July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 25, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

1.Federal Judge Strikes Down California Ban of Gun Magazines Holding Over 10 Rounds

The judge declared that California’s ban on magazines holding over 10 rounds as a violation of the Second Amendment rights of firearms owners.

A federal judge from California determined on Sept. 22 that the state’s ban on gun magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds is unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez in San Diego said the state’s “sweeping ban” of the detachable magazines—sometimes referred to as high-capacity magazines—violates the Second Amendment rights of firearms owners because it bars people from using such magazines for lawful reasons, including self-defense.

“This case is about a California state law that makes it a crime to keep and bear common firearm magazines typically possessed for lawful purposes,” Judge Benitez, a nominee of President George W. Bush, wrote in a 71-page decision filed on Sept. 22 (pdf). “Based on the text, history, and tradition of the Second Amendment, this law is clearly unconstitutional.”

They were out on a “crime spree” … says LVPD of the two teens who killed the retired California police chief … what they did was just the tip of the iceberg! 


Turn up the choke points: Red States have figured out a way to choke the Blue States.

3.Texas to Sanctuary Cities: Gear Up, More Migrant Buses on the Way

The State of Texas is telling mayors of sanctuary cities in other states to “gear up” as “more migrant buses are on the way.” Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered additional buses to transport migrants being released onto the streets of border communities.

“I have directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to deploy additional buses to send these migrants to self-declared sanctuary cities and provide much-needed relief to our overrun border towns,” Governor Abbott said in a written statement on Friday. “Until President Biden upholds his constitutional duty to secure America’s southern border, Texas will continue to deploy as many buses as needed to relieve the strain caused by the surge of illegal crossings.”

  1. Saltwater intrusion in Mississippi River could impact drinking water in Louisiana, officials say

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell has signed an emergency declaration over an intrusion of saltwater into the Mississippi River that officials say could impact the water supply in the region.

“We will continue to work with our partners locally and state-wide as we closely monitor this situation,” Cantrell wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Officials said weather forecasts indicate that river volume will fall to historic lows in the next several weeks. As a result, saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico is intruding upstream in Louisiana.

  1. The UAW strike is now affecting plants in 20 states; pretty soon, you won’t be able to afford a vehicle made in the USA … 

UAW Strike Deadlock Continues; Experts Warn on Repercussions

As the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike entered day 5 on Sept. 19, negotiators for the union and the Big Three automakers remained at an impasse as failed weekend talks bled into the workweek.

The two sides are apparently far apart, leading to analysts’ predictions for a long-lasting deadlock as well as experts warning that the union’s demands would make the automakers less productive and competitive than their nonunion rivals.

About 12,700 members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union walked off the job last week after their four-year contracts with the Detroit Three expired with no agreement on a fresh batch of labor deals that would last through 2027.


US agrees to send long-range missiles to Ukraine in military boost for Kyiv

US president Joe Biden has decided to supply Ukraine with long-range army tactical missile systems (ATACMS), an important boost to Kyiv’s capacity to target Russian military logistics at long range distances as the country prepares for a second winter at war.

Biden told Ukraine’s leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a private meeting that a small number of the weapons would be transferred, NBC reported, citing US officials.

Ukraine has been asking for ATACMS for months. Officials in the US were reluctant as the country’s own stockpile is limited and because of fears Russia could accuse Washington of escalation.

Trudeau Pledges $650 Million More in Military Aid to Ukraine

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced several support measures for Ukraine, including military, economic and humanitarian assistance, while also pledging an additional show of diplomatic backing through steps intended to punish Russia over the war.

“We’re continuing to impose costs on Russia and ensuring that those responsible for this illegal, unjustifiable invasion do not benefit from it,” Trudeau said Friday during a joint news conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ottawa, the Canadian capital.

China’s Climate Envoy: ‘It Is Unrealistic to Completely Phase Out Fossil Fuel’

“It is unrealistic to completely phase out fossil fuel energy,” China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said at a press conference Thursday.

China is by far the world’s worst polluter and largest consumer of fossil fuels, conspicuously including prodigious amounts of coal burned in its steadily growing number of coal-fired power plants.

