. The ruling is a victory for community groups who have said for years that the bottled water firm has drained an important creek that serves as a habitat for wildlife and helps protect the area from wildfires.

Arrowhead bottled water traces its roots to a hotel at the base of the San Bernardino Mountains that first opened in 1885 and began selling bottled spring water from its basement in 1906. But environmental and community groups say the company has never had permission to take water from the springs in the San Bernardino national forest.

The state water resources control board agreed that BlueTriton does not have permission to use the water and ordered the company to stop. The order does not ban the company from taking any water from the mountain, but it significantly reduces how much it can take.


Genetic engineering of soil microbes raises environmental alarms

Is tinkering with the genes of organic-based products – from food to mosquitos – really a healthy move for humans or the planet?  Just how risky is this “innovative” realm of scientific advancement, really?

A new report by the organization Friends of the Earth highlights a growing list of risks and concerns associated with the latest genetically modified organism (GMO) craze: GMO microorganisms in American farms.

Catastrophic cash-grab?  Big Ag bigwigs plan to introduce genetically modified microbes into the environment

Did you know?  Major agricultural companies, including Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta, Joyn Bio, Boost Biomes, BioConsortia/The Mosaic Company, Valent BioSciences/Sumitomo Chemical, and BASF are working hard on genetically modifying microbes (like fungi and bacteria) in order to use them in the soil as pesticides and fertilizers.

On a webpage last updated in June of last year, Bayer describes this innovation as “agricultural biologicals.”  The $51.6 billion dollar company boasts that “products are being developed that contain microbes and can be applied to the surface of seeds to complement – or provide an alternative to – chemical agricultural products.”

Bayer claims that these genetically modified microbes use “nature’s own defenses” in order to protect crops from pests and improve yield.  Bayer also promises that “[t]he use of microbial products can shape the outcome of a harvest just as easily as a farmer’s choice of seed or fertilizer.”

The company claims that it currently has “more than 125,000 microbial strains [which] allows us to use genetic diversity to develop new and beneficial products for farmers all over the world.”  And when you consider the potential profitability involved, it’s not hard to see why Bayer and other companies are investing so much of their resources into this area.  According to data cited by the Non-GMO Project, the global agricultural biologics market totaled a whopping $12.11 billion in 2023.

But despite the rosy picture painted by major agricultural stakeholders about these so-called “biologics,” other organizations are calling this genetic experimentation into question.

International team of experts raises concerns over GMO-based agricultural “biologics” in new report

Friends of the Earth describes itself as an international, decentralized network of environmental organizations in 73 countries whose shared aim is to analyze and address “root causes of today’s most pressing environmental and social issues.”

The organization recently released a report entitled Genetically Modified Soil Organisms: Risks and Concerns.”  In it, the organization raises several salient points of concern that the Big Ag companies are likely overlooking as they gleefully continue their gene-crazed research and development.  


Highly Processed Foods May Increase Depression Risk

Highly processed packaged foods and drinks may be quick, cheap and tasty, but new research suggests they’re also likely to up your risk for depression.

Among big consumers of ultra-processed foods, depression risk may rise by as much as 50%, the new study found, particularly when those foods are artificially sweetened.

“Given what we know about these foods and the important role of diet in mood, we were not surprised to find this association,” said study author Dr. Andrew Chan, vice chair of gastroenterology at Massachusetts General Hospital, and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Statin Use Linked to Dementia

Having lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is linked to a higher risk of dementia, according to a study of nearly 4,000 people aged 50 and over

A high level of LDL cholesterol was found to be inversely associated with dementia in the study participants, even after controlling for other factors that might increase risk, including demographic characteristics, health behavior, mood assessment and medical history

The association was so strong that researchers concluded a high level of LDL cholesterol may be considered as a “potential protective factor against cognition decline”

Your brain contains up to 30% cholesterol, which is an essential component of neurons and necessary to develop and maintain neuronal plasticity and function



They Suffered Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccination. Years Later, Some Still Haven’t Recovered Epoch Times Special Report

Under pressure from the military and his mother, Jacob Cohen was feeling increasingly cornered.

Mr. Cohen did not want to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. He knew the shots had not been available for long. He was worried about their safety.

While Mr. Cohen initially resisted receiving a shot, he faced restrictions such as being forced to remain on base while vaccinated soldiers left. He was also pressured by military commanders, who scheduled a vaccination appointment for him and contacted his mother as part of a multipronged campaign.

