June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Prayer Requests



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  • Renowned Canadian attorney Rocco Galati who has found all the COVID legal battles as a Danial in the lion's den. It is reported he is in hospital in a medically induced coma. He has been intubated. His life is on the line then. He is the most noble of warriors and patriots. We raise his name to God to intercede against the evil massed against him.
  • Retired physician Dr. Mel Bruchet who spoke out about increased miscarriages as a result of the vaccination was taken into psychiatric custody at Lions Gate Hospital in British Columbia. He was tortured in custody with hallucinogens. His memory has been clouded. Dr. Nagase outspoken advocate of Ivermectin got his release. Dr. Mel needs all the help prayer can offer in this battle against evil.
  • Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Alberta is facing wicked persecution from the government for his faith. He has striven to keep his church open and fight government lies. He has been arrested a third time and is in jail. He is being sleep deprived and frozen to break his faith and spirit. We call on Christians everywhere to pray for him and guide him through this evil period in history. If this is done to a man of God, what can we expect in the flock?
  • Please prayers for our daughter who’s in surgery,to go well and for a complete recovery.Many Thanks and God Bless You All!!
  • Deliver my wife from spirit of Jezebel
  • Please pray that all goes well and for a complete recovery for our son who is having surgery on his heart tomorrow❤️Thank you all! and God bless you all!?
  • I’ve been in a spiritual prison for a little more than a year. Should I try hard to get out of it? My concern is that people are hating me more here.
  • Please pray for our cousin,she is in poor health and in need of prayers for her healing.Thank You!God Bless You All!
  • Please prayers for our daughter who’s in surgery,to go well and for a complete recovery.Many Thanks and God Bless You All!!?
  • Please pray for my grandson who is suffering mental issues and needs help,thank you so much

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