Climate Change Is ‘Killing People and Devastating Communities’ Says U.N. Chief António Guterres

The United Nations alarmist-in-chief António Guterres called for “drastic steps” Friday to eliminate all fossil fuels in order to curb global warming.

“Climate change is not just a change in the weather. It is changing life on our planet,” Guterres asserted in a Twitter (X) post. “It is killing people and devastating communities.”

Standoff in northern Kosovo ends after day of deadly clashes

The standoff between gunmen and Kosovo authorities at a monastery near the border with Serbia ended Sunday night, authorities in Pristina said, following a police operation to regain control of the area.

“We put this territory under control. It was done after several consecutive battles,” Xhelal Svecla, Kosovo’s minister of internal affairs, told reporters after the standoff was over.

France to withdraw from Niger 

French troops will depart the west African nation in “the months to come,” the president said

France will pull its military and diplomats from Niger after a successful coup by anti-French forces, President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday. The move will see around 1,500 soldiers leave by the end of the year.

“France has decided to withdraw its ambassador. In the next hours our ambassador and several diplomats will return to France,” Macron told France 2 television on Sunday. “And we will put an end to our military cooperation with the Niger authorities,” he continued, adding that French troops would return home in “the months to come.”

Niger’s pro-French president, Mohamed Bazoum, was ousted in a military coup in July. Capitalizing on widespread public dissatisfaction with France’s decade-long anti-insurgent operation in the region, the coup leaders immediately suspended a military cooperation agreement with the French government and demanded that French troops leave the country.

Zelensky and Trudeau Give Soldier Who Reportedly Fought for Nazi Germany a Standing Ovation

The Canadian parliament, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky have been reported to have given a standing ovation to a reported former member of a Nazi military division.

Following addresses to the parliament in Ottowa on Friday from both Trudeau and Zelensky, the Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota prompted a standing ovation as he honoured a “veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98.”

‘Deepest apologies’: Canada official backtracks after Ukraine Nazi honoured

House Speaker Anthony Rota praised Yaroslav Hunka, 98, as a ‘Ukrainian hero’ at Canada’s Parliament, with Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Justin Trudeau attending and applauding.

The speaker of Canada’s House of Commons has apologised for praising an individual who served in a Nazi unit during World War II in a session attended by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and visiting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Speaker Anthony Rota recognised Yaroslav Hunka, 98, as a “Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero”, saying “we thank him for all his service” before the Canadian Parliament on Friday.

BRICS an ‘ideal alliance’ to ditch the dollar – Venezuelan FM

The pro-multipolarity group will soon include most of the world’s major oil producers and consumers, FM Yvan Gil Pinto has said

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil Pinto foresees that BRICS expansion will unite major energy producers and consumers, offering a pathway toward reducing the dependence on the US dollar in global trade.

In a recent interview with RIA Novosti, the senior diplomat highlighted the inclusion of Saudi Arabia and Iran in this group of emerging economic powers. Additionally, Venezuela aspires to join BRICS in the future. This expansion would encompass over 80% of the world’s crude reserves and production, as emphasized by Minister Pinto during the interview, which was published on Monday.

“With China and India included, BRICS will also be the biggest energy consumer. In other words, it will become an ideal alliance, ideal complementary,” he explained.

Starting next year, Saudi Arabia and Iran will officially become full members of BRICS, following the approval of their candidacies, along with four others, during last month’s leaders’ summit in South Africa. The group aims to shift the global landscape away from institutions predominantly controlled by Western powers, which member states argue are subject to misuse by the United States and its allies.


Is it possible that the U.S. government could shut down?  Do you really care if it does?

Defense Bill Fails Procedural Vote in House for 2nd Time

Republicans fail to bring $826 billion defense bill to the floor, raising criticism from Democrats and fear of government shutdown

And having failed to come to an agreement on defense spending, lawmakers went home. It’s called “recess” (apparently the “playground” is no fun to play in anymore).

McCarthy Backtracks on Stripping Ukraine Aid From Pentagon Funding Bill

House speaker says that another measure also includes money for Ukraine, making it “too difficult” to remove.

