June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Prayer Requests



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  • Please pray 1) God heals Al’s eyes via coming surgery, 2) Haley set free to serve Jesus, 3) Al heled of problem causing imbalance of body, 4) Linda pays off family debts soon, 5) God stops Russian/Ukrainian/American/United Nations war.
  • Hi i will like to receive an Holy Study Bible New Testament Gospel large print french or english Vita Philipp 1045 Place de la Colombiere apt # 8 Montréal Québec Canada H2M 1B8 thank s for your prayer
  • Pray Jesus Christ will 1) deliver my daughter from Satanism, 2) save family from damnation, 3) heal my eyes and body to serve Him, 4) bless me to get out of debt, 5) end war and great reset, 6) save congregation I joined.
  • Please pray for healing of an infection in my intestines I have fought since July. I have seen the doctor multiple times, and taken multiple antibiotics with no success.
  • Pushing 60. A lifetime of stagnation, loneliness, broken dreams, unanswered prayers. One min wage job after another since high school paycheck to paycheck never making enough to save. No wife, no friends. Failing health with extreme brain fog and severe exhaustion. Bad back/teeth. Unemployed again. Rent raised by 25 percent. Live in seedy apt complex where cops are called all the time but can't afford to move. Tired of the struggle. Seeking Financial miracle breakthrough along with my health. And seeking some long-awaited happiness and luck. Restoring the years the locust have eaten.
  • Please pray 1) that my eyesight is restored, 2) that my child is saved by Jesus from homosexuality, 3) that my wife gets job she qualified for, 4) that all my children/grandchildren are saved, 5) that stalking ends against us, 6) end of church doup de tat.
  • 58, money low, rent went up, no job, stamina waning. Exhausted. Blood test show nothing. How am I going to get through an 8 hour day when I am soooo tired? Hoping for a health/financial miracle. I want to wake up well with energy restored. And perhaps by some unexpected miracle a check will arrive at my door by a distant relative or Publisher's Clearing house sweepstakes. I'm no spring chicken. Been working min wage dead end jobs all my life since high school paycheck to paycheck never being able to save . Now, with rent up 25 percent, groceries, inflation, gas, I'm in trouble. It's been a lifetime of stagnation, loneliness, failure, and broken dreams. No wife, no friends, money depleted, health waning. I'm weary of the struggle and being unhappy. Pray God gives me a miracle and pours good fortune on me.
  • Tired/exhausted beyond what's healthy. Sickly with brain fog having to take naps throughout day. Unemployed. Rent raised. Need new job and money fast. Need God to empower me with energy and open doors in order to survive. 57, no wife, friends, can't afford rent. A health boost & Miracle financial breakthrough is needed. In Jesus name, pls. No more plotting along. A lifetime of stagnation, failure, loneliness, broken dreams. It's getting worse. My heath and finances are dwindling. I want to thrive & not have survive or struggle anymore. I would like a finance miracle where I have enough money to buy a house and retire. I don't. I can't even pay rent or buy food these days.
  • Please pray for 1} end of family being stalked, 2) I win current lawsuit, 3) deliverance of daughter from demons and suicide, 4) bills paid off very soon, 5) wife receives best job for her soon!
  • Please pray the our heavenly Father will 1) set Haley free from cutting herself and suicide to receive Jesus as her Savior and Master , 2) that I win lawsuit, and 3) we can soon pay all our debts off.

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