June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Prayer Requests



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  • Please pray that God 1) ends gangstalking of my family and I, 2) let me win current lawsuit, 3) saves my childrten and grandchildren, and 4) end coup de tat by church members.
  • Please pray for our board operator at Global Star and his family whose Father went to Heaven today.
  • Long time listener and supporter, Bob, is having a blood transfusion today and would like your prayers. He is unsure if those who have had the jab and donate blood is a good thing.  Prayers today for the purity of blood that he receives.
  • Pray for 1) salvation of lost relatives, 2) safe flight of wife/daughter to Illinois, 3) damage to eye from eye surgery can be easily corrected, 4) I win and receive settlement from lawsuit, & 5) God blesses your ministry.
  • Pray that God will 1) end hacking and attacks on my family and me from witches and other family members, 2) destroy efforts of those seeking to block me from winning my current lawsuit, 3) end coup de tat attempts by rebellious church members, 4) redeem and protect my children from evil spirit creatures, and 5) bless your ministry to continue successfully in Jesus.
  • Aunt Wendy in Upstate New York. She’s off the grid and listens to you on shortwave (both) channels. We’re concerned something has happened, because she hasn’t called in 6-8 weeks. She normally calls every day to discuss current events in alternative media. Her nieces and myself are sending a message. She turned me on to your program and the power mall. Pray for her safety and possible move to my property in TN
  • That God works through the hearts of my family members that are not Christians so they turn their lives over to God himself instead focusing their attention to much on the world around them, that all negative energy is removed of from my body, that things with my book and my new job go through today and that things with my mom trying to get a new store go through today as will. And that for a boyfriend for myself.
  • I'm hearing that courageous doctors that attended the Ottawa protests have been arrested. They include Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, and Dr. Byram Bridle. These are eminent men. Please pray for them all. It is going full blown Soviet here in Canada.
  • Aunt Wendy in Upstate New York. She’s off the grid and listens to you on shortwave (both) channels. We’re concerned something has happened, because she hasn’t called in 6-8 weeks. She normally calls every day to discuss current events in alternative media. Her nieces and myself are sending a message. She turned me on to your program and the power mall. Pray for her safety and possible move to my property in TN
  • please help please stand in agreement with me ILLANA MARAIS , father God in Jesus name I ask in faith in Jesus name that Renault and Motus will agree to settle out of court for the full claim amount I plead the blood of Jesus over this partition that they will accept my counter settlement offer to pay the full claim in jesus name before the 31 January 2022 in Jesus name I dont have have legal council I need a miracle my attorney sold me out i cannot afford another attorney I am unemployed for 3 yrs please pray in jesus name amen

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