GOP forced to intervene again as Dems demand Trump be excluded in 2024 vote

One of the schemes that Democrats are rallying around right now in their attempt to keep President Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot is by claiming he is ineligible.

They have, on their own, charged and convicted him of “insurrection,” and they then claim that the 14th Amendment prevents him from being a candidate.

Senate confirms Joint Chiefs chair despite Tuberville’s stalling

Gen. CQ Brown is set to succeed Gen. Mark Milley as chair of the senior military body. It’s a small victory for Democrats as Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville continues his holds on other military promotions over the Pentagon’s abortion policy.

Florida Nurse Practitioner Defrauds Medicare $200 Million

The woman billed Medicare for unnecessary procedures

Former Trump Campaign Attorney Says Fulton County Case Based on Illegal Evidence

Kenneth Chesebro moved to quash the charges against him, arguing they were based on emails covered by attorney-client privilege.

Congressman Announces 2024 Bid Against Senator Facing Bribery Charges

Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.) said he feels ‘compelled’ to run against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) after the senator faced calls to resign over bribery charges.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Banned Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes — ‘Good Intentions Never Override the Law’

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has banned absentee ballot drop boxes in the state, so they will not be able to use them no matter what happens with COVID.

Justice Rebecca Bradley and the court’s conservative majority, including swing Justice Brian Hagedorn, ruled on the issue in 2022.

“Nothing in the statutory language detailing the procedures by which absentee ballots may be cast mentions drop boxes or anything like them,” Bradley wrote in the ruling.

DeSantis Vows to Empower States to Enforce US Border Law

The states are going to be granted the authority to enforce U.S. border law under a President Ron DeSantis, he vowed in an interview this weekend.

“When I’m president, we’ve already said, we are going to unleash the states; they’re going to be equal partners with enforcing immigration law,” DeSantis told “The Glenn Beck Podcast.” “If somebody comes across the river illegally in Texas, Texas should be able to send them back.

“Why do we need to end up in this big process where people are going to court and all this other stuff? It’s absurd. So they should be able to do it.”

US government stopped me from interviewing Putin – Tucker Carlson

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has alleged in a recent interview that unnamed figures in Washington obstructed his attempts to interview Russian president Vladimir Putin.

“I tried to interview Vladimir Putin, and the US government stopped me,” Carlson claimed in an interview with Swiss publication Die Weltwoche published on Thursday. He also explained that he felt let down by the lack of support for his situation that he says he received from US news media.

He said: “I don’t think there was anybody who said ‘wait a second. I may not like this guy but he has a right to interview anyone he wants, and we have a right to hear what Putin says’.” The 54-year-old added: “You’re not allowed to hear Putin’s voice. Because why? There was no vote on it. No one asked me.”

Biden put his foot in his mouth again … 

WATCH: President Joe Biden Calls LL Cool J ‘Boy’ at Congressional Black Caucus Event 

President Joe Biden (D) is getting flak for mispronouncing LL Cool J’s name and using a derogatory term when speaking of the rapper at an awards dinner on Saturday in Washington, DC.

Biden’s comments came during a speech at the Congressional Black Caucus event where LL Cool J and MC Lyte were given Phoenix Awards, according to the New York Post.


Californians To Pay 18% Tax On Firearms, Ammo After Anti-Gun Lawmakers Strike

Two weeks ago, the California Legislature passed a new excise tax on the sales price of all firearms, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition. The 11% tax, paid in addition to sales taxes (base statewide sales tax of 7.25%), would take effect on July 1, 2024. As of Thursday, Assembly Bill 28 remains on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk.

The bill was introduced by anti-gunner and Everytown and Giffords supporter, Democrat Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel of District 46, who has mentioned on his website, “We must ban the sale of assault weapons and stand up to the NRA. In the State Assembly, he’ll fight for tough gun control laws to help prevent mass shootings and keep our kids safe.”

Oregon Sheriffs Association Says FBI Position Makes It Impossible to Legally Buy Guns

Bureau has declared it cannot conduct background checks for Measure 114, making it a crime for law enforcement officers to issue permits.