“They told me, ‘Come on. It’s your mother. She’s crying. She’s worried. What wouldn’t you do for her?'” Mr. Cohen, who asked to be identified by a pseudonym because of concern about repercussions for going public, told The Epoch Times.

“I didn’t want to take the vaccine. I didn’t believe in it,” he said. But he wanted to appease his mother. “I would do anything for her,” he said.

Mr. Cohen received his first shot, manufactured by Pfizer, on Sept. 22, 2021. He was 21.

Biden announces $600m for more free Covid-19 tests in anticipation of surge

The Biden administration announced Wednesday that it is providing $600m in funding to produce new, at-home Covid-19 tests and is restarting a website allowing Americans to again order up to four free tests per household – aiming to prevent possible shortages during a rise in coronavirus cases that has typically come during colder months.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says orders can be placed at covidtests.gov starting 25 September, and that no-cost tests will be delivered for free by the United States Postal Service (USPS).

Twelve manufacturers that employ hundreds of people in seven states from California to Maryland have been awarded funding and will produce 200m over-the-counter tests to replenish federal stockpiles for government use, in addition to producing enough tests to meet demand for tests ordered online, the department said.

US Awards $45 Million for Long COVID Clinics

The U.S. government is awarding $45 million in grants to help clinics treating long COVID develop new models of care and expand access, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said on Wednesday.

Nine clinics will receive $1 million grants annually over the next five years through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) within HHS, the department said.

President Joe Biden had tasked HHS last year with developing a national action plan to tackle long COVID, a complex, multi-symptom condition that arises months after a COVID-19 infection and leaves many of its sufferers unable to work.


Streaming platform Rumble responds to UK Parliament request to “penalize” Russell Brand

Rumble’s CEO has explained why Russell Brand will not be demonetized following the sexual assault allegations made against him in a bid to protect “constitutional values”.

Russell Brand has been accused of sexual assault, rape, and emotional abuse by four women, with the allegations dating back to between 2006 and 2013.

With an explosive documentary titled Russell Brand: In Plain Sight diving into the victims’ stories, Brand has seemingly tried to manage the situation by using conspiracy politics to dismiss the investigation against him.

YouTube has since demonetized the actor’s channel to “protect the community” amid the ongoing inquiries, meaning Brand will no longer be able to make money from any adverts played on his content.

Now, Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski has revealed the UK Parliament reached out and asked whether Rumble would be willing to do the same. But Rumble has refused, Pavlovski insisting the company will “defend what’s right”.


Can This Aromatic Herb Do Wonders for Pets?

Commonly added to pizza and pasta sauces for its minty and earthy flavor and aroma, this herb can be lightly sprinkled over your pet’s meals for an antioxidant boost. It can even be used as an ingredient in their favorite treats. Have you tried using it yet?

Oregano has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and if your pet is struggling with yeast, this herb is a welcome addition to their meals

Terpenes, mainly thymol, carvacrol, p-cymene and γ-terpinene, are the primary beneficial components in oregano, and are responsible for its pungent aroma. Terpenes, particularly carvacrol and thymol, may have anti-inflammatory effects

Many dogs suffer from infections due to yeast, a spore-like type of fungi that usually affects the skin and ears. Adding small amounts of natural antifungal foods like oregano to their diet can help moderate the level of yeast in your dog’s body

Aside from adding fresh or dried oregano to your pet’s homemade meals and treats, I also recommend using high-quality oregano essential oil (diluted) for its potent antibacterial and antiparasitic effects


Connecticut to pay $25m settlement to men wrongly convicted in 1985 murder

Connecticut has agreed to pay a $25m settlement to two men who spent decades in prison for a brutal murder they did not commit, and whose convictions were partly based on evidence presented by a forensic scientist who worked on some of America’s most notorious criminal investigations and trials.

Ralph “Ricky” Birch and Shawn Henning were convicted for the 1985 murder of Everett Carr after Dr Henry Lee – whose name would later become widely known in connection with the OJ Simpson, Lana Clarkson and JonBenét Ramsey cases – testified about “blood” evidence on a towel and how blood from the victim’s wounds had spattered in an “uninterrupted” fashion.

But no forensic evidence existed linking Birch and Henning to the murder despite its exceptionally gory execution. And no blood was found on the defendants’ clothes or in their car. The crime scene included hairs and more than 40 fingerprints, but none matched the two men. Lee still testified that it was possible for the men to have committed the crime without getting blood on them.

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