And if you live in California, you could see your homeowner’s insurance skyrocket!

California lets insurers factor wildfire risks in rates to widen coverage

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara took steps on Thursday to allow property insurers to factor in climate risks including wildfires in rate prices, if they increase underwriting in at-risk areas to wean consumers off state-funded coverage.

Since 2022, seven of the state’s top 12 insurers have paused or restricted new business, including State Farm and Liberty Mutual, and the government’s Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plan, intended as an insurer of last resort, has risen to a 3% share of California’s market.

“We are at a major crossroads on insurance after multiple years of wildfires and storms intensified by the threat of climate change,” Lara said in a statement.

The measures by the state’s insurance regulator follow an executive order by Governor Gavin Newsom urging regulatory action to expand coverage in underserved areas, account for catastrophe risks in rates, and keep the FAIR Plan solvent.

A report by broker Gallagher Re in July said U.S. property catastrophe reinsurance rates rose by as much as 50% at a key July 1 renewal date, with states such as California and Florida increasingly hit by wildfires and hurricanes due in part to climate change.

How the IRS is being weaponized against small business … 

IRS Targets ‘Complex Pass-Through Entities’ Used by High-Income Earners

The IRS announced establishing a new division targeting “pass-through” entities, which the agency claims will hold America’s wealthiest tax filers “accountable.”

A pass-through entity is a business that does not pay tax on its revenues. Instead, its income is passed on to owners of the business, who then file taxes based on their individual tax rate. Pass-through entities help proprietors avoid the issue of double taxation when the income is taxed at the business level and then at the individual level when they receive dividends. On Wednesday, the IRS announced plans to “establish a special area to focus on large or complex pass-through entities,” according to a Sept. 20 press release.

“Pass-throughs are frequently used by higher-income groups and can be complex tax arrangements,” the agency said. IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel called the focus on such entities “another part of our effort to ensure the IRS holds the nation’s wealthiest filers accountable to pay the full amount of what they owe.”

Amazon Wants Prime Members to Pay More for Privilege of Not Watching Commercials

Amazon is the latest streaming entertainment service that is pushing its members to pay for the privilege of not watching commercials that have been rudely interspersed throughout their favorite movies and TV shows.

Starting early next year, Amazon Prime Video will begin inserting commercials in its entertainment content in what is shaping up to be an industry-wide shift toward ad-supported streaming.

Tyson and Perdue Are Facing Child Labor Investigations

Tyson Foods and Perdue Farms, which together produce a third of the poultry sold in the United States, are under federal investigation into whether they relied on migrant children to clean slaughterhouses, some of the most dangerous work in the country.

The Labor Department opened the inquiries after an article in The New York Times Magazine, published this past week, found migrant children working overnight shifts for contractors in the companies’ plants on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Children as young as 13 were using acid and pressure hoses to scour blood, grease and feathers from industrial machines.

Meat processing is among the nation’s most hazardous industries, and federal law bans minors from working in slaughterhouses because of the high risk of injury. The Times article focused on one child, Marcos Cux, whose arm was mangled in a conveyor belt last year as he sanitized a deboning area in the Perdue plant. He was in the eighth grade.


Architect Richard Gage needs your support for his 9-11 tour … you might even be able to schedule your own appearance to “wake up” your local citizenry!


NASA recovers deep-space asteroid samples

The US space agency NASA successfully recovered a capsule on Saturday containing the largest asteroid samples ever retrieved following a seven-year voyage through deep space.

The capsule, which was carrying a payload of rubble and dust from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu, will help scientists better understand how our solar system was formed and how Earth came to be habitable.

NASA’s webcast of the landing told viewers that the capsule, which had been speeding to Earth at over 27,650mph (44,500kph) before it safely parachuted to the US military’s Utah Test and Training Range, had traveled about a billion miles to make it to this point.

Hanging Low ‘Harvest Moon’ Will Be Bigger as Fourth and Final Supermoon of 2023—What to Know

September’s full moon has played a heroic role in building many a harvest tradition and festival through the ages.

The full moon nearest the fall equinox, the Harvest Moon, sits pinned low on the horizon. It hangs like some giant Jack-o-lantern, seeming to linger longer than usual for the farmers in the fields. So they can finish reaping before the frost.

That’s how it was. Now, the Harvest Moon will arrive, and this year’s will be a supermoon to boot—making the autumn night sky glow even more grandly than usual.

Here are some Harvest Moon facts and folklore, so you can enjoy the lunar event to the fullest.

The Harvest Moon Skinny

At sunset, on Sept. 28, the full moon will rise in the east at 9:30 p.m. your local time. But it won’t reach peak illumination until exactly 5:57 a.m. EDT the next day. So, technically speaking, it falls on the 29th.


“How much is one kilo of gold worth?”  This was an internet search question by now-indicted Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) after he got back from a trip to Egypt in October 2021, according to prosecutors.  So … how much does the government know about YOUR internet searches?  It’s no wonder some don’t want to be “connected.”


Are car thieves watching you?

Expert’s tips on what to do if you’re being carjacked amid rash of Toronto incidents

Americans … there are options to “giving up your car”.  It’s called the 2nd Amendment!

Some drivers may be feeling on edge as Toronto is dealing with a rash of violent carjackings targeting mostly high-end vehicles.

The latest string of carjackings occurred Wednesday night when three separate victims had their vehicles stolen at gunpoint in the span of only two hours.

Police believe all three incidents are linked and that the suspects should be considered armed and dangerous.

Study Reveals “growing numbers of parents and high school students are worried about technologies that monitor students’ online activities”

How technology is used in American schools is not the same for all students.  For many years already, tech experts (aka “Silicon Valley Parents”) have taken drastic measures to limit their own kids’ use and exposure to screens.  This includes sending their kids to low-tech and/or no-tech schools as well as making their nannies sign “no screens” contracts (see 1, 2, 3, 4).  In the meantime, many American public schools continue to use “high-tech” curriculums though some have started to ban students’ use of personal cell phones.  Of course, “high-tech” curriculums allow for online activity monitoring and a growing number of parents and students are becoming more concerned about that.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 23, 2023

The new installment of Global Alert News from Dane Wigington – 

“It’s time to engineer the sky”, so says a new report from Scientific American magazine. Other publications have just stated “solar geoengineering means game over for life on Earth”, which doesn’t bode well since all available data indicates that geoengineering operations have already been deployed for over 75 years. A new major science study states “the tree of life” (planetary biodiversity) is being decimated. Will populations finally look up from their electrical devices and grasp the fact that life on Earth is in the balance? US federal agencies are planning a “nationwide emergency alert test” for early October, are those in power about to carry out yet more of their agendas and objectives on unsuspecting populations? How close is the impact?

NOW do you see the connection between the Bidens and the CCP? 

China Benefits Directly From US Energy Policy

Commentary – The Biden administration’s push to transform the U.S. economy through overregulation and suppression of oil and gas exploration while heavily subsidizing so-called renewable (and expensive) energy sources, such as wind and solar, not only ignores the key to economic growth (cheap energy) but also plays into the hands of the top threat to the American Republic—the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative?

Microsoft co-founder, philanthropist, and climate alarmist Bill Gates has backtracked on ‘climate doom’ prophecies. The writing is on the wall for the political and financial elites, who have long championed imminent climate doom, realizing that the public sees through the charades. 

In 2021, Gates previously warned about apocalyptic consequences if the world does not achieve zero net carbon emissions by the year 2050. He also promoted his new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster” (fear sells). 

On Thursday, Gates made a sudden U-turn on his climate doom narrative and now expects “No temperate country is going to become uninhabitable.”

Judge Hands Federal Government Major Legal Defeat in Gulf of Mexico

A federal judge struck down a Biden administration rule that would place restrictions on an offshore oil and gas lease sale.

A federal judge struck down a Biden administration rule that would place significant restrictions on an offshore oil and gas lease sale, according to an order issued on Thursday.

In the Thursday evening ruling, Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana ordered the Biden administration to expand its sale of the Gulf of Mexico oil leases later this month, according to multiple news reports. It came after the state of Louisiana, the American Petroleum Institute group, Chevron, and Shell filed a lawsuit to block the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s restrictions on Lease Sale 261, a sale that is scheduled for next week.

The judge ruled that the sale must occur by Sept. 30 under its original conditions.


Home Well Water System Diagram: 22 Components Explained

Considering buying a property with a well system and want to learn more about how wells work? Or do you already own a well, but don’t know much about the various components that keep your well in operation?

Check out our water well components diagram to visualize how a well system works. We’ve illustrated and described the various components in this post.

How to Collect Petunia Seeds

Do you love planting petunias in your flower garden every year? Learn how to collect petunia seeds so you can plant more every year!

Petunias are a popular annual flower that can be found in home flower gardens and landscapes all summer long, and are common flowers to buy from local garden centers. They are perfect for filling a window box or a hanging planter.

Though petunias are an annual flower, they go to seed very readily. While you can allow the seeds to drop and see if new ones will sprout the following spring, you can also collect petunia seeds to save and plant the following year

Learning how to collect petunia seeds will save you money- you’ll never have to buy flower seeds (or plants) again! And you’ll get to plant so many more in your flower garden.

The 10 Worst Mistakes I’ve Made As a Homesteader

Being the child of a homestead family and flying solo are very different concepts.

Starting out, I made some big mistakes. Here are the biggest mistakes I have made, what I should have done, and how to fix things after the they’ve been made.

It All Starts With a Good Plan…

When I first struck out on my own, I underestimated just how much effort, money, time, energy, and documentation to record successes and failures, and a million other things went into homesteading.

It’s important to be realistic when setting out to homestead. Figure out what kind of lifestyle you dream of having, and throw that dream out the window.

Homesteading is a lot more challenging than just tossing some seeds in the ground and keeping a few free-range laying hens.

Buying animals that cannot survive in your area will only lead to frustration and tragedy. Choose breeds that will survive.

Always select the correct seeds to plant in your area. Some veggies do well in some areas and completely fail in others. Always plant veggies that thrive in your climate and do not skimp on the quality of the seeds you buy.

I eventually went with veggies we all ate, but some didn’t flourish in the area. That was really frustrating…

Invest in the infrastructure with well-planned structures made of quality materials that will last for at least five years.

Hold no illusions, homesteading can be challenging. However, what you put in will come back to you 10-fold. Be prepared and then pull your sleeves up and get into a schedule to do the work.


Study Finds This Common Ingredient Can Help Manage Inflammation

Why Research Says Ginger Could Benefit People With Autoimmune Conditions

Tests find many popular omega 3 supplements are rancid

Many consumers buying over-the-counter omega-3 fatty acid supplements may be getting rancid pills, according to a new study published Sept. 7 by researchers at the George Washington University. Derived from plants (algae) as well as seafood (fish, krill, etc.) , omega-3 supplements—sometimes labeled as fish oil—are often taken because of research that suggests they may provide health benefits.

“Our study suggests many of these supplements are not fresh—and thus may not provide a potential health benefit,” says Leigh A. Frame, associate professor of clinical research & leadership at the GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences and senior author of the study. “The findings also suggest consumers are not getting what they paid for.”

Make sure you are getting a high quality omega 3 supplement like OPTIVIDA SUPER KRILL OIL 

And this is what happens when you put your faith in modern medicine! 

96 Percent of Pharmacy Technicians Report Drug Shortages, Half of Patients Never Get the Medicine They Need: Survey

A trip to the pharmacy has become a gamble for patients across America as shelves are short on critical medications.

Nearly 96 percent of pharmacy technicians surveyed by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board reported shortages of essential drugs—from chemotherapy and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder meds to much-needed anesthetics and popular diabetes and weight loss drugs, including Mounjaro, Ozempic, and Wegovy.

“Drug shortages are affecting many areas of pharmacy practice, such as retail, compounding and hospitals,” Anthony Longo, a doctor of pharmacy and director of pharmacy at Northwell Long Island Jewish Forest Hills in Queens, NY, told The Epoch Times.

Still want that flu shot?

‘Potent Neurotoxin’ Thimerosal Is Still Used in Some Flu Vaccines, Scientist Says

Removal of mercury from U.S. vaccines was recommended over two decades ago, yet some flu vaccines contain up to 25 micrograms of thimerosal.

More than two decades ago, a little-known mercury-based product, thimerosal, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration to be used as a vaccine preservative. Since then, many parents and scientific studies have questioned whether it is responsible for the current epidemic of neurological and developmental disorders, such as learning disabilities and autism.

In July 1999, U.S. health agencies and the American Academy of Pediatrics (pdf) reduced or eliminated thimerosal from vaccines as a “precautionary measure.”

Yet up to 25 micrograms of thimerosal remain in several versions of the influenza vaccines recommended this flu season, including those administered to pregnant women, infants, and children, and it is still present in some multi-dose vial vaccines, despite hundreds of studies showing thimerosal is harmful.

How about an alternative that’s much safer?

Honey Fights Bacteria and Viruses, Could Be Better Than Antibiotics

The Ultimate Guide to Kicking Sugar (Part 5)
Sometimes the therapeutic effects of honey surpass even those of medication.


Yet … scientists still can’t get over the invalidity of the “jab” in the first place! 

Vaccination Offers ‘No Meaningful Protection’ Against Long COVID: Study

The unvaccinated were found to have a slightly lower risk.

Do you think Pfizer really cares about their study results?  Fox guarding the billion-dollar henhouse … they’ve already made their billions without legal consequence! 

Pfizer-Funded Study Shows Poor Effectiveness for COVID-19 Vaccine in Young Children

Three doses of the Pfizer vaccine provided little protection against emergency room visits, urgent care encounters, or outpatient visits.

CDC Refuses to Release Updated Information on Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation

‘When appropriate, the updated safety data will be published,’ a CDC spokesman said.


Supreme Court Temporarily Allows Biden Administration’s Social Media Censorship Efforts

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito extended to Sept. 27 a temporary stay blocking a lower court ruling that restricted federal agencies from contacting social media firms with requests to remove content, giving the justices more time to reflect on how to handle the case.

The new order in the case, Murthy v. Missouri (court file 23A243), came late in the business day on Sept. 22. The lead applicant was U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, whom critics accuse of participating in government efforts to suppress and censor the free discussion of public health issues such as COVID-19.

On Sept. 14, Justice Alito had put on hold the July 4 ruling of U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana, an appointee of President Donald Trump, until Sept. 22.

OPINION (by Devvy Kidd) 

Yawn: Governor Greg Abbott Officially Declares INVASION at Southern Border

Or is it?

Hollywood writers strike: WGA reaches ‘tentative’ deal to end 146-day strike

After five days of negotiations with studios and streaming services, union says it has an ‘exceptional’ deal for members to vote on

Four top industry executives – Iger, Warner Bros Discovery CEO David Zaslav, Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos and NBCUniversal Studio Group Chair Donna Langley – joined negotiations this week, helping to break the months-long impasse.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom touted his support for striking workers in a statement Sunday night, saying writers “went on strike over existential threats to their careers and livelihoods – expressing real concerns over the stress and anxiety workers are feeling. I am grateful that the two sides have come together.”

The agreement comes just five days before the strike would’ve broken the record of the union’s 1988 strike to become the longest in the guild’s history, and the longest Hollywood strike in decades. Union leaders are expected to vote on the full terms of the new three-year contract on Tuesday, according to the union’s email to members, which was posted on social media.

Late-night television shows are expected to resume production shortly, and could even return to the air within days, but Hollywood actors, who joined the industry’s historic “double strike” in July, remain on strike, meaning that many new film and television projects are expected to stay on hold, and crew members affected by the work stoppage will remain unemployed.

“We remain on strike in our TV/Theatrical contract and continue to urge the studio and streamer CEOs and the AMPTP to return to the table and make the fair deal that our members deserve and demand,” the Screen Actors Guild said in a statement congratulating the writers’ union on its tentative agreement.

The ongoing work stoppages have taken a toll on camera operators, carpenters, production assistants and other crew members, as well as the caterers, florists, costume suppliers and other small businesses that support film and television production. But unions for other workers affected by the double strike, including the Teamsters and the union for stagehands and technical workers, stood in solidarity with the writers and actors’ union throughout the strike.

Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass hailed the tentative agreement as a “fair deal” and said she hoped “the same will happen soon for SAG-AFTRA,” citing the need to get the city’s entertainment industry, a central part of LA’s economy, back on its feet.


What happens when you do the right thing … sometimes everyone loses!

‘Please Don’t Pay $90’: Singer Oliver Anthony Cancels Show, Cites High Ticket Prices at Cotton Eyed Joe

The country singer who went viral with his hit “Rich Men North of Richmond” has stirred a buzz on social media after canceling a show at a famous Knoxville nightclub.

Virginian country-folk artist Oliver Anthony apologized on Facebook for the steep ticket prices charged by Cotton Eyed Joe bar and restaurant for his show and ultimately canceled, writing, “These are supposed to be affordable shows.”

He was slated to perform on Sept. 27 at the venue, where tickets were sold for $90, and $200 for a meet-and-greet.

“Please don’t pay $90 for a ticket,” Mr. Anthony wrote to fans on Facebook on Sept. 12. “I’m going to work out the details with him and if we have to reschedule this event somewhere else we will.”

Mr. Anthony said he wanted no more than $40, and ideally only $25, charged per ticket, and further stated that he asked a friend to handle the booking, as the singer’s “plate has been full.”

And what about “Baby Sawyer”?  Are we finally waking up?

Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms

The parents of 62-day-old Sawyer learned their baby’s blood contained 95 micrograms per liter of aluminum, a level that would be toxic for adults. The toxicologist who read Sawyer’s report said the aluminum and antigen levels in the blood were due to the vaccines.

Mayor of Major US City Switches To Republican Party: ‘Cities Need Republicans’

The mayor of Dallas announced that he is switching to the Republican Party, according to an opinion article he wrote Friday.

In an opinion article for the Wall Street Journal, Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson, a longtime Democrat, wrote that U.S. “cities need Republicans” and that “I’m becoming one.”

“The future of America’s great urban centers depends on the willingness of the nation’s mayors to champion law and order and practice fiscal conservatism,” he continued, adding: “Our cities desperately need the genuine commitment to these principles (as opposed to the inconsistent, poll-driven commitment of many Democrats) that has long been a defining characteristic of the GOP.”

He added: “I have no intention of changing my approach to my job. But today I am changing my party affiliation. Next spring, I will be voting in the Republican primary. When my career in elected office ends in 2027 on the inauguration of my successor as mayor, I will leave office as a Republican.”

And Jimmy Carter is still alive?  

Seven months after entering hospice care Jimmy Carter visits peanut festival

Former president Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, have made a surprise appearance at a peanut festival in their Georgia home town, the Carter Center wrote in a social media post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The former president, who was also once a peanut farmer, and his wife are seen in a video riding through the Plains Peanut Festival in a black SUV.

“Beautiful day for President & Mrs. Carter to enjoy a ride through the Plains Peanut Festival! And just a week before he turns 99,” the Carter Center wrote on X after sharing the video taken by a spectator.

The former president is 98 and has been in home hospice care since February. He turns 99 on 1 October. The former first lady has since been diagnosed with dementia. The couple this summer marked their 77th wedding anniversary, extending their record as the nation’s longest-married first couple.


Pets Are Dying Because Their Owners Aren’t Aware of This

It’s a tragedy, as almost 54% of the dogs and nearly 59% of the cats we consider our pets are at risk of an early death. The worst part? It doesn’t need to be this way if owners would only acknowledge the truth about their beloved pet.

The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention’s (APOP) 2016 clinical survey recently reported that nearly 54% of dogs and 59% of cats are clinically overweight or obese.

Several related diseases and conditions may occur when cats and dogs are overweight or obese, including inflammation, diabetes, heart conditions and metabolic and endocrine disorders, not to mention strain placed on their bones, joints and organs.

The survey was an indication of the disparity between pet owners’ ideas of how pets should be fed (and how much) and veterinarians who repeat the same uninformed opinions they’ve had regarding pet nutrition for years.

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